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First in the video: Why is my child suddenly lying to me?
These 5 sentences can make children sustainably happy. Learn how they boost self-confidence and deepen your bond.
All parents want their children to be happy. Unfortunately, we can't guarantee it, but we can help you take your happiness into your own hands. What's important is that we teach them the right things that will give them the best chance of a happy future - and these 5 sentences can help!
Sometimes it's not that easy to find the right words. Most parents have now banned sentences like “because I said so” from their vocabulary. Still, sometimes all you can think of to praise your little ones is a simple “well done.”
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Communicating with our children is not complicated at all. You don't have to praise too exuberantly to do something good for your children. A few simple sentences or an enthusiastic tone of voice are often enough to get the right message across and teach your children valuable life lessons.
“It’s incredibly great how you’ve learned to…”
This phrase is so wonderful because it can be used in almost any situation and can be tailored to suit any child. Children learn so much! They are like little sponges that literally absorb information. If you think about it, it's truly incredible how quickly and persistently they learn: Children don't just give up just because something doesn't work the first time. No child has ever given up on learning to walk just because they fell a few times. The same goes for reading or cycling and much more!
At the same time, this sentence is very precise and children can better understand direct feedback in this way. “It’s really great that you learned to put your toys away without me having to ask you to” is much more valuable than a simple “well done.” This means that children learn exactly what triggered the positive response and can more easily repeat this behavior and transfer it to other situations.
"I'll think about it."
Many moms put themselves under constant pressure by believing that they have to have an answer to everything immediately. Sometimes it's not the best idea to think of something quickly and say the first thing that comes to mind. Quite often this only leads to frustration for mother and child.
On the other hand, if you tell your child that you want to think about something, it shows the child that you take their wishes seriously. It also gives you time to make a good decision. At the same time, the children also learn that it is good to think about certain things and weigh up the pros and cons, which can be beneficial for them in the long term. And maybe even save them from one or two rash actions later in life.
"What do you think about it?"
In the past, children's views and ideas were usually not taken seriously and often simply not listened to. Many adults have now realized that we can even learn from children if we get their input. Additionally, one of the easiest ways to give your children confidence and strengthen your connection with them is to simply ask them for their opinion every now and then.
Children are told what to do all day long - at school, at the club and at home. It is a wonderful experience for them when they are taken seriously and included in the decision-making process. If mom takes them seriously, they will soon take themselves seriously and understand that they and their thoughts are important.
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"I appreciate it if you..."
Motivating children is sometimes not that easy, especially when it comes to something they don't want to do - be it putting on a jacket or helping around the house. However, if we tell them that we appreciate it if they do it and why, children learn that their actions also have an effect on other people. When they empty the dishwasher, they make everyday life easier for mom and dad, which in turn makes them happy. We teach them empathy and, in the same breath, gratitude.
Children learn by watching us. If they see their parents expressing gratitude, they will adopt that behavior. You will learn to appreciate things and express that feeling. People who regularly become aware of what they have to be grateful for are happier and more satisfied in their lives - this applies to adults and children. And by learning how to thank others, our children will also pass on this good feeling to other people.
Sometimes making our children happy can be so easy! Children feel like they ask about something 100 times a day, and at least once of those our answer should be yes. Yes to reading aloud, yes to playing together, yes to ice cream after dinner - no matter what it is about, if we consciously say yes more often, we create a positive mood in our home. We also give ourselves more time with our children, where everyone involved just has fun together and creates memories or maybe even traditions that everyone can look back on with a smile for years to come.