Lower cortisol: tips, home remedies and methods against stress

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Are you often limp, can you concentrate badly or will often be sick? These and some other symptoms can indicate that the cortisol value in your blood is too high.

In order to lower the cortisol, tablets are of course an option. However, they are mainly prescribed in severe cases. It's a good thing that there is a lot of natural ways to lower the cortisol level. We have put together the best methods for you.

What is cortisol?

Cortisol is an body's own hormone that affects the immune system, the circulation and the metabolism. Among other things, it also plays a major role in regulating the sleep rhythm: the cortisol level is about higher in the morning, which activates the energy supply and we actively start the day. In the evening the values ​​sink again - together with the energy.

Why is Cortisol also called the "stress hormone"?

There is a simple answer: in particular stress, whether mentally or physically, causes cortisol to be released. It is not bad for a short time. It actually helps us, because the higher cortisol level makes us more powerful.

However, chronic stress is problematic. This ensures that the cortisol is permanently increased, which means that a variety of health consequences can occur.

What are the consequences of high cortisol?

Permanently high cortisol is quite a challenge for the body, because the hormone can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system, blood pressure, muscles and bones. At the same time, it is related to sleep disorders, emotional imbalances and even libido loss.

The weight can also suffer from long -term increased cortisol. The increase in visceral fat on the lower abdomen is particularly typical-including the fact that the Cortisol surplus drives up blood sugar levels.

In addition, chronically high cortisol increases the risk of tumors, chronic diseases, heart problems and a variety of other serious diseases. A very serious matter!

You can read more about high cortisol here:

How can you lower the cortisol, of course?

So simple, so effective: you have toReduce stress. Because a high cortisol level, in addition to some other causes, is particularly related, especially with large amounts of stress, you should keep an eye on it.

Whether it is "negative" stress (Distresscalled) or about "positive" stress (alsoEustress) acts. The body is completely the same.

We have a few tips for you:

#Identify stress factors

Take a look at your everyday life and consider: What often stresses me? Once you have identified your stress factors, you can better work with it.

Is it about stress younotCan change, such as car noise on the way to the job, it will of course be difficult to reduce it. However, it helps many to accept exactly this stress factor and thus better prepare for future situations.

If the stress can be reduced, for example because it is caused by leisure plans, then you should try to restructure your day or even the week. Where did you plan to do too much? Where can you switch to other days?

#2 Coping with stress

Deep breaches, fresh air, gardeners or meditation - all of these are methods for coping with stress. If it gets stressful again, such relaxation exercises can help to master everyday life better. It often also helps to talk to other people about their own problems. That takes extremely pressure from the shoulders.

Tipp:who can support you in everyday life.

#3 sleep enough

It is also difficult for you to fall asleep or sleep through when you are stressed? This is no wonder, after all, the cortisol dilks through the body diligently and brings it on alert. Good sleep? No chance.

The next day you feel drained. That makes sense, because sleep deprivation reduces cortisol values ​​in the morning, which goes hand in hand with problems when waking up, such as oneStudyshows.

Tipp:Here you will find 7 tips for better falling asleep and some.

#4 screen breaks

Many know it, very few adhere to it: before going to bed, you should avoid artificial light, for example from the smartphone. Because the darkness in the evening ensures that melatonin, the sleep hormone, is produced. We make this process difficult due to the light and sleep badly.

The key to better sleep: stay away from the smartphone!Credit:AdobeStock

Lack of sleep in turn means more stress like thisStudyshows. And more stress = less sleep. An eternal cycle! So: try to scroll less in the evening, then you get your stress hormones under control.

#Plan 5 breaks

We all need a little break every now and then, that's normal. Remember to actively incorporate breaks into your everyday life, especially if you often have stress at work. You can then design them, as you like it.

Some read a good book, others go out in the fresh air and take a walk. A small powernap or a round yoga can also work wonders. Go dancing, meet friends, play an instrument - just try what suits you best.

Lower cortisol: these home remedies are available

Herbs and plants have always been a popular way to solve all kinds of health problems. But what about Cortisol: can you reduce stress?


SeveralStudiesShow: The sleep berry, also called Ashwagandha or "Indian Ginseng", can help lower the cortisol. It has been part of Indian medicine for a long time and plays a major role in Ayurveda.

> You can buy Ashwagandha as capsules,For example here on Amazon*


It is well known that lavender has a calming effect. The purple flowers have been used for insomnia for a long time. However, there is also indications that lavender air can lower the cortisol level and reduce fears of how this canStudyshows.


Rose root, or Rhodiola Rosea, as the medicinal plant is also called, is known as a remedy for stress, stress and exhaustion. At the same time, it can lower the distribution of cortisol in response to stress, like a SwedishStudyshows.

> There are also rose root as capsules,You can order them on Amazon*

Quite cute
Even if pets are actually no home remedies for stress, they can according to thisStudyNevertheless, help to lower our cortisol. So: give your favorites a few more pats - that is good for you both.

With sports against the stress hormone

The fact that sport is healthy should be a surprise for very few. Movement is not only good for our body, it is also very helpful in reducing stress and therefore a miracle weapon to lower the cortisol.

However, one should not overdo it, because in turn too intensive sport is a stressful situation for the body - the cortisol increases. Competitive sports are therefore not necessary.

The health portalUnedallyInstead, moderate sports such as cycling and hiking or gentle yoga recommend to reduce the cortisol.

Lower cortisol: include nutrition

Did you know that nutrition can also play a major role if you want to lower your cortisol? This has to do with the blood sugar level.

If this rises quickly and then drops rapidly, the body produces a lot of cortisol. This happens, for example, if you eat a lot of sugar. Unfavorable if the value is already high anyway!

These foods lower the cortisol

Which foods lower the cortisol level? A balanced and healthy diet is important in all situations, but can also contribute to regulating the stress hormone. Whole grain products, vegetables and fruit should be on the menu.

Because they contain manyFiberthat only slowly rise and drop the blood sugar level.

Vitamins and minerals

At the same time, you should make sure to consume enough vitamins and minerals. Magnesium, for example, is increasingly excreted by an increased cortisol level. So it should be withOr are recorded via dietary supplements so that there is no defect.

Omega-3 fatty acids

An increased absorption of omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce perceived stress levels and reduce the cortisol level, such asResults of a studyshow.

So go to the omega-3 fatty acids! You can find them in fish (among other things tuna, mackerel, salmon), algae, nuts and seeds or food oils such as rapeseed oil, hemp oil or walnut oil.


AnotherStudyhas shown that probiotics can also lower the cortisol. So they are not only good for intestinal health, but also for our stress hormones. You can find probiotics in yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, miso paste or even cheese.

The right foods can regulate the cortisol level.Credit:AdobeStock

These foods increase the cortisol

Foods that you should avoid or reduce are even more important than foods that reduce cortisol in order not to further increase your cortisol level.

The best way to do it is to make it easier for you to make it easier for you.

Caffeinated foods

Coffee junkies must now be strong: caffeine is not your friend if you want to lower your cortisol. Because caffeine stimulates the distribution of the hormone. It does not matter whether the durator comes from coffee, cola or energy drinks.


And alcohol should not be too often on your plan, because regular and long -term alcohol consumption increases cortisol levels.

In addition, alcohol should simply not be a remedy for stress - the risk of addiction is too high. A drink with friends is in order every now and then, but in the sense of your entire health, please do not.

Sophisticated sugar

The sugar, the z. B. is contained in sweets or sweet drinks, lets the blood sugar level skyrocket. This in turn stimulates cortisol production. So try to do without the small treats as far as possible.

By the way: A little chocolate is not so wrong - in small quantities and as dark as possible, i.e. with a high cocoa content. OneStudyshows that cocoa can even reduce the production of cortisol.


Trans fatty acids increase cholesterol. This also causes the adrenal cortex to release more cortisol. You will find them in heavily processed food or very greasy food such as fries. They are also available in snacks like cookies.

So here too: only in moderation and not too often!

Important NOTE:The information in this article only serves the information and does not replace a medical diagnosis. If uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints arise, you should contact your doctor. Medical on -call duty can be reached via nationwide number 116117.