Perimenopause: How to recognize – and overcome – the first phase of menopause

“In addition, the right intimate care can also help promote general health, strengthen the pelvic floor and support skin resilience. “Lipid-based care with a pH value adapted to the needs of the microbiome can support the vulva’s natural protective mechanisms and thus its resistance, as well as promote good skin feeling,”so Dr. Richard Wojdat.

What does the body need during perimenopause?

“During perimenopause, the body needs a holistic approach. All pillars of so-called lifestyle medicine (i.e. sleep, exercise, stress management and nutrition) should be involved and used as a lever for dealing with the respective symptoms. With regard to the nutrient supply, it is particularly important to ensure that it is sufficiently high- as well as calcium levels, as the risk of osteoporosis increases as estrogen levels fall,”said Dr. med. Anne Latz.

And the expert goes on to say: “B vitamins and magnesium can support the nervous system and thus reduce fatigue, improve sleep quality and stabilize mood. Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants can additionally support cardiovascular health and help reduce inflammation, while fiber can have a positive effect on digestion and help with blood sugar control.”

Perimenopause: What helps? Tips at a glance

  • enough sleep:ensures relaxation, reduces stress
  • Movement:Exercise helps reduce hot flashes and maintain weight
  • Stress management: , meditation or breathing exercises can help against stress and sleep disorders
  • Healthy eating:Among other things, the body now needs calcium-rich foods, vitamin D, B vitamins, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids

Does perimenopause affect the microbiome?

“Yes, in fact, perimenopause can also lead to an imbalance in the vulvar microbiome,”so Dr. Richard Wojdat.“This is particularly sensitive to falling estrogen levels, as estrogen promotes the growth of lactobacilli, which in turn keep the microbiome balanced and protected. As estrogen levels drop, the microbiome loses its stability and becomes more susceptible to dryness, itching and burning. In addition, disruptions in the microbial balance can promote the growth of harmful germs, which can lead to a so-called dysbiosis, which often causes inflammation, itching, vaginal thrush orcaused. Through the right intimate care routine, such as that of 3XF, affected women can support the microbiome by creating optimal conditions for bacterial colonization.”

What is particularly important for women in perimenopause?

Dr. med. Anne Latz says: “The most important tip in my opinion is to do it yourselfto listen and take it seriously when symptoms appear that are new and unfamiliar. It is important to consciously give it the necessary attention and care. Accepting that change is underway can be a key to managing symptoms. Depending on the level of suffering, it is also important to seek medical and/or psychological support in order to be able to treat symptoms specifically and to develop a strategy tailored to individual needs.”

This is what women report during menopause

Perimenopause experiences: Many women report that the body changes significantly during the menopause. Some women find the symptoms less severe, while others suffer more. Other women see menopause as an opportunity to take more care of themselves and start a new phase of life. Tip: Exchanging ideas with other women can help you better understand your own experiences, benefit from each other and support each other.

5 questions women most often google about perimenopause:

At what age are you in perimenopause?

Perimenopause at 40? Yes, on average the phase begins between the ages of 40 and 50, around 47, but it can also occur as early as the mid-30s.

How do I know if I'm in perimenopause?

Perimenopause symptoms in the cycle are one of the first signs because irregular cycles occur. Perimenopause experience reports almost always list hot flashes, sleep problems and mood swings as the first signs.

When does early perimenopause begin?

Early perimenopause can begin in your mid to late 30s, especially if genetic or health factors play a role.

How is my period in perimenopause?

During perimenopause the...often irregular. Cycles may be longer or shorter, and bleeding may be heavier or lighter. Some women experience breakthrough bleeding or very long gaps between cycles.

Can I get pregnant during perimenopause?

There is one now toopossible as long as ovulation is still taking place - even if this happens irregularly. Women who no longer plan to have children should continue to use contraception until menopause is officially confirmed (twelve months without a period).

Our experts

Dr. med. Anne Latzis a lifestyle doctor and one of the founders ofHello Inside. The company specializes in optimizing blood sugar management and achieving individual health goals. Using sensor technology (CGM) and a data-driven health app, Hello Inside enables users to better understand their own body and its response to diet, exercise, sleep and stress in almost real time. The focus is on metabolic health for women. There are also programs tailored to women's needs to reduce hormonal imbalances, relieve PMS symptoms and provide support during menopause.

Dr. Richard Wojdatis a specialist in surgical gynecology and gynecological oncology. He worked as chief physician in Herford for many years and took over the management of the newly founded Bielefeld-Herford Gynecological Center between 2021 and 2024. His expertise includes individual care in dysplasia consultations and the treatment of cervical cancer, vulvar and vaginal cancer as well as inflammatory and autoimmune diseases of the external female genitalia. Dr. Wojdat ran a large dysplasia center in Herford and acquired special knowledge in assessing the skin condition of this otherwise inaccessible region through daily skin analyzes using high-magnification video colposcopy. He is the founder of 3XF, a brand that sells intimate health products with a preventative cosmetic approach. The brand was specially developed to care for the sensitive skin in the external intimate area, to support the skin's natural moisture barrier with selected lipids and to care for its surface.