Glitter make-up: The 8 most beautiful ideas for the holidays

Glitter make-up: The most beautiful looks for Christmas

Stars like Hailee Steinfeld, Jessica Alba and Zendaya are leading the way with their glitter make-up and proving that the beauty trend creates real eye-catching moments. Glitter make-up is not only the right choice at festivals in summer, but one or two glitter looks are also a must in winter. If you're looking for inspiration for yourIf you are looking for something and are wondering what you should consider when looking for a shiny look, then you will find it here. These are our eight favorite glitter makeup looks.

Glitter make-up for a special look

Yes, glitter make-up is a must at a festival and not too little of it. But especially at Christmas time, less glitter is more. Because once you've applied too much shimmering products, it's not that easy to remove the excess glitter. For this reason, it is generally better to first pick up a few glitter particles with your powder brush or eyeshadow brush.

For those who prefer something subtle, we recommend applying make-up to the eyes with the usual eye shadow and only applying a thin layer of the glitter product as a top coat on the eyelid or placing the glitter only in the inner corner of the eye. A touch of glitter is definitely not “too much”, but you are still guaranteed to attract everyone’s attention! Tip: It's best to have one beforehandApply so that the sparkling particles adhere beautifully to the eyelid.

If the glitter make-up on your eyes is still too much for you, you can use oneGlitter lipstickWork wonders and give the look that certain something., which already contain glitter, can either be applied directly to the lips or can be used to create additional sparkling highlights using a layering technique over your regular lipstick.

Glittering Lip Balm by Tom Ford

For festive glitter make-up on the face, the eyes as a fixed point are the ideal choice for some glitter. The right color is very important for glitter products. Especially when it comes to shimmering powder. Beauty experts recommend slightly sparkling shades with velvety undertones to create an elegant and clean, yet trendy look. Glitter make-up in gold, for example, is more popular than ever during the Christmas season. But be careful, apply the glitter eye makeup first and then the rest of your face makeup. After all, you don't want yours perfectly appliedruin it with an extra load of too much glitter.