2. Perfume or fragrance oils:Perfumes or synthetic fragrance oils are also not suitable and may contain chemicals that can be harmful if inhaled. You can alsowhich may damage the internal components of the diffuser.
3. Corrosive Oils:Essential oils that are particularly acidic or caustic, such as, clove and oregano, can wear out parts of the diffuser over time. While these oils can still be used, it is best to dilute them more.
4. Water-soluble additives:Vinegar and other water-soluble additives may be recommended for cleaning, but should not be sprayed as they can damage the diffuser's mechanisms. Only use these additives while cleaning and then rinse thoroughly afterwards.
5. Citric acid or detergent:Citric acid and cleaning products such as bleach or harsh onesshould never be sprayed. Not only can they damage the diffuser, but they can also produce harmful fumes when vaping.
6. Alcohol:Alcohol is flammable and, when heated in some types of diffusers, can pose a fire hazard. Alcohol-based products such as hand sanitizers or extracts should not be used.
Can aroma diffusers be harmful to your health?
When used in moderation and with safe essential oils, aroma diffusers are generally safe and can even be beneficial when used correctly. It's always best to start with minimal amounts and make sure the roomis. However, health risks cannot be completely ruled out, especially under the following circumstances:
1. Irritation of the respiratory tract:Prolonged or intensive exposure to peppermint, eucalyptus and cinnamon can irritate the respiratory tract. This is particularly true for people with asthma,or other respiratory diseases. In this case, you should start with a small amount (1-3 drops) and run the diffuser in a well-ventilated room. Limit use to 15-30 minutes at a time to avoid irritation.
2. Skin sensitivity and allergic reactions:Some essential oils can cause skin irritation or allergies, especially if they are deposited on surfaces and then mixed with thecome into contact. So make sure you don't use oils that are known to cause irritation (like clove or oregano) or that could cause a reaction due to their sensitivity. Surfaces near the diffuser should also be cleaned regularly.
3. Effects on Pets:Certain essential oils such as tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, citrus oil and peppermint can be used for, especially cats and small animals, can be poisonous. Prolonged exposure to these oils may cause shortness of breath, salivation, vomiting, or even seizures.
4. Effects on children and pregnant people:Babies and young children are more sensitive to strong scents, and some essential oils such as peppermint and eucalyptus can cause breathing problems in infants. Certain oils such as clary sage, rosemary and sage should generally be avoided during pregnancy. In this case, you should use mild oils (for example lavender or chamomile).
5. Headache or Nausea:Some people may be sensitive to certain smells or find them overwhelming, which can result in..., nausea or dizziness. So if you are sensitive, avoid strong oils and try to diffuse them at short intervals. Citrus oils or mild scents such as lavender tend to be more tolerable for sensitive people.