PEKIP not only promotes the child in his development, but also strengthens the bond and relationship with the parents. What exactly happens at the early promotion course when you should visit it and we have a lot of more information for you.
Table of contents
- What exactly is Pekip?
- When should you start with PEKIP?
- What does a PEKIP course bring?
- What does Pekip include?
- How long can I attend a PEKIP course?
- What does a PEKIP course cost?
My first encounter with a PEKIP course actually took place through a book in which the concept did not get away at all. In it, a mom reported how her child was naked in Broccoli in the said PEKIP course and then developed a bad rash, torturing the mother and child over the next few days and nights. Not exactly a promising description.
In fact, PEKIP is much more than a baby to put naked in vegetables or the like. It is about promoting the child, his skills and opportunities. And it's about the relationship and binding of mother and father to her baby. In addition, mums and dads find many like -minded people in an early promotion course like this with whom they can exchange ideas.
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Doesn't really sound so bad. And that's not it either. We want to explain to you what you should know about the classic BeiKip.
What exactly is Pekip?
PEKIP is an acronym and stands for 'Prague parent-child program'. It goes back to the Prague psychologist Jaroslav Koch, who was particularly concerned with the relationships between nervous system and psyche in infants and toddlers.
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The actual Prague parent-child program developed the Bochum psychologist Christa Ruppelt together with her husband, the social scientist Hans Ruppelt. It builds on the work of Koch to 'education the child through movement' and above all promotes the development of babies in the first year of life.
When should you start with PEKIP?
What does a PEKIP course bring?
The aim of the course is to promote children in their (early) development. It has not yet been scientifically proven that participation in the course brings motor or intellectual advantages to a child. Promoting a child and calling for his level of development do not harm but under no circumstances.
Babies develop at a frenzied pace in the first weeks of life and months. You learn something new every day and explore the world. The goal of the Prague parent-child program is to support them optimally.
What does Pekip include?
As a rule, 6 to 8 parent-child pairs take part in one course, ideally only one parent is on site (regardless of Corona). The focus of the program is to motivate the child to play and exercise and enable him to contact the peers. A trained one! Course instructor gives mothers and fathers in the 90-minute course suggestions and ideas for playing with the child together.
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By the way, babies are best undressed in a PEKIP course because they then move much more, more freely and more intuitive. Therefore, the course room should be well warmed. In addition, everything takes place on the floor - which also makes a small mishap a rather small problem without a diaper.
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The Prague parent-child program not only promotes children. The parents also benefit from participation. In the groups you are sensitized to what your child needs. You will learn how to use your baby safe, learn to read it better and respond to your needs. This strengthens the parent-child binding immensely.
They also learn together with other parents. As a new mom or new dad, you have the opportunity to exchange ideas with the baby about big and small problems. The course instructor is also a good contact for problems, because he or she often has many years of experience in dealing with babies.
Something that parents are missing today, in contrast to 'earlier'. Because in fact, many parents hardly or no experience with babies before they do not become parents themselves. Unlike before, when you lived under one roof with many generations and could learn how to deal with babies and toddlers from grandma, grandpa, uncle or sister.
A PEKIP course is about promoting children, but also about promoting and training parents.
How long can I attend a PEKIP course?
The Prague parent-child program primarily promotes the development of the child in the first year of life. So you can visit a PEKIP group until your child is about a year old (and maybe already starts first running attempts).
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What does a PEKIP course cost?
A course usually extends over 8 to 11 group lessons and costs between 60 and 80 euros. Some health insurance companies cover some of the costs through certain bonus programs. It is best to find out more about this at your health insurance company.
Tipp:In addition to PEKIP, there are numerous other courses that have similar goals. It is best to find out about the possible offers from your city or community. You can always ask your midwife, friends and acquaintances - often the best programs can be found.
Important note at the end:The information and tips in this article are only suggestions. Every child is different and reacts in its own way. It is therefore important that you go into your child and find out which way is the best for you.
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