If a child weighs too much weight for its size, you should do something. You can read what helps children instead of the classic diet.
Our society is getting thicker. And this trend does not go by our children without a trace. Like the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in the brochure 'Childlike obesity: influencing factors at a glance'Writes, every sixth child in Germany is overweight or obese. In the age group of 11 to 13 year olds, it is even every fifth child.
As with us adults, there are often lack of movement as well as fat and sweet food and sugar -containing drinks. But how do you behave correctly if the offspring weigh too much? Is a classic diet right for children? Don't the unnecessary kilos disappear with the next thrust anyway?
When is my child too fat?
A few kilos too much on the ribs are no longer questionable for most children. "The body of children changes very quickly during growth," says Silke Restemeyer from the German Nutrition Society (DGE). "A small bliss can stretch to the asparagus park in the next growth phase."
If you are unsettled as far as your child's weight is concerned, it's best to ask your pediatrician. The problem: the BMI (body mass index), with which we adult overweight, does not apply to children.
Instead, the doctor controls the child in a special table in which weight percentile the child is. There is overweight from a value of 90 or more. "Clear fat pads and bacon rolls on the stomach, hip, chest and neck indicate overweight," says Silke Restemeyer.
But even if the doctor finds that your child is too thick, he will probably advise against a diet for your child. Especially if it is only a few kilos too much.
Which diet is suitable for children?
FDH, the cabbage diet or low carb: This is only partially recommended for us adults. Such a diet is urgently advised for children - for two reasons. Children are in the middle of the growth process and get a lack of nutrients faster if they do not eat sufficiently or only very one -sided.
What is almost worse: If children are put on diet at an early stage, constantly receive bans and measures, their self -esteem suffers. It can also be the first step into an eating disorder. A quick diet is therefore not the right way for children to fight the extra pounds.
Special weight loss programs instead of a diet for children
If your child is too thick, you should discuss possible measures together with your pediatrician.
Atslight overweightIf it is enough if the child moves more and 'pays attention to the food. This works, for example, if you work on awareness of your own hunger. Instead of simply eating because it tastes so good (and we all do it), you should pause after the first portion. After a big sip of water, you should ask yourself, do I really still have hungry or just want to continue eating?
Of course, a lookup is also allowed. After all, food is also fun. And a child shouldn't lose it.
Atstrong overweightA weight loss program is the right way. Instead of a classic diet, programs are offered for children that combine more exercise and healthy nutrition. There you will learn in a playful way which food contains many calories and potentially thick and what you can eat with a clear conscience.
In addition, there are cooking together in many programs and the children learn how to behave differently in everyday life to lose weight.
Very important:The children visit the program - so that it is successful, but also has to change something at home. The parents have to learn to cook healthier and more varied and of course go a good example. No child will understand why they should drink water themselves and eat fruit when parents and siblings drink juice and snack all day long.
Recommended weight loss programs for children are e.g. B.JumboKidsorMoby Kids. You can get offers near your doctor, your doctor.
Losing weight tips
Even if a diet for children is out of the question, there are a few tips that you can take in everyday life.
"Basically, the nutritional recommendations apply to a full and balanced diet as well as regular exercise for children and adolescents," says Silke Restemeyer from the DGE.
- Pay attention to regular, healthy and ideally. The child should be able to eat full.
- Start with small portions while eating. If the child is still hungry, it can go away.
- Make sure that you eat slowly and consciously.
- Do not allow distractions when eating. Cell phones, etc. have lost nothing at the table.
- Cooks healthy, tasty and calorie. Leave fat -rich foods such as cream, bacon or a lot of fat.
- Find out why your. Mostly there is frustration or boredom behind the appetite in the afternoon.
- No prohibitions. Sweets should be allowed, but only small portions.
- Ensures sufficient movement. If, if necessary, there is a look for time limits for TV and the PC use.
- Discover new hobbies together.
Important note at the end:The information and tips in this article are only suggestions. Every child is different and reacts in its own way. It is therefore important that you go into your child and find out which way is the best for you.
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