Table of contents
- Healthy food on the go: preparation is everything
- Healthy food on the way: five brilliant snacks
- Nothing? Find healthy food on the go
- Eating healthy on the go: avoid boredom!
If the hunger comes over to us, we quickly control the next baker or the kebab shop. Of course, this is not healthy - there is no question of low -calorie. Unfortunately, most snacks are pretty sugar and fatty on the go. But just because you are on the go does not mean that you have to do without healthy food. We show you how it works with the healthy diet.
Healthy food on the go: preparation is everything
The fact that we often use unhealthy food on the way is often due to the fact that we have no other option. After all, if there is only a french fries, then we have no choice - after all, we don't want to go hungry.
To avoid such situations in the future, you should always have small, healthy snacks with you. This can be nuts and kernels in small packs, energy balls or protein bars. Fruit or vegetables can also be easily taken away.
Tip for everyone who is traveling longer and want to do without unhealthy food: Prepare your food! In the so -called Meal Prep, several portions of food are boiled down, packaged and partially frozen. The previous boil for several days saves enormous time, and a self -cooked meal for the way protects your wallet.
Healthy food on the way: five brilliant snacks
Snack #1: fruit
Fruit is healthy, has hardly any calories and still fills you up. In addition, fruit can be easily transported. So you always have a healthy snack with you and do not have to use unhealthy food on the way.
So that the fruit does not become mushy and also tastes fresh, you should always pack the fruit in a freshness box. For example, there is a special box in banana shape (shop at Amazon*). If you want to cut apples, pears and the like in advance, you should best drizzle the fruit with lemon juice so that it does not become brown.
If you don't have anything, then go to a supermarket and buy a banana or an apple. Bakeries are also increasingly offering fruit. Alternatively, you can choose one of the fully snipped fruit salads or a smoothie.
Snack #2: raw food
If you want to eat healthy on the go, you should try vegetable sticks. Small cut carrots, cucumbers, radishes, celery or cherry tomatoes can be easily taken in a bread box.
If the raw vegetables are too boring, you can also take a low -fat herb curd.
Snack #3: yogurt with muesli
A low -fat yogurt with fresh fruits and muesli is not only healthy, but also fills you up and is great for a snack. If you want to eat the yogurt only some time later, you can also add frozen berries - the fruit thaws over the day and keeps the yogurt fresh.
The ingenious: The snack can easily be taken in so-called muesli-to-go cups.
Snack #4: Self -compiled rolls
You don't really think of rolls when you look for healthy snacks. But rolls can also be healthy - it depends entirely on the surface and the roll. A wheat roll, thickly coated with butter and Salami is anything but healthy.
For a healthy variant, there should definitely be enough salad and fresh vegetables on your roll. You should also do without butter - a delicious alternative is cottage cheese. How about, for example, a bun with cottage cheese, avocado and pomegranate seeds? Also delicious: a roll with radishes and hummus or peppers and egg.
Snack #5: Chiapudding
Chiapudding has been a trend breakfast for some time. No wonder - after all, chia seeds are considered superfood. The small seeds keep full and are rich in nutrients. In addition, chiapudding is a great snack for on the go, because it is quickly prepared and easy to transport.
You can prepare the Chiapudding in numerous different versions. Whether with yogurt, soy or coconut milk, with berries or as a chocolate variant. Tip: It is best to prepare chiapudding in the evening because the seeds have to swell and become firm for a while.
Nothing? Find healthy food on the go
Most snacks that you can buy in the city, at train stations or rest areas contain a lot of sugar or fat. Nevertheless, there are a few things that you can eat safely on the go.
1. Salat
Salad is always a healthy alternative if you want to buy something to eat on the go. In the meantime, you will get packed ready -made salads in every supermarket or bakery. Although they are better than sausage and fries on the french fries, they are very often hidden real calorie bombs here - above all the dressing, which is largely anything but low in calories.
There are therefore better shops in which you can put together your own salad. There are also such salad counts in some supermarkets. Disappointed fattening makers such as cheese or sausage and instead uses different vegetables. The following applies to the dressing: A light balsamic dressing or a dressing made of fat-low natural yogurt is better than a French or Caesar dressing.
2. Vegetable wrap
Vegetables are always a good choice. Many supermarkets and bakers now offer wraps. Choose the vegetarian variant with lots of vegetables. But pay attention to the nutritional information, sometimes the sauce is a real fattener.
3. Sushi
Sushi to go: The packed sushi, which is offered in the supermarket, is not that bad and a great change from sandwiches and ready meals. Particularly practical: you can eat it wonderfully in between, the chopsticks are often supplied directly.
4. Bowls
Buddha Bowls, also known as Good Life Bowl, are currently in trend. Rightly so: Because there are many balanced and healthy delicacies in the colorful bowls that not only deliver a lot of nutrients, but also fill you up for a long time.
Usually the basis of such Buddha Bowls form the basis of such Buddha Bowls. Popular ingredients are also legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, edamame, avocados, nuts, sweet potatoes, tofu and all sorts of vegetables such as kale, cauliflower, spinach, red cabbage, corn and broccoli.
Eating healthy on the go: avoid boredom!
If you sit on the train or bus for a long time, you often don't really eat out of hunger, but out of boredom. So distract yourself by reading an exciting book, watching a film on your smartphone or working on the go with the laptop.
In addition, you should always have enough water (please no soda, cola or other sugar -containing drinks!) For you on the go, because often the alleged feeling of hunger disappears with drinking a glass of water.
Another tip:Failed for chewing gum! Due to the constant chewing, the body produces enzymes and waits for nutrients to be added to it. However, if they fail, there is an increased feeling of hunger.
© Adobe Stock/ bit24
Healthy and light snacks under 100 calories
© Istock
Natural yoghurt
150 g natural yogurt (1.5 % fat) has 75 kcal.
© Istock
Crunch bread with cottage cheese
2 slices of rye crispbread (24 g) with 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese (10 % fat) have 99 kcal.
© Istock
125 g of grapes have 84 kcal.
© Istock
A 125 g portion of sugared apple sauce has about 97 kcal.
Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You yourself have to find out for yourself which diet and which training form best suit you. Don't let others put you under pressure. Basically, however, the following applies: a active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. If it is difficult for you to achieve your ideal weight or if you suffer from health consequences of your overweight or below, please let yourself be supported by your doctor or nutritionist.