Parenting in transition: 8 things that children no longer learn today

There are things we learned as children that our children no longer learn today. And even though of course not everything was better in the past, there are still a few things that are a real shame that they have fallen by the wayside.

Sure, our society has become more mindful. Today, the individual counts more than conformity. Our children also benefit from this, as they simply grow up differently than we used to. Just as many of us grew up very differently than the generation before us.

Today, no child has to give their aunt a kiss as a greeting if they don't want to. Sitting still at school for long periods of time has also become obsolete. So there is a lot that is good and useful today. But it's a real shame for some of the skills we learned earlier. What do you all mean?

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#1 Tie your shoes

We agree that there are much more important things than being able to tie your shoes. In addition, the range of Velcro shoes (also for adults) is huge.

And yet it is sometimes shocking how many children, even at the age of 9, 10 or 11, are unable to tie shoelaces into a bow. Simply because no one practices it with the children anymore. Even kindergarten children have the dexterity to learn this.

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#2 Sit (stay) at the table

Many children today no longer have the patience to sit at a table for an entire meal. People fidget and get up, run around the room or do other nonsense.

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This may not be a problem at all in your own four walls, especially if your parents don't mind. However, it becomes a problem when the children also do this in a restaurant.

Parents often only realize in such situations that their children can't do that. Either you avoid going to restaurants with your children or you simply practice sitting at the table together at home.

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#3 Housework

Robot vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, dryers: Hardly any children today are involved in household chores. It doesn't hurt the children at all to vacuum their own room or to help their parents wash up or dry them. Quite the opposite, actually. Because the responsibility they take on helps their self-confidence and makes them fit for the future.

Children as young as three years old can actively help out at home and, for example, set the table or load the dishwasher after eating.

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#4 Keep busy alone and get bored sometimes

In the past, what would we have given to have a portable TV with us on long vacation car trips or train journeys? That's exactly what our children have today and it's both a blessing and a curse.

Because if the youngsters are bored, they won't come up with (stupid) ideas and build, paint or 'invent' something. No, today iPad, laptop and cell phone are the ultimate boredom killer. Constant sound instead of imagination and creativity. We parents really have to take a look at this.

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#5 Use freedom

After breakfast you picked up your friends to play, at lunchtime you rushed home in time for dinner, only to play outside with your friends again after the lunch break (1 p.m. to 3 p.m.). When it got dark you had to go home. Nobody really cared about what we did and where.

Our children today arrange to make video calls, meet friends to go shopping in the city and otherwise find it difficult to get some fresh air. Equipped with a cell phone, we parents always know where our children are. That doesn't sound like freedom and trying things out.

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#6 Be reliable

If you had agreed a time with your parents when you should be home, you just had to be on time, otherwise there would be trouble. Simply calling while on the go was not possible without a cell phone (unless you happened to have money for the phone booth).

Today, children don't see punctuality as much. A short WhatsApp or call is enough and the parents know. In a way, they also show reliability because they remember to inform their parents that they will be arriving later. However, the message about this often only arrives when they should actually be home.

Reading tips:

#7 Learn independence and responsibility

Nothing used to make us prouder than going home alone after school with a key around our neck and being alone there. So-called latchkey children are rarely found today.

It's certainly nice for children to have someone at home or not have to be responsible for a younger sibling when you're only 10 or 11 years old. But it's a bit of a shame that we give our children so little independence today. Because if we are honest, we have grown from such moments rather than suffered from them.

#8 Be considerate in the family

There was exactly one television and a cable telephone in the living room. It was agreed what to watch together or we went to bed earlier. Out of consideration for the others, telephone calls were either made in a whispering voice in the living room or you strained the telephone cable to the maximum and sat down in the hallway.

Today, families have multiple televisions and streaming services and rarely sit in front of the TV together. Nobody has to be considerate when making calls, because thanks to cell phones everyone has their own connection.

Important note at the end:In addition to the things that children can no longer do or learn today, there are of course plenty that they can do. And they can do it much better than we can.

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