“5 AM Club” self-test: I got up at 5 a.m. every morning – with this surprising result
In 2012 I read for the first time in a magazine that...wakes up at 4:30 a.m. every morning to work out with her husband, Barack Obama. First I thought: “Couple goals” and the next thing I thought: “OMG”. How could it be that someone actually voluntarily decides to get up at 4:30 a.m. every day in order to do sports?
But the former first lady of the United States isn't the only famous person who has committed to this morning routine. Also, unofficial head of the Kardashian clan, has already revealed in various interviews that she also wakes up at 4:30 a.m. every day. She drank her first coffee at 5 a.m., checked her emails at 5:30 a.m., then went straight to her workout and then started her first meeting at 9:30 a.m. already showered and with makeup on. Alsoandare members of the so-called “5 AM Club”, as is entrepreneur and billionaire Richard Branson (although I would also voluntarily get up earlier if I lived on a private island in the Caribbean).
But as much as I like to make fun of it, over the last few years I've always wondered whether there isn't something to the story of the early bird. So, after a particularly strong and long period of low mood, I finally decided to try it out myself.
What is behind the “5 AM Club”?
Everyone knows that feeling when you suddenly long to change your whole life. When you think that your own routines and everyday burdens are almost overwhelming you and it's time for something new. I also had this feeling earlier in life and either ended my relationships, changed jobs or signed up for a half marathon to get my life back on track.
Sometimes these tactics worked, sometimes they didn't. But this time, inspired by some of the most successful women in the world, I picked up the book instead“5 AM Club” by bestselling author Robin Sharma. The slogan on the cover is: “Own your morning: Elevate your life” – i.e.: “Take your morning into your own hands and improve your life”.
Robin Sharma also explains at the beginning of the book that the “5 AM” rhythm is a “proven practice based on neuroscientific findings” that helps you uncover hidden talents and personality traits. And one look at the book's approximately 23,700 5-star reviews on Amazon is enough to see that it seems to have worked for many people around the world. So, let's try it.
Getting up early in a self-test – this is how I became a member of the “5 AM Club”
The concept behind the “5 AM Club” is actually pretty simple: “move/reflect/grow”. In concrete terms, this means: you wake up at 5 a.m.,, then reads for 20 minutes and then plans his day for 20 minutes.
Yes, the moment when the alarm clock rings in the pitch black and you are torn from a dream in which you have just played Scrabble with Harry Styles is hard at first. But I quickly realize that only the first 10 minutes are tough. After that, the worst is over. I also learn in the first few days that a structured get-up routine makes everything so much easier. For example, by moving my clothes to another room so that I have to leave the dark room straight away in the morning and not stumble around half blind for ages and wake up my husband.And very important: never hit the snooze button!
I have to admit that I don't fully adhere to the 20/20/20 ethos because I find it too inflexible. For example, if I'm engrossed in a great book, I'm reluctant to put it down after 20 minutes. So I just do what feels good to me that morning. However, I make sure that I don't compromise on movement. Here I stick to 20 minutes, but modify the training. Gentle stretching for particularly sleepy days, an invigorating HIT workout for energetic mornings. And yes, it actually feels very good to have this time for myself before the day starts with all its obligations.
“5 AM Club” self-test: this is how my life as an early riser has improved
So what has really changed since I joined the “5 AM Club”? Well, everything. Yes, seriously, and I say that as someone who, just over eight weeks ago, was a crass cynic when it came to the early bird lifestyle. For one thing, my sex life has gotten better because mygot back on track thanks to the relaxation and application in the morning. And my motivation at work has also improved significantly. I'm brimming with ideas, completing tasks more quickly and feeling excited again about the projects I'm tackling. And basically, perhaps the best effect of getting up early: I'm less stressed. I now have time to calmly go through my to-do list and feel much more prepared for everything that comes up in the day.
At the end of the day I feel more successful and satisfied. Especially because the feelings of guilt that I used to have after work – “you haven’t read again” or “you haven’t moved all day” no longer take up any space. Finally, I've done all of this and I can just rest. By the way: of course you can always rest. Becauseis so out. But I know it always bothered me and I felt physically uneasy when I came out of the office. And now to feel this endless relaxation when I just fall on my couch andteasing is simply wonderful.
By the way, probably the most surprising side effect of the “5 AM Club”? That my friendships have also improved. And of course not because I'm meeting them at 6 a.m. - I don't want to do that to anyone. But because I now always take a few minutes in the morning to answer my WhatsApp messages, which would otherwise just sit there during the day.
My conclusion
I'll keep it short: I'm really excited about my new 5 a.m. routine. I am actually, paradoxically, more rested, more balanced and even more confident. Will I continue with this forever? Hardly. Because there will always be these phases in which you care less about your body andensures. But it's good to know that I can always return to this routine whenever I feel like I need a physical and mental reset. And disadvantages: Well, I've now become such an insufferable person who constantly praises getting up early. And that only makes me moderately popular with my colleagues and friends - but they'll be able to endure it, I think.