Menstrual complaints: These 6 yoga exercises help with PMS

If the menstrual pain is used, sport is probably the last thing you feel like - I speak from experience. I would like to cuddle myself into bed with a hot water bottle and do nothing.

In fact, gentle movement can be just the right thing to relieve cramps and other complaints. Why?

  • Looses the muscles- relaxed abdomen and back
  • Stimulates blood circulation- solves tension and cramps
  • Sets endorphins- improves mood and relieves pain

We show you six simple yoga exercises that you can easily do at home-and even in bed. Because honestly: Nobody wants to carry to the gym on these days anyway.

Yoga exercise 1: The child position

The child's attitude, alsoBalasanacalled, is a resting position that is wonderful to stretch your back gently and soBack painto counteract.

At the same time, she helps to relax and relax the shoulders and neck. And even with a headache, it can be helpful - especially practical if you tend to a throbbing head during the period.

Relaxing and pain-relieving: the child positionCredit:AdobeStock

It's that easy:

1. Known yourself on your carpet or a sports mat. Your back of your foot is on the floor, the big toes should touch. The knees are about hip width and your butt rests on your heels.

Tipp: If the heel seat is uncomfortable, you can also place a pillow or a rolled -up blanket as a seat between the calves.

2. Breathe in and out deep. When exhaling, you slowly bend forward and put your forehead on the floor in front of your knees. If this does not (yet) work, you can also use a pillow here.

3. You put your hands off the legs, the palms are turned against the blanket. The shoulders sink towards the ground. Alternatively, you can stretch your arms forward and put the palms. And now it says: breathe deeply and relax.

Shopping-Tipp:Against severe pain before and during the period, pads help combine TENS technology with heat. They are glued to the abdomen and relieve cramps without pain reliever.A top rated product is available here at Beurer*. With the codegofeminin20you are currently saving 20% ​​on the shop price!

Exercise 2: cat and cow

The exercise combination is a real classic: you also know them. The position cat (Marjaryasana) stretches and loosens yoursBack musclesAnd the neck. At the same time, it should have a good impact on digestion - which likes to go crazy during the period.

The cow (Bitilasana) is the counterpart to the cat. This position stretches the front of the body and your spine. It also increases your mobility in the long term. And: it should be the internal organs, such as theuterus, stimulate.

Well known: the position catCredit:AdobeStock

This is how the exercise succeeds:

1. Turn on the floor and sit on your heels. Then go to the four -footed stand. The back is straight, the thighs form a 90 ° angle to the lower legs, the back of the foot is on the floor. Your arms are about hip width.

2. Look ahead and go into a "cat hump" when exhaling. You cured your back, stretch the spine to the ceiling and let your head sink down.

3. When inhaling, it goes into the position of the cow. The belly sinks against the floor, the spine is stretched down, the head rises again and the view goes forward. Repeat several times.

Exercise 3: The Kobra

The cobra may look daunting at first because you should lie down on the already painful stomach. The exerciseBhujangasanaBut it is great to loosen the abdominal area gently and theCramps in the stomachto counteract. In addition, the exercise strengthens the muscles in the back.

Strong in pain: the KobraCredit:AdobeStock

This is how you proceed:

1. Lay your stomach on your mat. Take out your legs and put the back of the foot. Place your palms close to your body, for example at the level of the chest, the palms are on the floor.

2. Slowly lift your upper body off the ground and gently stretch your chest forward. Pull together your shoulder blades. The abdominal muscles are tense, the pelvis rests on the floor.

3. Your gaze should be directed to the front, the head is very light on the neck - please do not overstretch. Keep the position for about three breaths and turn back to the ground. Repeat a few times.

Exercise 4: Lying butterfly

You can run this exercise wonderfully with a hot water bottle in bed. It is great to reduce stress and relax - ideal if you have problems falling asleep, for example.

You can also do withSupta baddha konasanaStretch the pelvis, strips and stretch the inside of your thighs and reduce tensions. In addition, the blood circulation is promoted and the ovaries are stimulated. Your warm hands or hot water bottle helpCramps in the lower stomachto solve.

A practical alternative to the hot water bottle is rechargeable heat pads that also work with TENS technology. They alleviate the menstrual complaints and strengthen the beneficial effect of the exercises.

Here you can take a closer look*

Pure relaxation: the lying butterflyCredit:AdobeStock

So you carry out the exercise:

1. Lie on your back, optionally in bed or on a soft surface, angle your legs and place your feet next to each other. Make sure you lie comfortably and support your head with a pillow if necessary.

2. Put your palms loosely on your abdomen. If you want, you can also place your hot water bottle here. Then let your knees sink towards both sides towards the floor.

Tipp: The knees don't necessarily have to touch the floor. If the stretch is too strong for you, like to put it on a cushion.

3. Now take a deep breath and stay in the position for about 10 minutes. Stay very relaxed and relax.

Exercise 5: Looking down dog

Another classic among yoga exercises!Adho mukha svanasana, as the exercise in Sanskrit is called, stretches the back of the legs and back, neck and arms. So perfect toTensions all over the bodyto solve.

Change of perspective: the down dogCredit:AdobeStock

And this is how it works:

1. Go to the four -footed stand. The hands should be about shoulder width, the knees are under the hips, the toes are set up. Press your buttocks up so that your upper body, your legs and the floor form a triangle.

2. Pee your fuselage down, let your arms stretch and head down. Your gaze goes to the legs. You pull your shoulder blades apart, you press the heels as best you can.

3. If you cannot keep your legs completely stretched, that's not a problem. Bend your knees a little to take the pressure out. Keep the exercise and don't forget to breathe.

Exercise 6: leg circles

Unlike the other exercises, leg circles are not part of yoga, but is still very gentle and effective if you have menstrual pain. Because the exercise loosens theMuscles in the back and stomach, who like to tense up when the period causes trouble again.

Like a small package: circle legs

It's easy:

1. Put yourself flat on your back and pull your legs up to you. Grab your legs with your hands and pull it gently to your chest so that your rear part lifts slightly from the mat.

2. Circles now with the dressed legs in one direction, then in the other. Stay about your lower back. Meanwhile, the head and shoulders are relaxed on the floor.

3. Get the movement a few times and take a deep breath.

Important:Have the pain clarified by a doctor

If you often suffer from pain during your day, which severely affect your everyday life, you should discuss them with your doctor. Diseases such as endometriosis occur more often than you think. Unfortunately, they are often recognized very late.

Here you can read more about the disease:.

Important NOTE:This article only serves the information and does not replace a medical diagnosis. If uncertainties, urgent questions or acute complaints arise, you should contact your doctor or ask for advice in the pharmacy. Medical on -call duty can be reached via nationwide number 116117.