Too much sugar: You can see from these symptoms whether you take too much sugar to you
Is next toonetheDrugs of our time - and onetheRisk factors for chronic or inflammatory diseases. The problem: We often don't even notice that we consume too much. Also because sugar is not only contained in the obvious foods such as chocolate or gummy bears, but also in baking goods, tea blends, fruit juices and so on.
According to theWorld Health Organization (WHO)Shouldn't more than ten percent of the daily calories of a healthy, balancedcome from the added sugar. Means: from sugar that does not occur naturally in a food, such as the fructose. But who has time to calculate the compositions of all foods every day to get the perfect amount? It is easier, according to the diabetologist Serena Missori, to listen to his body - and attempted his sugar consumption if one (or more) of these symptoms applies.
5 signs that you have too much sugar in your body - according to the expert
1. Exaggerated desire for sweets
“If too many carbohydrates or simple sugar are consumed, a phenomenon that we call cravings occurs. This occurs because theWhen the insulin is absorbed, it falls off quickly and causes hypoglycaemia. As a result, the body is looking for more sugar to compensate for this waste. ”
2. Weight gain
“Insulin acts like a mast hormone and promotes weight gain. If it is produced in excess, it can lead to insulin resistance, which in turn favors the fat accelerator and accelerates the occurrence of hepatic steatosis (fatty liver). This imbalance can also lead to a sudden waste of energy. A high blood sugar level can damage the proteins of the body by a process referred to as glycosylation, which reduces the functionality of organs and systems and their efficiency is impaired. ”
3. Accelerated skin aging
“Excessive sugar consumption also has a negative impact on the. Excess glucose triggers a process that is called glycation and leads to the formation of compounds that are referred to as the Ages (Advanced Glyation End Products). These substances lead to inflammation in the cells and break down the two proteins elastin and collagen that keep the skin smooth and soft. But that's not all: excess sugar accelerates skin aging by promoting oxidation and loss of elasticity. A high insulin level can also cause dark spots and skin folds. ”
4. Fatigue and mood fluctuations
“Sugar is the main fuel for our cells, so a sufficient amount ensures a good energy level. If the sugar level is too low, it lacks energy. On the other hand, if the blood sugar level is too high and the insulin does not work properly, despite the high sugar content in our blood, we can feel tired and feel mood swings, sudden inertia and tiredness. ”
5. Digestion disorders
“Excessive sugar consumption not only leads to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels and a fast insulin release, but also to a disturbance of the balance in the intestine. This imbalance also changes the intestinal microbiota over time and promotes dysbiosis, ie the predominance of pathogenic bacteria compared to useful bacteria. The most common symptoms of dysbiosis include different digestive disorders such as flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and a feeling of difficulty after meals. The consequences of dysbiosis are diverse. It not only affects the ability of the intestine to absorb vital nutrients, but also weakens the immune system, which is more than 70 percent in the intestine, which worsens the general health status of the body. ”