These 5 signs tell you that you're drinking too much coffee - according to a nutritionist

5 signs you're drinking too much coffee, according to a nutritionist

is both a stimulant and a pleasure - and it is impossible to imagine most people's lives without it. According to statistics, almost all adults in Germany drink regularlyCoffee. On average, per capita consumption is around 162 liters per year, which is equivalent to 3.6 cups per day. Quite a lot. But what istomuch?

Dr. knows that med. Constanze Lohse. She is a general practitioner and specializes in nutritional medicine, among other things. “Coffee“It offers some health benefits, but when consumed in excess, especially when combined with an unhealthy lifestyle, it can have negative effects,” she explains.

Too much coffee can lead to high blood pressure and thus increase the long-term risk of heart disease. According to the doctor, cardiac arrhythmias, heartburn,, anxiety disorders andbe reinforced. “Coffee is the most legal drug in the world,” she warns. Because excessive caffeine consumption can also increase the absorption ofand iron.

5 signs you're drinking too much coffee

According to Dr. According to Lohse, the following five signs are among the most common symptoms of drinking too much coffee. Do you tick most of the boxes here? Then it might be worth itto reduce.

1. Sign: Sleep problems

Too much coffee, especially in the afternoon or evening, can cause your body to remain in a constant state of alertness. “Caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors that normally help the brain relax andcontribute,” explains Dr. Lohse.

This effect can lead to difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. And if sleep is disturbed, the body does not feel sufficiently rested during the day, you reach for the coffee cup even more often - and you find yourself in a vicious circle.

2. Signs: Inner restlessness and nervousness

If you notice that you are becoming increasingly nervous and restless, your coffee consumption could be the culprit. “Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and in high doses can cause stress-like symptoms,” says Dr. Lohse. This restlessness occurs because the body is placed in a constant state of alert, which can lead to exhaustion in the long term.

3rd sign: heart palpitations

Another common sign of too much coffee is a racing heart. “Caffeine increases plasma adrenaline levels and blood pressure,” says the doctor. The heart has to work harder, which can be noticeable as a fast or irregular heartbeat.

This condition is not only unpleasant, but can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in the long term. If you experience increased heart palpitations, it's worth trying out whether the symptom can be reduced again by drinking less coffee.

4. Sign: Lack of concentration

Although caffeine in small amounts promotes concentration, if you feel unfocused and unproductive despite several cups of coffee, it could be because you're drinking too much. Excessive amounts of caffeine can overstimulate the nervous system, leading to inner restlessness and nervousness. This over-arousal makes it difficult to concentrate on tasks.

Another cause can be the development of tolerance: the body gets used to the effects of caffeine, so larger amounts are necessary to achieve the same effects. “The stimulating effect decreases over time and you need more and more to achieve the same stimulating result,” says the nutritionist.

5. Sign: Heartburn

Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux can be another warning sign. Caffeine can relax the sphincter of the stomach mouth, which promotes the reflux of stomach acid and can lead to heartburn. People who are already prone to stomach problems can react particularly sensitively to too much coffee. Over time, these symptoms can damage the stomach and esophagus.

By the way: If the body has become too used to caffeine, it is worth gradually withdrawing it. “When reducing or discontinuing caffeine, withdrawal symptoms may occur, such as,or irritability. This suggests that the body has adapted to the presence of caffeine,” explains Dr. Lohse. And further: “It is always problematic when you are dependent on something. If you need caffeine to get through the day, that’s definitely a warning sign.”