Love that lasts: 18 sentences that every mother should say to her child

Far too often we rush through the days. But as stressful, exhausting and tiring as a mother can sometimes be, we would do anything for our children. Because one thing is clear: a mom wants her children to always know (even when she is stressed) that she is there for them, loves them and will help them with all her possibilities and strength. Because our children are the most important thing to us.

So that the little ones know this, we'll tell you a few sentences that will not only make their hearts warm now, but that they will also remember fondly as adults.

Also interesting:

1. I am always there for you. Always.

The most important thing children need to know is that they will never be alone. Mom (and/or dad) will always be by her side. Whatever happens to them in life, both good times and bad, mom will be there for them when they need advice or help. Even if they are older and no longer live at home. Mom won't pressure her. But she is there when she is needed.

Reading tips:

2. I love you the way you are.

Even if our children are not the best in class or the fastest runner, in our eyes our children are perfect just the way they are.

Also read:

3. Everyone makes mistakes. It's okay.

It's okay if you don't always succeed in everything. The most important thing is not to give up and lose your nerve. To become better you have to strive and we will always help and support our children.

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4. Take care of those around you!

It is important that our children know what is going on around them. They should not only take care of themselves, but also the people around them. Because we all have to live together in this world and stick together.

5. Take care of yourself!

The biggest mom fear is that something will happen to our children. However, we cannot always protect them. That's why they have to endure us protecting them from a distance and saying things to them like, "Be careful!" or "Put your bike helmet on!"

We moms just want them to be able to enjoy their lives for a long time. After all, they only have one thing.

6. You are very special.

For every mother, her children are unique and very special! We should always remind them of that. Because only those who love themselves can give honest love. We must not let them forget that every person in the world is unique and valuable.

Reading tips:

7. Make others happy!

Moms want their children to enjoy their happiness and share it with others. Because, as we know from our own experience, making others happy makes you happy yourself.

8. Don't set any limits and be open to new things!

When you're young, life seems very long. And yet we should explain to our children that they should take advantage of opportunities, not put things off indefinitely and not always avoid risks.

You should be open to new experiences and people. You should be brave and try new things. Because when they grow up, they should be able to look back and say, “I took advantage of every opportunity.”

9. Pursue your dreams!

When our children have a big dream, we need to let them know that it's okay to pursue that dream! If mom believes in them and they believe in themselves and work hard, our children can achieve anything. And even if it doesn't work, you can still say you tried.

10. You are pretty, smart and talented.

Even if moms always think of their own children as the most beautiful, smartest, most creative and most talented, it doesn't hurt to tell them that.

11. Dare to speak your mind!

Our children should have their own opinions. They should learn to trust themselves and their ideas. Thanks to these ideas, they could later change the world! And they should learn that every opinion counts and should be heard.

Also read:

12. Treat others with respect!

As moms, we want our children to always be respectful of others. No matter how old they are, what gender they are or what culture they come from. If they want others to respect them, they must respect others.

13. Accept ALL people!

Even though our children are special to us, we need to let them know that they are not better than anyone else. We all look different, speak or live differently, but fundamentally all people are the same. Nobody should be excluded!

Also read:

14. The world needs you.

We should always let our children know that they don't just make us happy. Maybe sometimes they have a bad day or even go through a difficult time. And sometimes they will think: “Why am I in this world? Would it make a difference if it wasn’t me?” And of course it would!

Moms, tell your children that they make many people happy, especially you. Their laughter can create happiness and their words can move crowds. You are very important for this world!

15. Life can be difficult. Never give up!

Even though we moms want life to be a walk in the park for our children, we know that it isn't always that way. But we can prepare them for ups and downs and give them the confidence they need when the going gets tough. And then they still have us.

16. Life is beautiful.

There are many beautiful moments in life that far outweigh the bad moments. Even the most negative situation can benefit our children in some way. Life is beautiful and it's always worth not giving up.

17. Always be yourself!

There will be moments when our children doubt themselves and wish they were someone else. And there will be people who will try to change them! But it's worth remaining yourself. Our children are who they are and that is wonderful.

18. I will always love you.

What we can never tell our children too often is that we love them and, above all, that we will always love them. Come what may. You are the greatest joy of our lives and she should know that.

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