Without tears nip -free: This is how you wean your child's pacifier

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A pacifier is a consolation donor and loving companion for many toddlers and babies. Especially in the first few weeks, a pacifier can work wonders, because the calming effect cannot be denied.

Nevertheless, the opinion about pacifiers is split. While some parents completely reject the nipple and do not want to offer them to their offspring, there are parents for whom the pacifier is worth gold.

But no matter what you choose, the nipple is introduced first, the pacifier must also be remedied again at some point. The time to say goodbye to the beloved pacifier comes at some point. Ideally, before the child or dentist*is torn down to possible tooth misalignments in a horror stories.

So that you do not have to break your head about whether you say goodbye to the nipple at the pacifier tree or at the pacifier fairy or as you can do without tears and great grief, we will tell you a few tips. This allows the pacifier to fold up almost effortlessly.

Pacify the pacifier: When is the right time?

When it comes to pacifiers, the big question is undoubtedly: when should you get used to it? Many parents are worried that waiting too long could end in a misalignment. Other parents see this completely relaxed and are sure that children voluntarily give up the pacifier at the age of three or four. Opinions differ greatly at this point.

Unfortunately, experts are also disagreed with pacifiers. Some say that sucking on the pacifier is pure habit and therefore unnecessary after the sixth month. Others say that the nipple is a means of coping with stress, that it provides comfort and soothes to small children.

In fact, many children who don't get a pacifier just sip their thumb. And weaning from the thumb sucking is often more difficult than one of the pacifier.

The teeth specify the time

So when it comes to the right time, the question of the teeth is ultimately the crucial one. Because pacifiers can actually lead to a malposition of the teeth.

Nevertheless, parents can approach the pacifier relaxed, because a tooth misalignment is not yet tragic in milk teeth. For example, an idea of ​​the milk teeth after weaning from the pacifier usually forms back within six months.

The situation is different with permanent teeth. If a child of around five to seven years is already in the tooth change and still uses the pacifier, there can actually be a permanent malposition of the teeth.

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From the age of children the pacifier is best used to be up to you. However, most experts agree on the point that children between two and four years should be used up.

How do you best get the nipple?

There are various tips and tricks with which it should be easier for children to take the pacifier out of their mouths and to never say again. For some, the "cold withdrawal" works, others need slow weaning. Before you start using these or those methods, you should be aware of what is best to do for your child.

The slow weaning

Many children are actually easier to get used to. After all, the pacifier has so far been her companion all her life. So it may well be that the process takes longer than a few days. But that's not bad at all. Each child develops at their own pace and every child also deals with the disposal of the pacifier.

Before you follow tips on weaning, you should slowly prepare the children for the pacifier to go soon. A widespread method for letting the pacifier leave out in stress -free situations. So if you are at home and play your child happy, then you don't need a pacifier.

Expansion of pacifier -free zones

If the child has got used to not wearing the pacifier at home during the day, you can determine that he will no longer be taken away when you make small errands. So 'develops' together by piece by piece of pacifier -free zones. Until you finally introduced that the nucky can only be used in bed.

Most children get along very well with this slow weaning. Also because it takes place during the day and there is enough distraction here.

Don't talk to pacifier in the mouth

If your child already speaks a few words, you can encourage it not to leave the pacifier in the mouth when speaking. After all, you can understand the offspring much better. Perhaps your child also connects positive pages with it when it no longer has the nipple in the mouth.

The final living well

The final is often more difficult. Especially when it comes to sleeping aid through the nipple. Because although they no longer use the pacifier most of the time, most children don't want to do without him in the evening and in bed.

At this point there are a whole series of tips and tricks that can help you to say goodbye to the nipple and to avoid being reduced, such as thumb sucking or sucking in duvets.

1. No longer offers the pacifier

The first tip is the most banal, but sometimes it is enough if you no longer offer children the pacifier. It is often our own habit that slows down the process of getting used to.

So pack the pacifiers away so that your child is no longer reminded of it and no longer talks about it. Free according to the motto "From the eyes, out of sense", this can be sufficient so that your child forgets the tissue.

2. The pacifier fairy

If you are not against it, you can also tell your child about the pacifier fairy, which comes to pick up all the tissue. As a thank you, she will bring a surprise. You can design this surprise as you want. This can be a small gift, that can be a lot of colorful balloons with a thank you card from the Schnullerfee personally - there are no limits to your imagination.

Tipp:So that you later do not tempt you to reproduce your pacifier to your child, you should really dispose of all pacifiers. So even your child cannot find the pacifier by chance, which could question the credibility of your pacifier fairy.

3. "Giving away" the pacifiers

If a new baby was born in your circle of acquaintances, you can use this fact and "give away" your pacifiers to the new baby. Of course you don't really give her to the new baby, but you can explain to your child that pacifiers are for very small children and that you want to pass on his pacifiers to the new baby. Your child will understand that the baby needs the pacifier and probably want to help.

Then you can make a small ritual out of it and put the pacifiers in a box and pack it nicely as a gift. If you have "given away" them, you can tell your child how happy the baby was over the pacifiers and how proud you are that it wanted to help.

So your child was able to prepare to say goodbye to the Schnullers. If a demand comes to them over time, you can explain that you gave away the pacifiers together and why you did it.

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4. Cut a piece of the pacifier with the scissors

A tiny cut with scissors and the tip from the pacifier is off. And your child can no longer suck him so well. It will feel different, unusual and more uncomfortable and your child will quickly notice.

That alone can be enough to take this last step into a pacifier -free life - even voluntarily. If your child ignores this incision, you can cut a little more every day. At the latest then it will lose interest in the pacifier.

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On the other hand, if it is sad and asks what the pacifier is, you can say that he broke, but your child no longer needs him because it is already big.

5. The cold withdrawal

The older your child gets, the more difficult it becomes to get used to the sucking. If you have tried everything, but your child still does not make the slightest institutions to separate from the pacifier, then often only the cold withdrawal helps.

Dispose of the pacifiers and no longer give them to your child. This is certainly the most radical method and it demands a lot of understanding and perseverance on your part, but once it has been through it, Schnuller is definitely no longer an issue for your child.

It is important here, however, that you are really convinced that it is now the time to get your pacifier. Because it becomes persistent and presumably also loudly demanding his nipple. That can be very nerve -wracking. You shouldn't give in anyway.

What else your child learns is that it only has to scream long and loudly enough to enforce his will. So if you try to give in, remember: Millions of parents have already taken this path in front of you and so far every child has given up at some point.

Important note at the end:The information and tips in this article are only suggestions. Every child is different and reacts in its own way. It is therefore important that you go into your child and find out which way is the best for you.

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