GLAMOR Women of the Year Award 2024 in partnership with Dyson: These are the best quotes from the stage speeches
The event took place for the second time on November 12, 2024took place - and this year again it was about women, feminism and. In case you weren't among the 250 guests in the ballroom of the Fotografiska Museum Berlin, but want to know what stars like Kesha, Ashley Park and Harriet Herbig-Matten said on stage, we have the best quotes for you here Speeches selected.
The most emotional and empowering speeches of the GLAMOR Women of the Year Award 2024
With all the great laudators and award winners, it is really difficult to single out the “best”. The whole evening was full of female empowerment and all guests beamed with this mutual support of women. You can read the snippets that were particularly inspiring for us here.
Victoria Swarovski, presenter of the awards show
“We are here today to celebrate women who not only achieve extraordinary achievements, but who enrich the lives of so many people through their courage, vision and commitment. Today it’s about empowerment, about stories that move us, and about women who not only stand up for themselves, but also for each other.”
Theresa Pichler, Head of Editorial Content GLAMOUR Germany
“We have also taken responsibility at GLAMOR, because we don’t believe in empty words. We draw attention to grievances on all of our platforms, in our print editions on empowerment,andlet's take a stand. I think it's our job to use our privileges to give a platform to those who were less fortunate. We fight so that we can all live the way we want. Not just in Germany, but worldwide. Trump's election victory and the end of the traffic light coalition last week have shown even more clearly how important it is to use our platform. We must make it loud and clear in the federal elections in Germany in 2025 that our rights are non-negotiable.”
Valentina Sampaio, “Model of the Year”
“This award is also a reminder to me of how much work I still have to do. Modeling is not just a career, it is a platform. It's about representation, about breaking boundaries and making sure everyone feels like they belong. Tonight as we celebrate, I am proud to stand for the rights of theto step in, live and thrive with dignity and joy.”
Harriet Herbig-Matten, “Rising Actress”
“When I wrote this speech, I asked myself what it was like to be a woman not only in this business, but also in this world. And it's often sad. It's not news that many men hate us women, but please don't let it get to the point where we hate ourselves and vote against our rights. Let's be like that: Let us fight for our dreams and not regress.”
Mona Ghazi, winner of the “Visionary Award sponsored by Dyson”
“Today I feel a deep gratitude for being able to follow my path and remind you to trust your own dreams. Let’s use this stage to make the seemingly impossible possible, nothing can be taken for granted and now is the time to live your dreams.”
Laudatorin Stephanie Müller-Spirra
“'I still think I'm dreaming,' she [Elena Semechin] said to me when she came to us after winning her gold medalwas a guest in the Sportschau studio. But no, she is living her dream. And somehow she proves to all of us that we can do it. That we can be bigger than we believe. If we believe in it.”
Elena Semechin, “Athlete of the Year”
“I remember when I was a teenager and my vision problem got really bad - and as a teenager you feel so 'wonderful' during puberty anyway. That's when I started para sports and the para athletes opened my eyes. They showed me that even with a disability and if you accept yourself as you are, you can lead a happy, successful and fulfilled life. And I am now even more grateful for this award, being GLAMOR 'Athlete of the Year'. Dear guests, let's be an example to other people. Let’s help our society accept and love yourself as you are.”
Laudator Minu Barati
"Düzen Tekkal is an important voice in this country. Her work takes place everywhere: in school classes, on the street or in the Bundestag - against right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim racism. For Ukraine, the freedom movement in Iran, the forgotten women in Afghanistan and so much more. No matter where we travel together, usually in a group, because a Tekkal rarely comes alone, it doesn't take long before we are stopped: people tell you their stories and how much you inspire them.
You pay a high price for this work: daily hostility, death threats and systematic attempts to discredit people who do nothing but fill the Internet with their hatred. What your opponents don't know is that you feel hurt and pain, but you develop an anger from it that still makes you stronger."
Düzen Tekkal, “Human Rights Activist”
“That’s the feeling we so desperately need right now. It's about love and solidarity. And I think, especially in times when we have to love each other and the...If we are made vulnerable to blackmail, that is exactly what we have to do.
The craziness of the world has become the craziness of this country and calling yourself a 'Human Rights Activist' these days is a very brave thing to do. I would still like to appeal to the fact that, even if we have different positions - and I'm sure that a lot of people here have a completely different political attitude than me - we still have to manage not to deny each other's humanity and humaneness, just because we disagree. We have a hell of a lot to do in our society. And as long as I exist, I will continue to rebel against, against Islamism, against, against anti-Muslim racism and against any misanthropy. And if you don't like that, you have to live with it. Sorry.”
Laudatorin Marina Buzunashvilli
“We women are more than the boxes we are put into. We can be sexy, smart, intelligent and strong at the same time - and express that in our art. Our GLAMOR 'National Music Act' regularly paralyzes the brains of various boomers with their colorful facets because they simply cannot be pushed into a corner.”
Nina Chuba, “National Music Act”
“I also want to thank my mom because she always taught me that I can just be who I am and everything about it is beautiful. That I had all the freedom to just live it out – and do whatever I wanted to do. That nothing stands in our way as women, that at some point we no longer have any boundaries. Thank you."
Laudator Domiziana
“Defiance is feminist – and just like feminism, it doesn’t happen on a whim, but because someone is strong enough to stand in the way of adverse circumstances. The next winner has done exactly that: With her incredible perseverance, she is an icon who has not only revolutionized pop, but also the position of- and has always empowered queer people in this industry.”
Kesha, “Music Icon”
“I constantly felt like I had to prove that I was lovable. It was never easy enough. After the life I've had, I've realized that I need to start loving myself first. So I spent years healing. This year marks my first year as an independent woman in the music business. I spent most of my time writing songs with my friends, which I also co-produce, and putting together my album, which will be released on my own record label, under my name. Now I flew to one of my favorite cities in the world to accept the award for Woman of the Year. I just accept all of this. Because, GLAMOR, you’re right: I’m a fucking icon.”
Laudator Samuel Arnold
"Early in her life, as a teenager, she fought a battle that most people would have simply given up: she was diagnosed with leukemia. But she not only beat the disease, she came back stronger than before: with resilience Action superheroine.