And what is also noticeable: After mountain tours, long bike tours, etc., I definitely have the feeling that I am regenerated more quickly - and therefore ready for new workouts more quickly.
Vegan diet: These tips will make it work
Are you thinking about a vegan diet? With these tips, getting started will be child's play.
Schedule the daily 12
The key to a vegan diet is balance. Sure, spaghetti with ready-made vegan Bolognese is quick and easy. However, they also contain a few substances that our body urgently needs. Not only vegetables and fruit are particularly important for vegans, but also legumes, which provide proteins and good carbohydrates from whole grains. Dr. In his book “How not to die”, Michael Greger has summarized 12 foods that you should include every day on a vegan diet. Here you canDownload list.
Take part in campaigns like Veganuary
You know that it's sometimes difficult for you to keep going and do you feel comfortable around like-minded people? Then try scheduling your vegan month in January. At theVeganuaryYou can receive the latest recipes and lots of tips via newsletter every year, including in 2025. Many companies in Germany also take part in Veganuary. There are purely plant-based offers at discounters such as Lidl and Aldi, and numerous restaurants and chains also take part (e.g. L'Osteria, Domino's, Call A Pizza and many more). This makes sticking with Veganuary much easier.
To keep going: plan replacement products every now and then
Cheese, burgers and even feta: Actually, everything your heart desires is also available in vegan form. Sure, many products are healthy, but the taste is often close to the original. So if you feel like it, it's better to use a replacement product. We are very well positioned in Germany with numerous companies that offer replacement products. Good to know: At some point, the desire for these products automatically becomes less.
Keep an eye on nutritional supplements
Vegans get all the nutrients as long as they eat a balanced diet. With one exception: Vitamin B12 should be taken as a supplement because it only occurs in animal foods. By the way: Animals also absorb B12 through their food. It occurs in the soil and is stored in the body via grass etc. Anyone who is prone to iron deficiency should also have this blood value checked and pay attention to iron-rich foods such as sesame, pumpkin seeds, oats, dried fruits, etc.
Vegan diet: The best recipes
Personally, in addition to the Veganuary newsletters, cookbooks in particular helped me get an easy introduction to vegan cuisine. My tip:“Vegan for lazy people”helps you get started easily. But also “Vegan Gladiators”, “Healing Kitchen”,“Anyone can be vegan”and“The Veganist”are right at the front of my cookbook shelf.
If you don't want to invest at first and are looking for simple onesis online, you can get inspiration here:
Vegan diet in the test: My conclusion
In any case, I will try to continue eating a predominantly vegan diet. What do I mean by predominantly? At home, it's easy to incorporate vegan dishes on a permanent basis. But when it comes to invitations (to my mom's Kässpatzen), going out, etc., I just don't want to exclude or limit myself so socially.
Mineabsolute exceptionThere will also be honey at home. Since I mostly avoid sugar, I only use honey to sweeten it. For me it is still the most natural and nutrient-rich way to add some sweetness to food. In particularwhich also has many other benefits, I will not leave it off my grocery list. But I'll definitely be back at Veganuary in 2025!