»»Fit instead of tired: your 5-step plan for more energy in spring
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Spring fatigue: what you can do about it
These tips are guaranteed to help.
With new energy in spring! With our 5 tips - from more light to the right nutrition - you can leave the spring tiredness behind you and start the new season fit.
You wake up in the morning, stretch yourself with relish - and ask yourself why you still feel so limp, even though spring is already in the starting blocks? This feeling has a name: spring fatigue.
But don't worry! With the right tips you can leave them behind and enjoy the new season full of energy. We'll show you how to do it.
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1. Record daylight
It is no coincidence that you often feel better on sunny days. Your body produces vitamin D from daylight and pours out the happiness hormone serotonin, both real mood uphells. So get out with you when the sun lures! Use the early morning hours for a walk and let daylight look like a natural tonic.
2.Go to sleep early
Too often, we pull the evening unnecessarily in the evening. Listen to your inner clock and treat yourself to a break when you get tired. Earlier bedtime can help to keep the natural daily rhythm and to be more awake and more active during the day.
Reading tip:
3. SufficientMovement
Movement is the natural enemy of fatigue. Whether cycling, jogging or a cozy walk - the fresh air promotes blood circulation and stimulates the metabolism. Make yourself movement in the fresh air to regular habit.
Do you work in the office and have a standing table? How about a walking pad (Here at Amazon*) So you bring more movement into your everyday life.
An invigorating alternating shower in the morning awakens the spirits. Start with warm water and end it with cold water. This change promotes blood circulation and can act like an energy push for starting the day.
Reading tip:
5.Healthy eating
Finally, a word about a balanced diet. With plenty of vitamins from fruit, vegetables and whole grains, you support your body in the fight against spring fatigue. A nutrient -rich diet is your ally for more vitality and well -being.
Important NOTE:This article only serves the information and does not replace a medical diagnosis. If uncertainties, urgent questions or acute complaints arise, you should contact your doctor or ask for advice in the pharmacy. Medical on -call duty can be reached via nationwide number 116117.