Surprise! Although citrus fruits like oranges are among the foods richest in vitamin C, they are not in the top 10 vitamin bombs! You can find out here which foods should not be missing during the cold season.
Table of contents
- Vitamin C is great for our health
- Tablets as an alternative to foods rich in vitamin C?
- Foods rich in vitamin C: The top 10
- These vitamins are also important for our health:
Oranges are real vitamin C bombs, right? Just like lemons and all the others. That's how most of us think. Finally, the high content of vitamin C is repeatedly emphasized in all orange and multivitamin juices. They are said to be particularly rich in vitamins, especially when freshly pressed. But is that really true?
Yes and no: It is true that citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. But there are many foods that contain significantly more of the “healthy vitamin”.
Vitamin C is great for our health
Why should we consume enough vitamin C? The main reason is that vitamin C is an excellent protector for our immune system. It helps to render so-called free radicals harmless and thus ensures that we stay healthy.
DieGerman Society for Nutrition(DGE) recommends that we consume 100 mg of vitamin C per day - ideally through foods rich in vitamin C. That sounds like a lot at first, but it isn't. If you eat fruit and vegetables every day, you will quickly absorb the 100 milligrams. It's enough if you eat 200 g of strawberries or 2 kiwis.
Good to know:Vitamin C is very sensitive to heat and light. Therefore, eat foods containing vitamin C as fresh as possible and do not store them for long. And: Eat vegetables like peppers or carrots raw sometimes. The vitamins are quickly lost when cooking.
Immun-Booster:Anyone who often suffers from colds should make sure not only to take the classic portion of vitamin C, but also to supplement the benefits of the vitamin with an important partner. The mineral zinc, which is also involved in many metabolic processes in the body, together with vitamin C becomes an absolute immune booster.
Tablets as an alternative to foods rich in vitamin C?
When a cold approaches, many of us like to take an extra portion of vitamin C with tablets. Does it help? Rather not. Our body simply excretes too much vitamin C. Apart from that, vitamin C tablets also behave differently in the body than foods rich in vitamin C.
Our body has a harder time processing this chemical vitamin C. Fruit and vegetables also contain many other vitamins and minerals that are good for us. Therefore: stick to themDGE recommendationand eat two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables every day. This way you are well supplied with vitamin C and other nutrients.
Reading tip:
The foods that contain the most vitamin C tend to be exotic foods:
- The Australian bush plum contains 2,300 to 3,100 mg of vitamin C per 100 g.
- Camu camu berries provide 2,000 mg of vitamin C per 100 g.
- Acerola cherries contain 1,700 mg of vitamin C per 100 g.
But: Local fruits and vegetables don't have to hide. With many varieties, you can cover your entire daily vitamin C requirement with just one serving. To help you do this effortlessly, we have listed 10 foods with a particularly high vitamin C content. You will see that they are easy to find - and not just in the delicatessen or at the specialized fruit and vegetable retailer.
These vitamins are also important for our health:
Vitamin C isn't everything. Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals not only make us beautiful, but also ensure that our body and its metabolic functions function properly.
Top 10 foods containing vitamin C that you should eat every day:
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Foods rich in vitamin C 10th place: 50 mg / 100 g oranges
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Foods rich in vitamin C 9th place: 62 mg / 100 g strawberries
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Vitamin C-rich foods 8th place: 75 mg / 100 g kale (cooked)
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Vitamin C-rich foods 7th place: 87 mg / 100 g Brussels sprouts (cooked)
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Foods rich in vitamin C 6th place: 100 mg / 100 g kiwi
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Vitamin C-rich foods 5th place: 110 mg / 100 g broccoli (raw)
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Foods rich in vitamin C 4th place: 140 mg / 100 g red pepper (raw)
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Vitamin C-rich foods 3rd place: 175 mg / 100 g black currants
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Vitamin C-rich foods 2nd place: 450 mg / 100 g sea buckthorn berries
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Vitamin C-rich foods 1st place: 1,250 mg / 100 g rose hips
Do you know when which types of fruit and vegetables are in season and how you can get the healthy foods in your region? Here inand inyou find out more.
Important note at the end: An active lifestyle with a balanced diet and lots of exercise is still the best way to stay fit over the long term and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.