Dirty Talk: 50 passionate examples

Would you like to incorporate Dirty Talk into your sex life? We have the best tips for you!

For some, Dirty Talk belongs to a good one, others don't really make themselves of it or have tried it. But if you want to test it, we have some tips and ideas for how it will be successful.

What is dirty talk?

Admittedly, Dirty Talk does not have the best reputation. Because many think of porn and obscene exclamation that you may not find sexy at all. But that doesn't have to be that way. In principle, under Dirty Talk counts everything that brings you in the mood.

Descriptions, words, ideas or news. It can increase the tension incredibly. And at the same time also forcontribute - especially if you describe what you would like to do with the other person and asks if that's okay. Because yes, that too is a form of dirty talk.

What effect does dirty talk?

Dirty Talk can take on different functions. For example, it can help to get in the mood. Imagine you sit on the couch, and he: she tells you what he would like to try out. This does not have to happen with obscene words if you don't like it. Then you share an idea. And since you have been in the middle of the dirty talk, and it does something with you: In the best case, you will feel like trying things out.

But also in oneDirty Talk can take on an important role to make closeness and to remember the crackling in the relationship. It can lead to phone sex or sexting.

And during sex it can be a kind of consensus. You may know that if you are a romance reader: in. The Love Interest describes what he wants to do and waits for consent and thus hands over control. And that can be pretty hot.

How do you start a dirty talk?

As with all facets of sex, the same applies here: everything can, nothing has to. So it can be obscene what is said, but it doesn't have to. Especially when you first approach yourself, it makes sense to start slowly. Maybe with rewriting words. Do you know scenes from films or books that you find hot? Then share this with your partner: inside. Or begins to express fantasies and see how the second person reacts to it.

It is also important to check out at the beginning what type of vocabulary you like and turns on. Because if the words are about obscene for you or too lovely, Dirty Talk can have exactly the mutual effect and do not heat the fire, but delete. And we definitely don't want that!

We have collected 50 examples with which you can slowly get into the topic. Of course there are no limits.

Before sex

  1. I thought of you so often today.
  2. I can't wait to touch you later.
  3. Do you remember what we did last night? I really liked XY. Let's do that again.
  4. I love what it feels like when you make XY.
  5. I would like to try XY with you. What do you think of it?
  6. I read in an article about a position. Would you like to test that?
  7. I love your body. Your butt is so hot.
  8. Lay down and close your eyes.
  9. I like it when you do that.
  10. I can't expect it to take you off right away.
  11. You feel so good.
  12. I need you.
  13. I want to kiss you everywhere.
  14. Should we go to bed this morning?
  15. I just had a great flashback from last night. Should we repeat that?
  16. Do it to me, XXX.
  17. I love your penis.
  18. Hold me tight.
  19. Climb into the car. I want you now.
  20. Do you want company in the shower?
  21. Touch me here.
  22. I want to feel you in me.
  23. May I taste you?
  24. I want to throw you on the bed as soon as we are at home.
  25. You look incredibly hot right now.

After sex

  1. You are amazing.
  2. That felt so good.
  3. With nobody it feels like you.
  4. I think I saw Jesus, I was in another world.
  5. The orgasm was the best I've ever had.
  6. You make me really weak ... in the best sense.
  7. You really drove me crazy today.
  8. Oh wow. Can we do that again?
  9. It was so good, it seems to me that I left my body during orgasm.
  10. Next time take me even harder.
  11. Did you like that?

Im Chat

  1. I look forward to it when we are in bed together this evening.
  2. I can't concentrate on work and have to think all the time about what you did yesterday. 🔥
  3. Do you also sit in meetings and have to think of my bare body, or am that just me?
  4. I know you have a hard day. I spoil you in the evening. Look forward!
  5. The only thought of your bare body brings me to mind.
  6. As soon as we are at home: you. I. Naked in bed?
  7. You can do what you want tonight.
  8. I can hardly wait until we both are alone so that I can move out of you.
  9. I can't stop thinking about us ... 😏
  10. I want to see you again now.
  11. Do you know what you do to me? I can't stop grin.
  12. I hope you can knock me over this night as in the last one. 😉
  13. I straighten out and think of you.
  14. I lie naked in bed and think of last night.

10 tips for Dirty Talk

Tip 1: Starts slowly and touch your approach

You should have yours: n partner: in maybe not surprise with sentences that could also come from a porn. Because it is very different what he: she is in bed. Some like it like sex harder, others prefer imaginative to almost floral descriptions of what should happen in the bedroom. You decide which words have an erotic effect on you and is part of a conversation.

Tip 2: Looking for the right words

Read up and touch yourself. Of course, the science of the discipline of the erotic language is also devoted and tries to find out which words particularly work on the pleasure center in the brain and thus increase the desire for sex. The Swiss couple therapist and author Klaus Heer (“Wonne words”, Rowohlt, new for 18 euros) even published a vocabulary book that is supposed to help couples to "set their lovemaking with words".

Tip 3: Find your language

How diverse language is, you can see the over 600 synonyms for penis (from “Ali Baba” to “Gnadenhammer” to “spark plug”) and over 400 terms for vagina. Klaus Heer also worked out another 400 terms for the act of sleeping together (from “acupuncture” to “Zeit”). You should your partner: Your partner: Your partner: In the blunt say, say bluntly, because otherwise you will spoil your desire to play love.

Tip 4: It depends on the tone

If you combine the words, there are wonderful sentences such as “I have opened the knife in my pocket. Could I perhaps sink my tree of knowledge into your soft saddle? ” That should only get a few in the way, but rather to laugh, but maybe show what matters: when speaking erotic, it is more important than what. That also means the sex therapist Bonnie Gabriel. Just give it a try: With the right tone, a sentence like "Let's go shopping" could also cause completely new reactions ...

Tip 5: Use descriptions

It can feel overwhelming to get into the dirty talk. A good starting exercise is to describe how something feels. How is it when he: she touches you? Do you get hot, is it damp, warm, hard, pleasant? What does it do with your body? Will you be dizzy or suddenly feels very easy? Press out exactly that.

Tip 6: Don't think too much

So that sex becomes a lustful experience, it is important not to think too much and just drop. And that also applies to dirty talk, because it is part of sexuality. Does what you just said sounds cringe? Yes. And? Dirty Talk happens in a very specific context: in that of sex. And in retrospect, when you think about it, some things feel embarrassed. But what it is about is what it feels like at that moment.

Tip 7: laugh at it

Honestly, sex is incredibly funny and a bit absurd. How two bodies rub against each other, how to put body parts in the mouth. All about it. And Dirty Talk is absolutely included. So if you are in the phase where you try out and something feels particularly funny or strange, then laugh quietly about it. Because laughter is sexy and it brings you closer.

Tip 8: Be honest

There are about as many variants in terms of dirty talk preferences as there are people. And that's why it is important that you communicate openly if you don't like something or the words that are used completely. Because something else works for everyone. And there is nothing to pretend you to find it hot, while your lust evaporates. Because you both have nothing of that.

Tip 9: Choose the right time

Whether by text or, if you are on the go, it depends very much on which setting and at what moment Dirty Talk happens. It can be the perfect time for you because you are horny as fuck, but the second person just had a stirring phone call or is in a meeting and does not feel it. This is okay and is not a rejection towards you, just the moment. Another time it fits better again.

Tip 10: Start with sexting

It is often easier to write things without having to look the second person in the eye. Therefore, it is easier for some people to sex. That can be a good entry option. Important here: check out beforehand where the second person is and in what mood and setting he: she is. Because when cake with the grandma, very few of us like to be transmitted sharp thoughts.