Against hyperacidity: These alkaline foods are particularly healthy

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If you want to do something good for your body, you should eat alkaline foods regularly. Are you struggling with obesity, fatigue and sleep problems or indigestion and heartburn? Then your body could be overly acidic. When the acid-base balance gets out of balance, these are typical complaints.

Too much sugar, foods rich in carbohydrates and a high consumption of animal foods such as milk and meat can put a strain on the body and lead to hyperacidity. Alkaline foods help against this. Are potatoes or lemons alkaline or acidic? Our list shows which foods are alkaline.

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What are alkaline foods?

Alkaline foods contain mineral-rich components such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium, which can help neutralize excess acids in the body. The division of foods into acidic and alkaline foods goes back to the Swedish nutrition researcher Ragnar Berg.

Here is an overview of the 10 most effective foods:

1. Fruit

Apples, pears, berries or melon: Fruit, without exception, is alkaline-forming. Take it easy and eat a portion twice a day. It probably sounds a bit strange, but foods with a more acidic taste, such as lemons, also have an alkaline-forming effect.

Reading tip:

2. Vegetables

Anyone who follows a diet rich in alkalis should eat a lot of vegetables, because vegetables are the most alkaline food. You can be bold when it comes to vegetables; almost all varieties are alkaline-forming. Peppers, cauliflower, beans or zucchini – all alkaline-rich foods. They also contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber.

There are only a few exceptions: Brussels sprouts, artichokes, legumes (peas, lentils, etc.), pickled vegetables such as sauerkraut or pickles, garlic and asparagus are among the acid-forming foods.

Basic types of fruitBasic vegetables
ApplesLeafy vegetables (spinach, arugula, salads)
Berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)Carrots
CherriesPotatoes, sweet potatoes
MangoTypes of cabbage
Plums, plumsParsnips
Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons)Spinach
white beans
List of alkaline fruits and vegetables

3. Salat

Salad fans can rejoice: Salad is also one of the base-rich foods. Oak leaf, iceberg, rocket or lamb's lettuce: you can grab it here.

4. Herbs

5. Potatoes

Rice, pasta and bread are among the acid-forming foods. It's good that at leastpotatoesalkaline foods are. Therefore, prepare the tuber more often as a side dish.

Good to know:Even when processed into fries, potatoes are also alkaline-forming.

Potatoes are one of the alkaline-forming foods.Credit:iStock

6. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are also alkaline-rich foods. So eat mushrooms, chanterelles or porcini mushrooms more often. There are no exceptions when it comes to mushrooms. You can enjoy all varieties.

Looking for ideas?

7. Sprouts & Germs

Most of us rarely eat sprouts and when we do, they only eat them in Asian dishes or over a salad. But we should eat them much more often because sprouts are great alkaline foods.

Alfalfa, cress, mung beans or wheat: as sprouts they taste really good and are healthy. You can find fresh sprouts in larger health food stores or you can simply grow them yourself.

8. Almonds, Walnuts & Oilseeds

Too bad, too bad, most nuts are acid-forming foods (so-called acidic foods). But there are two exceptions: almonds and fresh walnuts. They are alkaline-forming and therefore should not be missing from a alkaline-rich diet.

Things look even better with oilseeds: sesame, linseed and poppy seeds as well as pumpkin seeds are alkaline foods.

9. Cream and butter

Most animal foods, such as milk, meat and eggs, are acid-forming. However, there are some exceptions that are alkaline: cream, sweet cream butter and ghee (clarified butter) are among them.

Which drinks have an alkaline effect on the body?

Coffeeholic? Then it will probably be difficult for you to avoid it as much as possible, but coffee, like black tea, alcohol and most drinks, is one of the acid-forming foods.

Alkaline drinks include still water, herbal teas, green smoothies and freshly squeezed citrus juices, pure fruit smoothies and vegetable juices without additives.

How exactly does hyperacidity occur?

Hyperacidity can result from a diet high in acid-forming foods such as meat, sugar and dairy products, as well as from stress and lack of exercise.

Thanks to special buffer systems such as the lungs, liver and kidneys, our body can keep the acid-base balance in balance and ensure balance.

The pH value is crucial: values ​​between 0 and 6.9 are considered acidic. Neutral is a value of 7 and basic values ​​are between 7.1 and 14.

For example, if we eat too few alkaline foods (vegetables) and instead too many acid-forming foods (meat), our body can become unbalanced. Only in rare cases does acute hyperacidity occur.

Even if it has not been scientifically proven, the topic of hyperacidity still comes up regularly when it comes to health problems, fatigue and a lack of concentration or even skin problems. The many acid-forming foods that most of us eat are to blame.

To the typical onesAcid imagesThis includes most animal foods, sugar, but also dairy products and alcohol.Alkaline foodson the other hand are vegetables, fruit, potatoes or sprouts.

Alkaline foods should make up 80 percent of the diet

So that we feel good, are fit and ourAcid-base balanceis guaranteed, some nutrition experts like to recommend a diet that contains 70-80 percent alkaline foods. While acids such as meat, coffee or fast food should make up a maximum of 20 percent of the diet.

Even if it is not scientifically proven that the acid-base balance is disturbed in healthy people, it does not hurt to eat alkaline foods such as fruit and vegetables several times a day and to avoid acid-forming substances such as sweets or fast food. This also corresponds to the nutritional recommendations of the German Nutrition Society.

Recipe idea:

Cook delicious dishes with alkaline foods

Cooking basic food is a bit of a challenge. Pasta or rice should only be eaten in small quantities, just like meat or fish. After all, vegetables and potatoes are alkaline foods. You can use it to cook many delicious recipes.

It's also not bad if you eat small portions of meat or pasta. Just make sure that alkaline foods predominate in your dishes and that you always eat a large portion of vegetables. Vegetarian and vegan dishes are ideal for this.

Reading tip:


You can find everything about alkaline fasting atGerman Society for Nutrition eV

Important note at the end:An active lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is still the best way to stay fit and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.