Losing weight error: 8 things that almost everyone does wrong

The reasons to lose weight can be diverse: maybe you are concerned with your health, a special occasion or simply about feeling more comfortable in your body. No matter what motivates you - you can lose weight successfully if you avoid the following errors.

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Whether general dissatisfaction, a planned wedding or the desire to live healthier - there are a thousand reasons for losing weight that are completely individual. No matter what is behind you: In order for your project to be successful, you should avoid typical errors when losing weight. Learn from the experiences of others who have done these things wrong.

1. Error when losing weight: do without entire food groups

As soon as you have made the decision to lose weight, you will be flooded by promising diet methods. One read sentences like:

  • Do not eat after 6 p.m.
  • 5 kilos less in just 4 weeks!
  • Eat only protein -rich foods!
  • Do not fully do without sugar and carbohydrates!
  • Panel fat from your diet!

Now honestly: You shouldn't impose bans that you will not adhere to. And you usually know that before you tried it. The aim of a sensible diet and a subsequent change in diet should be a new balance that positively influences your metabolism.

A meal replacement can prevent this, because you can check the amount of calories exactly and supply your body with important nutrients. This allows you to start a real change in diet and build a new healthy relationship with the food without foregoing important nutrients.

With a meaningful change in diet that also supports you in the long term in losing weight, all foods are allowed and prohibitions can be confidently dispensed with. It goes without saying that calorie and fat bombs should only rarely and in small quantities.

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In the nutritional podcast with Elisabeth Jessen and Dr. Matthias Riedl you can find out everything about healthy eating.

2. Error when losing weight: incorrect objective

If you are dissatisfied with yourself and your weight, you would like to escape from this situation as soon as possible and solve the "problem". Sometimes you have great expectations of yourself in such moments. Basically, it is good to have a goal in mind, but you should remain realistic.

So you'd better sit down destinations that you can reach in small steps. So you regularly confirm a positive sense of achievement that encourages you to change something in your project. You are also more motivated to hold out.

As far as weight loss is concerned, you should trust scientific results: 2 kg weight loss per month is realistic. The goal should always be that you permanently change your diet. Most of the diets, on the other hand, are not suitable for losing weight and keeping the weight permanently.

3. Error when losing weight: Do not use memory support

Above all, the transition from a fasting cure back to normal dietary life has many stumbling blocks. Sometimes there are days when you felt nothing "real" at all because you only snack. But these supposed little things ultimately ensure that you eat significantly more than expected.

So that you do not lose track of what you take over the day, it makes sense to keep a nutrition diary. Of course, this can be classically analogous as a small booklet. But you can also fall back on an app. This makes “leading books” particularly quick and easy.

Apps with barcode scanners are particularly practical. Then you can enter the food very simple. Annoying calorie counting is thus clearly easier and you can write down your individual needs even more easily.

4. Errors when losing weight: little food and hunger

If you eat too little, the body does not get all the nutrients it needs. That is why your metabolism drives down and your body changes to a kind of saving mode so that as little energy is used as possible.

If you then eat more after a diet, your body stores all extra energy in the fat cells to make sure for the next hunger phase. So you reach a vicious circle that often ends with the dreaded yo-yo effect. This unpleasant phenomenon is also referred to as hunger metabolism.

In order to stay on the ball and lose weight in the long term, the food should especially breastfeed your hunger and supply your body with all important nutrients.

Reading tip:

5. Error when losing weight: want to create everything alone

Too often it happens that people close themselves in front of each other and strive for their personal sense of achievement as fierce lone fighters. This not only often ensures (weight loss) frustration, but also that you do not achieve your goals because you give up early.

If you look at it pessimistic, then you could say: "Shared suffering is half suffering". That is a shame, because in society a lot is simply easier, which is basically something good.

Better: pursue a common goal and motivate each other to persevere. A good portion of honesty and a bit of mummy is certainly needed to open up to others, maybe even strangers. But pursues a group of people and the same goal, it can be incredibly inspiring.

Especially in online communities like thatgofeminin-ForumCan you network with like -minded people and exchange ideas, no matter where you are. Here you can also exchange experiences. The sense of we will encourage you and the community will support you, even if you have a sag.

6. Error when losing weight: lying, sitting, driving

Sport is not for everyone, that's okay. Completely avoiding movement is anything but healthy. Another plus point of movement: With it you can boost your metabolism.

Lying, sitting, driving - try to incorporate more movement into your everyday lifeCredit:unsplash.com/ tamara-bellis

If you do sports and also build muscle, you can support your weight loss ambitions even further. Because more muscles increase your basal metabolism, which means that more fat and glucose are burned in total. So try to move regularly.

If you have not yet discovered sport for yourself, then at least set your day -to -day movement goals such asgo. Or borrow the dog of the neighbors to the walk and avoid the elevator and the escalator. Even daily climbing stairs gradually makes you fitter.

7. Error when losing weight: drink too little

To the most part, your body consists of liquid. In order for it to work optimally, you have to supply it with sufficient fluid. Every day, your body loses a good up to one and a half liter of water that is excreted via the kidney, intestine and in large quantities also via the skin.

If you drink too little, this can have a negative impact on your metabolism and slow it down. Therefore, regardless of whether you want to lose weight or not, you should always drink enough. Ideally at least 1.5 to 2 liters a day - preferably water and unsweetened herbal teas.

8. Error when losing weight: sleep too little

Not only food provides you with energy. Your body also needs sleep to work optimally. If you are constantly tired yourself, then your metabolism is also limp. Your body leaves fuel and you often feel like sweet or greasy food - so on everything that delivers a lot of energy.

Give your mind and cells enough time for regeneration. This is particularly important if you have a lot of stress in everyday life. Try to get used to a firm sleep rhythm so that you get enough sleep. The solid rhythm will make sure that you feel fitter in the morning.

Are you so stressed that you find it difficult to sleep? Movement also helps! For example, take a short walk in part of your evening routine or start with calm sports like swimming. You will not only sleep better and lose weight more easily, but also go through life with more positive energy!

Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You yourself have to find out for yourself which diet and which training form best suit you. Don't let others put you under pressure. Basically, however, the following applies: a active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight.