Rosacea cream: 11 favorites that really help-plus tips from a dermatologist
(also: rosacea) - sounds rosy, but is not so pleasant for those affected. But don't worry: it is not impossible to against the redon the cheeks, as a symptom of this skin disease, to do something. With the right skin care you can alleviate redness - and we will show you which products are here. All other questions about Rosacea? Dermatologist Dr. med. Anne Gürtler, an expert in this area.
At a glance: The top 4 of the best creams against Rosacea
Dr. med. Anne Gürtler works as a dermatologist and nutritionist at the clinic and polyclinic for dermatology and allergology at the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich. As a senior doctor, she heads the special consultation for acne and rosacea. Together with her team of studies, she researches the influence of nutrition on inflammatory facial diseases as part of clinical studies. You can also follow their everyday clinical life and scientific publications on Instagram:@dermahealthnutrition.
What is Rosacea and how does it show up?
“Roseblütchen” means rosacea translated. But what exactly is behind this name? We have consulted an expert. Dr. med. As a dermatologist and nutritionist, Anne Gürtler knows and reveals: “The Rosacea is an inflammatory disease, primarily of the facial skin (but also of the neck and the scalp), which is typically presented with red papules and pustules as well as a flat and/or seizure -like redness . A drawer is characteristic. In very rare cases, which occur almost exclusively in men, there can be a connective tissue gain, for example.
Many patients: only have a redness of the facial skin inside without ever going through the disease of inflammatory stages. It has been known for a long time that a rosacea can also present itself in the eyes. Patient: Inside, tears, sensitivity to light and foreign body feeling of the eyes can complain. New studies also point out that Rosacea patients are more likely to suffer from inflammatory bowel diseases. Interestingly, treatment of the bowel disease can then also contribute to an improvement in skin complaints, whichAnd skin illustrates.
Important:At first glance, a rosacea and one canSometimes look confusingly similar. However, a secure distinction is simply possible by looking for “improvements” (comedones), which only occur with an acne. Rosacea patient: Inside there are no comedones. ”
What are the causes for this skin disease?
Dr. med. Anne Gürtler: “The exact cause of a rosacea is not fully understood, but the following factors are considered involved:
- genetic predisposition
- Dysfunction of the immune system
- Changes in skin microbioma
- Vascular changes
- Inflammatory processes
In addition, the influence of the intestinal microbioma is examined in studies. Treatments withCreams, Tablets, laser treatments, lifestyle interventions can help individually to control symptoms and reduce relapses. ”
UV radiation, physical exertion or hot drinks are also a factors that can affect Rosacea-but are not scientifically proven.
What do dermatologists recommend: inside at Rosacea?
The tip of our expert appliesalwaysTo follow - but especially with Rosacea this isNumber-one-RuleAll the more important: Apply daily sun protection (LSF 50+) - regardless of the season.
Dr. med. Anne Gürtler to pay attention to the following things:
- Only avoid food if you really lead to a deterioration of the skin finding.
- Oral probiotics for three months as a supportive therapy attempt
- Mild cleaning and skin care without alcohols and fragrances
- A rosaceaneverTreat with cortisone cream!
- Only end therapy in the event of freedom of complaints!
- Laser treatments, for example, with a dye laser can round off therapy success
In general, a balanced, plant -focused, seasonal diet with unprocessed staple and cooking is recommended. By the way, coffee seems to be no trigger.
Which cream is the best at Rosacea?
Rosacea is not really curable, but the symptoms can be treated well and controlled. Creams and gels with anti -inflammatory and soothing active ingredients as well as antibiotics in severe cases are for patients: inside is a good solution to alleviate the symptoms and also for an optical correction of the redness. But which cream is the best? We have researched the online range, through online pharmacies and othersWorn and the best freely accessible products (without prescription obligation) for you and yoursdaily routinefound.