Holidays with grandma and grandpa: checklist for a carefree time

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The summer holidays are long, but your own vacation quota is very limited. For many families, this means to return to help, and to give the children to the holiday camp, holiday care or grandma and grandpa.

If your own parents are even so fit and would like to go on vacation with their grandchildren, that's a great thing. The children benefit from the extra portion of the grandparents and the parents from the relief that enables children -free time.

So that nothing stands in the way of vacation with grandma and grandpa, there are a few things that parents, grandparents and children should know.

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The most important thing: the power of attorney for children

For the time of vacation, grandma and grandpa are the child's legal guardians and should also be able to 'identify' as they. The child's parents should therefore issue a power of attorney on which all the important data and contacts are stored and that grants the grandparents certain rights in an emergency.

A power of attorney for the trip should contain the following data:

  • Name and date of birth of the child
  • Information from the power of attorney
  • Information on the authorized representatives
  • Content of power of attorney (care, doctor visit etc.)
  • Effectiveness and duration of the power of attorney
  • Cancellation option
  • Signature by legal guardian

Because the case that child has an accident on vacation and urgently needs medical help, then the grandparents are only informed with a power of attorney about the child's health and may only decide on treatments with power of attorney. For a trip abroad, it is also advisable to have a power of attorney in the state language.

>>Here on the side of the ADACAre there for children for children in various national languages ​​for download <

More important travel documents for children

The child's vaccination card, as well as provision and health insurance card should also be with the grandparents for the period of the trip.

You can find more information and a template for a power of

If grandparents and grandchildren want to go on vacation abroad, then the child also needs oneor another validthat is valid up to the age of 12.

More about the passport:

Young people also need a passport or ID. If the grandparents plan a long -distance trip with the grandchild, for example in the USA, you should also use the single -time andVisa-familiarize conditions.

In addition, the grandparents should be over theInsurance protectionof the grandson abroad. Is he insured with the grandparents or should additional international health insurance be taken out?

In general, it is advisable that the grandparents always carry the child's ID documents and the power of attorney, even if they go on vacation within Germany.

When can you let the children go on vacation with their grandparents?

So that grandparents, children, but also the parents can enjoy their vacation, the mutual trust is essential. Because it is different to have the children looked after by grandma and grandpa for a day or two, or to have them left with them for a long time, maybe even abroad.

Reading tip:

How old a child should or must be so that it can go on vacation with grandma and grandpa is of course a bit dependent on the nature of the child. If the child goes through the world openly and fearfully and has no problem with strangers and new situations, then it will also have fun on vacation with grandma and grandpa and his parents do not miss excessively.

The relationship with the grandparents also plays a major role in thinking about sending your child on vacation with his grandparents. When children and grandparents see each other regularly and have an intimate relationship with each other, then there is absolutely nothing against the fact that even toddlers go on vacation with them or stay alone with them.

Reading tip:

If you are unsure whether child and grandparents get along alone for a long time, you should definitely test this. Maybe on a weekend near the parents. It is best to speak openly to the children and sound what they think about going on vacation with their grandparents for a week or two.

Where can grandparents and grandchildren go on vacation?

When grandparents and grandchildren go on a vacation together for the first time, you should try that they are not too far from the parents' house. Two to three hours of car are a good distance. Because if it really doesn't work, mom and dad don't have that far. But it is also far enough so that it is also a real vacation for those involved.

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Especially from a trip abroad, you should refrain from grandchild and grandparents on the first vacation together. On the one hand, it would be very complex to bring the child back, on the other hand, the travel conditions may be too exciting for the child. After all, it doesn't fly every day and certainly not with the grandparents.

The holiday destination, the grandparents and grandchildren choose for their vacation should of course have its charms for all travelers. A pure hiking holiday can enjoy children, but maybe you will be a bit boring in the long run. So you should pay attention to variety.

A riding stable in the mountains, a farm by the sea or just the beach on the doorstep - the main thing is that everyone will find something that they enjoy. After all, the vacation should be a good memory of grandma and grandpa and grandchildren.

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Vacation with the grandparents: What do you have to clarify?

Even if the parents were strict and consistent in their own childhood, for example, sweets and television have severely restricted, then they are (almost) completely different people as grandparents. Therefore, parents and grandparents should clarify exactly what is okay and what is not. If you have a problem with it, if the child romps around until 11 p.m., you should say that before the grandparents travel with the grandchild.

Fixed rituals or preferences and dislikes of the child should also be discussed. If the grandchild has certain routines, it can help him to cope with the first vacation without parents.

Vacation from the parents

Nevertheless, parents should not ask for the grandparents to do everything as they do. After all, the attraction of the vacation of grandparents and grandchildren is also that things are going differently. Grandma and Grandpa put an eye more. In principle, the child goes on vacation from his parents and thus also of their rules.

And that grandma and grandpa spoil the grandchild a bit is also part of it.

You should not forget plush toys, cuddly pillows or other 'friends' of the children who can donate a little comfort to them in times of homesickness or that they simply need to sleep.

And please also think of the first -aid kit. What against fever, what against diarrhea and vomiting and pavement - the smaller ailments are covered and the grandparents do not have to go to the pharmacy themselves.