Annual horoscope 2025 for the zodiac sign Gemini: Now everything will be new for you!

The 2025 annual horoscope for Gemini: departure to other worlds

Well, fancy oneto found? Or to expand? Oh god, now we sound like our great aunt. Sorry. It's just that: Jupiter is in your sign in the first half of the year and, among other things, it favors love and starting a family. If you meet someone now with whom you can imagine something like that... No pressure, but it could get serious quickly, it could quicklygutbecome.

In July you'll get a taste of what lies ahead in 2026: turbulent times. A move to another country, professional reorientation, change of partner, new circles of friends, thanksyour whole life could change! This prediction might scare others, but you? You are flexible and really up for it. Be careful in April: Thecould send exes into your DMs or to your front door. Yes, yes, the temptation is there, but you know what to do: ignore it, live happily ever after, done.

The highlights according to the 2025 annual horoscope for Gemini

2025 can be your rocket year at work! Your professional peak period lasts from the end of January to mid-February and the whole of March, as well as from April 17th to May 10th and finally from May 27th to June 8th.

You notice it yourself: Gemini has chances, especially in the first half of 2025. What do they actually look like? We can only speculate: a leadership position? A financial injection for your own project? A prize, a scholarship? A lottery win here, a Federal Cross of Merit there? You can dream sometimes. The important thing is, whatever opportunity arises: only do it if it feels right. Trust your intuition!

Annual horoscope 2025 Gemini: These zodiac signs accompany you

An Aries shares your interest in spirituality, art, and culture. You find the Libra's newfound self-confidence very pleasant. Unpleasant, however: virgins. Too strict, too inflexible.

All annual horoscopes for 2025 at a glance: