Really annoying: 5 questions that nobody wants to hear at the parents' evening in the daycare center

Parents' evenings in the daycare center can be really exhausting. Why? Because parents then show their true self. We tell you what questions are real no-gos.

My child has been going to daycare for almost a year now and everything is going well. TheWas easy, the care is good and you can get along well with the other parents.

Until the time of the first parents' evening, which usually takes place before the first day of daycare. Then some mums and dads show their true face. While you quickly keep some small talk after or in front of the daycare center and exchange information about insignificance, the parents' evening is down to business.

I also had to find that when the first parents' evening was at the door. I actually thought that a parents' evening should be informative. But sometimes I also have to be instructed better. Of course he was informative, but there were also some topics that were really superfluous, annoying and time -consuming.

Here are the most annoying sentences that nobody really wants to hear on the parents' evening.

1. Does my child really have to wear slippers? At home it only runs barefoot.

Of course, we all know slowly that barefoot run the healthiest for the little ones, as this strengthens their sensory and motor skills, among other things. In addition, the small feet are better supplied with blood. I also let our son run through the house without shoes. But what works well at home does not necessarily have to apply to the daycare center.

In daytime, slippery obligation is often required. On the one hand, there are hygienic reasons. On the other hand, they also protect the little feet. If a child only runs through the premises on stopper socks (of course also through the toilets), dirt and dirt can be better distributed, because socks suck moisture well. In addition, slippers offer a little more protection if construction blocks or cars land on the toes.

So the little ones simply put on slippers in daycare centers. You can run barefoot in your own four walls.

2. Do we want to found a WhatsApp group to exchange ideas?

Oh man, not another WhatsApp group. It feels like it is the hundredth, after all there has to be a new group for every event.

But while the question ensures eye roles at first glance, she still has her justification and the idea is not that bad. If you really only find out about the latest things about what is happening in the daycare group and don't send any funny pictures around. You get it more than enough.

So use the WhatsApp group as a pure info channel and do not annoy the other members.

3. So, at the end we come to the election of the parent representation. Who would like?

That had to come. There are always parent representatives. But I'm definitely the wrong choice for that. And when I looked around, most of the others. Mums and dads look down nervously or suddenly behave conspicuously. Somehow most of them don't feel like it.

Fortunately, a mom or dad has mercy and reports (more or less voluntarily). Since the big arguments for the election in this task are more absent, the discussion is quickly ended.

4. My child only eats Nutella on his bread. Can he bring that despite the ban on candy?

Of course, the question is justified. But does the topic have to be addressed at the parents' evening? You can regulate that under four eyes with the educators. After all, not all parents have to participate.

5. Which mom or dad can help us out at this year's summer festival and help with cake sales?

With this question, everyone tears around (Attention irony!). At least everything was suddenly silent with us. Everyone looked at everyone and nobody wanted to report.

Going to the summer festival is not the problem. But help with cake sales? There are mostly in short supply of hard -working helpers. After a few long minutes, a few voluntary, mostly the same, who are also looking for their election in the election of the parent representative and luckily offer their help. Discussion ended!

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