International Women's Day: You need to know about the history of World Women's Day
On the honor day of the woman, theInternational Women's Day,In the meantime the,And jewelry shops. But theWorld Women's Dayis actually not a day of the gifts. On the contrary: he was launched for political reasons.
World Women's Day 2025: Motto of International Women's Day
In 2025, International Women's Day is under the motto“For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.”(In German: for all women and girls: right. Equality. Empowerment.) The motto comes from the networkUN Women. This year it should be about enabling the same rights, power and opportunities for everyone and a feminist future in which no one is left behind. The next generation should be particularly empowered for this. Young women and adolescents are catalysts for sustainable change.
There are three areas on your website, which are particularly focused on.
- Promotion of the rights of women and girls:Fighting for all human rights of women and girls fight and fight all forms of violence, discrimination and exploitation.
- Promotion of gender equality:Elimination of systemic obstacles, reduction of the patriarchy, overcoming deeply rooted inequalities and raising the voices of marginalized women and girls, including young people, to ensure inclusion and empowerment.
- Promotion of empowerment:Redefinition of the power structures by ensuring equal access to education, employment, management positions and decision -making rooms. Priority opportunities for young women and girls to lead and innovate.
In 2025, UN Women also celebrated the 30th anniversary of the “Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action” (explanation and action plan from Beijing). This declaration was accepted in 1995 at the fourth World Women's Conference in Beijing, China, from 189 governments and is still the most advanced and most supported draft for the rights of women and girls worldwide.
In a world in which,,And in general xenophobia rises again, such a day that is reminiscent of the inclusiveness of Ms.*is particularly important. Because women have to hold together - no matter which religion, which ethnic or cultural background, no matter which oneor.
The German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) calls the motto for World Women's Day 2025:“Do what is necessary: equality now!”. The gap between women and men should finally be removed and the DGB is turned to the new government with its specific demands:
- Recommendation:the same wages for the same and equivalent work.
- Relieve parents:Good childcare that you can rely on and the fair division of parental leave between mothers and fathers.
- Support nurse:Offers that make the compatibility of care and work easier
- Protect against violence:Legal claim to immediate protection for those affected and the secure financing of women's shelters and help offers.
World Women's Day: Why is there international Women's Day?
The initial spark for the firstInternational Women's Daywas the desire for moreIndependence and . When and how the idea for Women's fighting day came up is controversial, but the socialist background of World Women's Day is clearly documented.
Since the late 19th century, the workers' movement - especially in Germany and in the USA - has been louder. They fought for equality, the right to vote for women, higher wages and of course against discrimination. Two important votes during the Frauenkampftag are the two socialist women's rights activistsClara ZetkinandKäte Duncker,who presented the application for a Women's Day at the second international socialist women's conference in 1910 in Copenhagen. As a result, the 100 delegates at the conference decided to introduce the annual international Women's Day and, as the main claim, submit the right to vote.
For this reason, on March 19, 1911, millions of women in Germany, Austria, Denmark, Hungary and the USto fight. In the years after that, more and more countries joined the demonstrations.
Why theWomen's DayNowadays just takes place on March 8th, it is not clear. The date changed again and again until 1921. It was not until 1975 that the United Nation was officially declared the “Day of the United Nations for the Rights of Women and World Peace” by the United Nation.
Every year there is around Women's Day (in English:International Women’s Day) On March 8, events and demonstrations that are under an annual focus topic. In recent years, for example, for better formation of girls or for more participation of women in politics, the focus has been on commitment.
International Women's Day: Why World Women's Day is so important
Yes, women have already done a lot. An example is thatWomen's quota:Stable companies must have at least one woman on their board by 2025 if he has more than three members. And soon there can be a doctor: Finally, unpunished insideinform. But there are still some - we are honest: far too many - areas in which women are still discriminated against.
Diehas been increasing steadily for years. According to the Federal Criminal Police Office, 13 women become victims of violence in partnerships every hour. Also when it comes to payment (Gender Pay Gap) women are not yet at a level with men: women are not on board members of DAX companies for no reason and earn on average18%fewer. This also leads to a significantly larger oneIn women.
During theYou could also see how women oneMultiple burdenwere exposed to men: households, children's education and job have rocked women over the past two years over the past two years, while men were primarily “only” busy with their jobs. In many cases, this resulted in less gainful employment of women and thus oneincreased imbalanceOn the job market between men and women - aOn the job market.
Sure, in global comparison, women in Germany are doing relatively well, but onInternational Women's DayLet's fight for women all over the world. So women are still the most common worldwideVictim of human trafficking and forced prostitution.DieCovered many cases of sexual assault, but above all she showed how present sexual attacks and discrimination against women are still. In some countries, women even becomeforcedOr do not receive access to education.
In Afghanistan, the rights of women have been increasingly restricted since the Taliban's takeover again in 2021. In 2022 women and children fled from thebecause her homeland attacked and a senseless war (by a white CIS man). In theAnd thus restricted women's rights. Since September 2022After the death of Mahsa Amini, thousands of women for.
TheWorld Women's DaySo it's not just a day to give flowers and remember how women fought for their rights. It must also be a day when we become aware that theFight for equalityis far from over! In this sense: let's celebrate ourselves - and continue to fight the patriarchy!
World Women's Day: Ten facts on the history of the women's movement
Dorothea Christiane Erxleben received his doctorate in the field of medicine in 1755 and thus became the first woman with a doctorate.
Olympe de Gouges was the first woman to fight for women's rights. In 1791 she wrote a manifesto entitled “Explanation of the Rights of Women and Citizen”. In 1793 she was beheaded for her use.
In the US state of Wyoming, women were also allowed to vote for the first time in history in 1870. In Germany there has been the right to vote for women only since 1919. In Switzerland, women even had to wait for the right until 1971 - and even then there were still some cantons in which it was not allowed.
4th International Women's Fighting Day
Women's day was officially banned during the National Socialist regime. He was forgotten in the FRG afterwards, and in the GDR he was misused for state celebrations. After reunification, the women's day was again in focus.
In 1949, the equality of women in the Basic Law of the FRG and the constitution of the GDR was determined.
In 1961 theintroduced as a contraceptive. However, it was initially only permitted for married couples.
In 1961, Elisabeth Schwarzhaupt became a woman in Germany for the first time.
With the reform of Section 218 of the Criminal Code, a change in the demolition of pregnancy law came into force in 1976. Since then, rubbing has been punished under certain conditions and within defined deadlines. In addition: the ban on advertising for the abortion (§ 219a), and all people can now find out more about abortions.
Since 1976, the woman's last name can also be determined as a family name.
10. Protection against rape
Rape in Germany has been punishable in Germany since 1997.
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