“Our little secret” review: The Christmas film with Lindsay Lohan is her best so far on Netflix

“Our little secret” review: Lindsay Lohan creates an entertaining Christmas film

It's official: Lindsay Lohan is the new queen of mediocre, low-budget Christmas movies on Netflix. After their Christmas debut “Falling for Christmas” was rather interchangeably lost among the other red-green films on Netflix in 2022, their new film at least manages to be relatively amusing!

Even if the film sits alongside the other absurd reboots like the Snowman Romanceand the Christmas Stripper moviehas to make compromises“Our little secret”Definitely more entertaining than half of the other low budget ones(produced by Hallmark). And at least it’s better than their first Christmas movie and the shared fever dream “Irish Wish” we all had in the spring of 2024. Your three-film contract with Netflix is ​​now complete. Will we mourn the Christmas Queen?

That’s what “Our little secret” on Netflix is ​​about

A good low-budget Christmas film needs a premise that can provide a lot of drama. The film does this brilliantly. In 2024, Avery (Lindsay Lohan) and Logan (Ian Harding) were actually still madly in love, and Logan in particular thought they would spend their whole lives together. But Avery has taken a job in London - which is why shenaturallycan no longer stay together even though they still love each other. At her going away party, Logan makes the desperate mistake of proposing to her so she won't move away. She says no – and that's it.

Or was that it? No! Ten years later, both of them are with new partners. Both of them meet their better half's family for the first time and celebrate Christmas with them. But then the surprise: your partners are siblings! But because they want to have a quiet Christmas (and of course otherwise there wouldn't be any drama), they decide to keep their past relationship secret.

Why don't the two of them just talk to their new partners about the situation like two adults? Because then there wouldn't be any strange mix-ups, embarrassing situations in churches, accidentally eating THC gummy bears and all-around comedic circumstances.

Is “Our little secret” worth watching on Netflix?

It's cold and foggy outside and you really want to watch a Christmas movie. Lindsay Lohan's face, which you somehow still recognize, jumps out at you and you ask yourself: Is it worth watching “Our little secret”? If you ask me: yes. With conditions.

But I also love bad Christmas movies that don't take themselves seriously. In 2022 I was missing something from “Falling for Christmas” so I didn’t include it, could be included. I also had a hard time putting this film into this category. He's really funny at times and doesn't take himself seriously at all. At other times I had to look away from the screen because it got so cringey and I can't relate to other people's shame at all. Then there were parts where things got pretty serious and not funny at all: senile dementia and breach of trust in a long-term marriage. The film took itself pretty seriously again and left me confused as to what I should feel now. These tonal differences can make a film complex – or just completely chaotic.

On the other hand, the film is convincing due to its cast. Lindsay Lohan plays the same person as in the previous films, but is always so charming that you can forgive her. Also taking part are former “Saturday Night Live” cast members Tim Meadows, Chris Parnell and Jon Rudnitsky, “Scrubs” star Judy Reyes and Dan Bucatinsky from “Scandal” and “Mission: Impossible” actor Henry Czerny. And even with limited facial expressions we are impressed-Favorite Kristin Chenoweth, who plays a snobby mother-in-law just perfectly.

It's a mediocre Christmas film that's more in line with 2000s comedies, with a bit of romance and a bit of Christmas feeling. It probably won't be on my rewatch list (Hot Frosty is already on it twelve times), but I don't regret watching it either. But I can say with certainty that it is Lindsay Lohan's best Netflix film. Even if the bar is not particularly high.