Toniebox: Hardly anyone knows these 4 secret functions

Your offspring loves his Toniebox? Read here which ingenious functions still hide in the colored cubes and the figures.

Those who have children between one and ten years of age will probably also have a tonie box at home. Those 12 x 12 centimeters tall, cube -shaped box with cat ears that play radio plays or children's songs with the help of small figures. It is easy to use and robust. A MATCH Made in Heaven for the children's room.

But even though thousands of households have the Toniebox at home (you not yet? Here you canShopping the starter set directly at Amazon)*, by no means use everyoneallFunctions.

So, in addition to the common handles for pre -coiling, stopping or making louder and quieter, there is one or the other trick that can save money and nerves.

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#1 creative tonies with free stories from Spotify

Creative tonies (Like the one at Amazon)* are figures that you can play. So far, so simple. But did you know that you can also use audio books, radio plays or music from streaming services such as Apple Music, Audible or Spotify?

Instead of paying around 15 euros per tonie and thus per story, you can use a creative tonie (from 9.99 euros) and charge MP3 files from Spotify and Co. There, from Paw Patrol to Disney stories, there is everything that makes children's ears listen.

This even works with the free Spotify version. You canRead hereor inthis videolook at.

#2 grandma and grandpa as surprise voices

Grandma and Grandpa or the aunt can also design a creative tonhony from their home with content or personal voice messages. This means that the grandparents, although they may live for hundreds of kilometers away, can still read a good night story every evening. Quasi as if they were sitting next to the bed.

Reading tip:

And is it that easy?If you want to equip a creative ton, all you need to do is need the Toniebox owner.

And you can play the small figure for up to 90 minutes, with which you want. This can be a personal message or the child's current favorite story. And then the little ones can hear them at any time and over and over again.

>> Here you can oneCreativ sink oma* or oneCreativ toning OPA* Order directly from Amazon.

#3 TONieBox use without a figure

Always buying new tonie characters is quite in the money. Even if you want to take the box on vacation, you inevitably have to pack up the characters.

Nothing works without a tonie figure, but those who have children who primarily 'Benjamin Blümchen', 'Bibi Blocksberg' and 'Bibi & Tina' (Shop here at Amazon)* Listening, the number of figures to be packed can minimize.

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Figures of these rows that have already been acquired can be used to play with new stories, which can be easily downloaded within the tonie app and assigned to the figure.

So if there is a new 'Bibi and Tina' story, you can simply load them on an existing 'Bibi and Tina' tonie and do not have to buy a figure.

#4 minimize maximum strength

Children love to hear one and the same story over and over again. And preferably as loud as possible. So do you have enough of the fact that 'the ice queen', 'Bibi & Tina' or 'Shrek' loudly hallen from the children's room and sound the whole house, then you should adjust the maximum volume of the tonie box. Jahaa, that's what works.

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Simply open the tonie app and log in. Then you choose your Toniebox and use the slider to set the maximum volume to 25 %, 50 %, 75 %or 100 %. In order for the box to take over the new settings, you have to switch it on and it must be connected to the WLAN. Synchronization starts.

From now on, your offspring can press the big ear of the box until the thumb burns, the maximum volume remains as loud (or quietly) as you want.

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