Today is a federal election! How do you choose correctly?

You use theWahl-O-Mator theReal-o-foodthe 'machine' compares its own answers to various political questions with the election programs of all or previously selected parties. In the end, you will get the evaluation with which party you have the most matches. This is intended to help voters make a decision for a party in the upcoming Bundestag election 2025.

With myself, but also with many friends, the big parties such as Greens, SPD or CDU are at the top of the results list, but small parties such as the animal welfare party, volt or the pirate party. Of course, you can give your voice to a small party like this. However, it is likely that the voice will then be lost or that it will benefit the big parties, primarily probably CDU and AfD.

We want to explain why this is the case in the 2025 Bundestag election in 2025 when the cross can still be worthwhile at a small party and when it can make sense to choose strategically.

First vote, second vote and voting right reform

Before we take care of the small parties and the voting for them, to briefly vote for an explanation and the right to vote.

With theFirst voiceVoters can give their vote on the voting certificate to a direct candidate from their constituency. The candidate with the most votes moves directly into the Bundestag. However, only if the party of the candidate also receives enough second votes. More about that.

>> you see which candidates are on the ballot in your constituency and how many votes they are expected to receive. Candidate, who most likely not received 5 % of the votes, are not listed individually on the website. However, these people will still be on your voting certificate on February 23, 2025.

With theSecond voiceIf you do not choose an individual, but give up your voice for the country's list of a party. This contains candidates for a party of their own federal state who are to be sent to the Bundestag. The second voice is often referred to as a 'more important' voice because it sets the number of seats for a party in the Bundestag.

Important:Direct mandates have priority when moving into the Bundestag. The remaining seats of a party are filled with the candidates of the state lists. You can find out more about which state list receives how many

Overall, after theElection right reform630 MPs move into the Bundestag. Which party receives how many seats is (and this is new) exclusively from the second votes. There are no more overhang or compensation mandates. If a candidate* was able to move into the Bundestag because of his first votes before the voting right reform, even though the party could not gain enough seats over the second votes, this is no longer possible.

There is also the so -calledFive percent hurdle. It regulates that only parties can move into the Bundestag who receive at least 5 % of the nationwide second votes. Or who win the majority in at least three constituencies. Then the five percent hurdle (basic mandate clause) and a party moves into the Bundestag with its entire second vote.

Five percent hurdle The biggest problem for small parties and voices

The five percent hurdle is the reason why a voice for a small party can be lost or that it can help other large parties.

If first and second voices would always agree and would also create the 5 percent hurdle for election, everything would be easy. The 630 seats of the Bundestag would then be divided under the parties. Those who get most second votes get most seats and so on. Unfortunately, it is not that simple.

If a party does not move into the Bundestag because it stays below the 5 % and, for example, only receives 3 percent of the votes and has not won the majority in the votes in at least three constituencies, she cannot fill seats in parliament. However, their 3 percent are part of the 630 seats to be awarded and do not simply fall away, but are converted to the other parties or their seats.

So if many people give their second voice many small parties, all of whom reach less than 5 percent, this strengthens the big parties. If the small parties come together, often summarized as 'other', for example to 12 or even 15 percent, they are converted into seats and are divided into all parties over 5 percent. With the most votes, for example, the party receives 4 or 6 seats more than it would have received about the second votes.

When is a second vote for a small party?

The voice for a small party is not, as you sometimes read, a voice thrown away. Because the more people choose a small party like the animal welfare party, volt and Co., the more attention is paid to these parties. This gives your political issues more attention and this also increases the likelihood of more voters for future elections.

Prof. Dr. Robert Vehrkamp, ​​Democratic goalkeeper of the Bertelsmann Foundation, also refers inInterview with rbb24.deOn the fact that 0.5 percent of the second votes of a party will help financially, then it is entitled to state party financing. "This also enables small parties to be present in the future, to finance posters and events - and thus continue to participate in the public dialogue," said Vehrkamp.

What does tactical choose?

Nevertheless, the Democratic goalkeeper classifies that you as a voter of small parties have to be aware of "that they do not participate in the distribution of mandate in the Bundestag".

Of course, you would like to give the party your voice with which one matches most points. Because then you know your own interests and needs politically represented. However, this only works as long as the dream party can actively participate in the politics of the next federal government and that only works if it can move into the Bundestag.

And not only that, the voices that my little desired party has received are redistributed and, if in doubt, parties benefit from it that I absolutely do not want to support. Therefore, it can be worth considering to give my voice in the federal election of a party with which I also agree on many points and which I know that it will definitely move into the Bundestag.

>> And always remember: voting means participation! Make yourself smart and go today, on February 23, 2025, for the Bundestag election - for a strong and just future. <

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