Turbo fasting cure: detoxify the body with the detox day

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Have you feasted a little too much lately and want to do something good for your body? Instead of foregoing sugar for days or only eating from clear soups, juices and smoothies, you can simply have oneDetox-TagInsert to detoxify your body gently.

Such a detoxification day gives you the necessary kick to get your health going again. At the same time, you treat your body a break of difficult to digest or sugar-rich foods-without the risks that can occur with longer detox diets.

A detox day not only relieves your body, but also your mind: it helps you to get rid of negative thoughts and feel more comfortable all around.

But be careful:
If you carry out fasting cures too often and without guidance, you have to count on side effects such as cramps, flatulence, nausea, dehydration, fatigue, headache and general weakness.Every fasting cure, which is carried out too often and too long, can mess up the nutrient balance and eating habits.

You can do thatDetox-TagFor example, take in after the holidays if you feel like you have struck something about the strands and want to detoxify your body. Remember how good it feels to add enough liquid and healthy food to your body. So you really feel like eating healthier. This is also a good start before changing your diet.

Reading tip:

Detox day: You should avoid these foods

  • Alcohol and nicotine:You should do without both during the detox days.
  • Sugar and white flour:Suitable foods, heavily processed foods such as ready meals and sweetened drinks. Avoid sweets and food with preservatives.
  • Salt -containing food:Salt is also on the 'waiver list' - a common cause of water retention.
  • Coffee and black tea: These drinks can influence the metabolism.
  • Animal products: Reduce the consumption of meat, dairy products and eggs.

Detox day: You need these nutrients

During a detoxification cure, you should make sure that you eat a lot of nutritious and fiber -rich such as fresh vegetables and some fruit. Make sure you choose fiber -rich foods that support the body when detoxifying.

  • This includes a lot of water, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices and vegetable soups.
  • Raw food in the form of salads, smoothies and nutritious nuts and seeds should also be on the menu.
  • Legumes such as lentils or soy are vegetable protein suppliers.
  • Steamed vegetables with rice or potatoes are easy to digest and relieve the body.

It is allowed to do what is good for you: soups, juices, smoothies and tea, plus a visit to the sauna or in the home spa. Remember to listen to your body and to move and relax enough while fasting. A detox day should only have the best for body and mind.

Good to know:

5: 2 method-better than just one day of fasting are two:
Dieis a simple method of interval fasting. You eat normally on five days a week, without calorie restriction. On the other two days you reduce your calorie intake to around 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men. Important: You can freely choose the two fasting days as long as there is at least one non-fasting day in between. The 5: 2 diet enables moderate weight loss of around 0.5 to 1 kilo per week, depending on the starting weight.

Detox day: detoxify the body with a plan

It is best to put your detox day on the weekend or a day off. Take a real break. Detoxify your body and your mind according to plan.

Eve 10 p.m.:
Eat a slight meal and go to sleep early. Your bedroom should be pleasantly cool if possible, open the window. Avoid exciting books, dramatic films or series or social media or news, everything that is emotionally stirring. Do not look at your detox day as a pure detoxification of your body, but also as relaxation for your mind.

Detox day in the morning:
07 a.m.:
Stay a moment after waking up and focus on your breathing orsome time. Start your day rested and relaxed.

Read more:

07.30 a.m.:
Drink a glass of still, warm water (with ginger or lemon) and take a shower.

8:00 p.m.:
Do light stretching exercises or yoga to wake the body.
For holistic stress relief, you can use the Detox Day to take a 24-hour break from all electronic devices and digital media. No smartphone, no computer and no television - take the opportunity and switch off. -also.

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In the nutritional podcast with Elisabeth Jessen and Dr. Matthias Riedl you will learn everything about healthy eating.

Detox day in the morning:
9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Eat a little thing, eat a light breakfast, like some oat porridge with berries or a smoothie and a handful of nuts. Alternatively, you can also eat a light carrot soup (see below) and don't forget to drink some water or unsweetened herbal tea again.

11.00 a.m.:
Go outside, sit on the balcony, the terrace or walk through the next park and enjoy the view of the countryside and the fresh air.

Detox day at noon: 1 p.m.
You are probably hungry in the meantime. Enjoy a bowl of warm soup, steamed vegetables and something lean poultry. Drink still water again.

2:00 p.m.:Meditates, do a short nap or do breathing exercises or read something - enjoy a quiet moment with yourself.

Here are recipes:

Detox day in the afternoon: 4 p.m.
Do relaxing breathing exercises for about 5 to 10 minutes. Then you can take a light afternoon snack, such as a fresh vegetable juice, some fruit or a few nuts.

Reading tip:

5 p.m.
Go to the fresh air and take a quick walk, which brings your circulation going.

Detox day in the evening: 7 p.m.
For dinner you eat a bowl of hearty soup and a delicious salad with a little tofu or fried chicken breast.

8.30 p.m.
Pick up a relaxing yoga session. In theVideoCan you with a yoga teacherAndrea SzodruchStart directly.

Would you like a break from everyday life? 10 minutes of relaxed yoga

9:00 p.m.:Read a good book or listen to relaxing music, maybe paint, knit or crochet.

9.30pm / 10pm
Get ready for going to bed. Review the day and recall you again, which is why you have lodged this day of Lent. Sleep well.

Reading tip:

Recipe for green detox smoothie

You need that:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 Hand full of baby spinach, kale or arugula
  • 250 ml nature cloudy apple juice
  • 1 piece of ginger (quantity to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon linseed oil
  • 3 tablespoons of freshly pressed lemon juice
  • some water

This is how it works:
Washing, peeling and cutting all the ingredients. Then put everything in a mixer or smoothie maker (Buy here at Amazon*). Depending on your taste, you can add a little more or less water.

Also read: These are the healthiest foods

Recipe for detox carot soup

This carrot soup delivers a lot of nutrients such as minerals and vitamins A, B, C and E.

You need that:

  • 1 bundle of young carrots, peeled and cut into pieces about 2 cm
  • 2 rods celery, quarter
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • Fresh herbs, chopped
  • 1 piece of ginger, finely chopped
  • Spices

This is how it works:
Put the vegetables in a large saucepan. Pour water until all the ingredients are covered.
Bring the water to the boil and add the broth. Simmer for about 30 minutes over low heat until the vegetables are soft.

Take the pot from the plate. The soup tastes now.
As a reminder:Use little salt. Scoop off the foam that may have formed and let everything cool down a little.

Use a wand and puree the vegetables until the soup has a creamy consistency.

Book tip:Nicole Staabs: "Detox: The Cookbook", (GU Diet & Health, 2014)Order here from Amazon* or in the bookshop of your trust.

Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You yourself have to find out for yourself which diet and which training form best suit you. Don't let others put you under pressure. Basically, however, the following applies: a active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight.