Children love hidden object books in which there is a lot to discover and search for. We'll tell you which books are our must-haves.
My son loves hidden object books. No wonder. There is a lot to discover in the colorful books. Every day the little ones can discover new things and thus promote their imagination and creativity.
Hidden object books are suitable both for reading yourself and for reading aloud. They encourage searching, finding and telling stories. Perfect for little ones who don't want to set any limits to their imagination.
We read hidden object books almost every day. Books with animals in particular are at the top of the popularity scale. But the colorful books are even more versatile. There are books with topics such as cities, seasons or even farms. We'll tell you which ones are our favorites and why hidden object books are educationally valuable for children.
Hidden object books promote child development
Why hidden object books definitely belong on your kids’ bookshelf? Very easy. Here are some reasons why the books are so good:
- Hidden object books promote concentration, as the little ones can occupy themselves with it for a long time and can completely immerse themselves in the scenery.
- Hidden object books stimulate the imagination, because you first have to invent the stories together with your child.
- Hidden object books support linguistic developmentby allowing the little ones to repeat simple words.
- Hidden object books show the diversity of the worldby constantly offering your children new scenery and situations.
Hidden object books: These are our favorites
There are many hidden object books. Here are our four favorites:
1. “The big bedtime hidden object book”
This is for anyone who likes to read a book with their child in the evening“The big bedtime hidden object book”*the perfect choice. Everyone here is just tired. No matter whether human or animal. But not everyone has found sleep yet. Who else does the sandman have to distribute his sand to? Immerse yourself in the wonderful dream world!
- from 2 years
Credit: Loewe/gofeminin
2. The “Feelings Hidden Object Book”
In order for children to grow into confident adults, they have to deal with feelings. The“Feelings Hidden Object Book”*is perfect for getting to know feelings. Because only those who know what kind of feelings they are can classify them and learn to deal with them. With over 200 terms for different feelings and emotions, the hidden object book is particularly extensive.
- from 2 years
Credit: gofeminin/Adrian & wimmelbuchverlag
3. “The 1000 Animals Hidden Object Book”
“The 1000 Animals Hidden Object Book”*is one of our absolute favorites. An absolute must for animal lovers. The book is super colorful and super versatile. Children learn in a playful way what animals exist. No matter whether local farm animals or animals from all over the world. There is (almost) no animal that is not represented. The animals can be easily assigned using the word-picture bar.
- from 3 years
Credit: gofeminin/Esslinger in Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag GmbH
4. “Where is Walter?”
“Where is Walter?”*is the absolute classic among hidden object books. The search book is particularly suitable for children aged 4 and over as it requires a great deal of concentration. Nevertheless, searching for the striped shirt wearer is a lot of fun.
Credti: gofeminin/ Fischer Sauerländer
We hope you enjoy reading, searching and discovering.
Further reading tips: