For all new moms and dads: These 10 things really surprised me

When a child is born, a lot, or rather almost everything, changes. The little creature represents a huge challenge, especially for us mothers. As a new mother, you have to be prepared for all sorts of bizarre scenarios. I had to realize that too.

Becoming a parent is one of the most beautiful experiences you can have in life. Everything is upside down and nothing is as it was before. For new moms and new dads, the motto is: The child comes first. This is especially true in the first few weeks and months, because the little ones can't help but rely on us as parents.

But that also means that you have to learn a lot of new things in the first few weeks. Even more than changing diapers, making bottles or accompanying the child to sleep. We'll show you what bizarre things you really have to learn as a new mom and dad. Nobody prepares you for that.

1. Being alone is overrated

Even during pregnancy, the mother is no longer alone. However, while we enjoy this time and we eagerly await every step and every movement, that changes with itsuddenly. Going to the toilet alone, cooking food alone or sleeping alone is no longer possible. And if so, then only as long as the child wants it. And that's usually only for a short time.

2. Showering in peace is a thing of the past

Showering was pure relaxation for me. And all without any stress. But with the birth of my son that changed. I was rarely able to shower in peace.

If the little one was in the bouncer in the bathroom, I checked every few minutes to make sure he was okay. If he lay in bed and slept, it didn't take long for him to wake up and I was allowed to rock him back to sleep with shampoo in his hair. Even when dad was looking after the little one, a relaxing shower was out of the question. After all, you wanted to be with your loved one again quickly.

3. Photos will be taken at all times

How many photos can you actually take? I don't know, but there are never enough. The storage space on my cell phone also felt this. At least he regularly tells me that it is full.

It doesn't matter whether the child smiles for the first timemakes or eats porridge for the first time. Every situation must be photographed and captured for eternity.

4. Eating in a relaxed manner is no longer possible

Enjoy a delicious dinner with a glass of wine? This has become very, very rare. When you're eating, you're either busy picking up food you've thrown down, cutting up pasta etc. or wiping the sauce out of your hair.

Not to mention the fact that you don't actually eat any warm food anymore. Most of the time it is only lukewarm or even cold again.

5. You learn what being tired really means

If you think you were already tired after a short night before giving birth, you don't know what it really means to be tired. Apparently there is still an increase. No wonder if the little ones feel like they want to be breastfed every hour in the first few weeks or if they just want to have another ““, in which they want to be awake for hours at night, for no reason at all for us as parents. The edges of the eyes are inevitable.

Oh yes: Unfortunately, there are no longer weekends where parents can sleep in. The little ones don't care at all whether it's Tuesday or Sunday.

6. You put aside disgust

Diapers that are already overflowing, vomit that you scrape off the sheets... None of this seems to bother you anymore once you have a child. Even boogers are pulled out of the nose with the finger when there is no tissue at hand.

Not to mention the food the little ones spit out. Most of the time we catch it with our hand and somehow, don't ask me why, it ends up in our own mouth and we eat it with relish.

7. After being sick is before being sick

I was warned when we had the first days of daycare behind us. But I didn't expect that. Being sick takes on a whole new dimension. While there were still phases in our house before the birth when everyone was healthy, it feels like they no longer exist, especially in autumn and winter.

After being sick is before being sick. Someone is always sick or has one. It is and remains an eternal cycle.

8. You always get emotional

I have to admit: I was already emotional before the pregnancy. But that's nothing compared to who I am now. Sad films are no longer possible and every birthday is associated with many tears and memories. Not to mention photos that appear on your cell phone. Why does everything press on the tear duct?

9. Store-bought toys are uninteresting

They have bought all sorts of toys for the little ones and somehow everything is boring. At least the toys are absolutely not our favorite things at home.

Pots, boxes and mom's make-up from the bathroom are much more interesting. Above all, you can play much better with it. At least that's what the little ones think. So don't invest too much in expensive children's toys, just take a look around your kitchen. The best toys for the little ones are usually found there.

10. You grow beyond yourself and somehow manage to do everything

There are many new things that you have to learn as a new mom or dad. But the most important thing I have learned is that as a mom and dad you can surpass yourself.

While before the birth you thought, “I can’t do all of this.” “It’s all new to me,” but after the birth, it’s a thing of the past. Of course, there are always situations in which you are overwhelmed. But somehow you get through it. You master the situations, sometimes more, sometimes less well, but you get through them. After all, you are not alone in this.

Further reading tips: