Awesome trick: This is how your pain reliever works in just 10 minutes (occupied by study)

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»»Awesome trick: This is how your pain reliever works in just 10 minutes (occupied by study)

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According to the John Hopkins study: painkillers work much faster with this trick

A study found that the right posture can accelerate the effect of pain relievers. We'll tell you the simple trick.

A study found that the right posture can accelerate the effect of pain relievers. We'll tell you the simple trick.

Do you think about taking a painkiller about your posture when taking a painkiller? Probably not. Because with stinging headaches, our thoughts tend to revolve it as quickly as possible. Whether we take the tablet while sitting or standing is secondary ... or not?

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have found that depending on the posture, the effect of painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol can be accelerated or slowed down.

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Place on the right side: painkillers have a faster effect

In an AmericanStudyAround Prof. Rajat Mittal, it was found that tablets work faster if you take theright sidelays. The pain reliever should work in this way within just ten minutes. For comparison: if you lie on your back, it takes more than twice as long (23 minutes)!

The reason for the faster effect is also very simple: If you are on the right side, the tablet finds your way through our body faster. The angle in which the remedy slips through the stomach is steeper - the effect occurs faster.

The posture of painkillers has this influence

A simple trick with great effect: whether we stand, sit or lie (and on which side) can be crucial for how quickly a pain reliever works. The researchers were even surprised at the time difference of the effect, it says inArticle of the John Hopkins study.

Medicines work faster on the right side. But what happens if you lie on the left side? In this case you have to wait much longer. The tablet is kept in the stomach longer and more slowly released into the intestine.

Here we have summarized the times of action again:

  • Lie on the right: 10 minutes to effect
  • Lie on the left: 100 minutes to effect
  • Stand, sit and lie on the back: 23 minutes to effect

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The content of this article only serves the information and does not replace a doctor's diagnosis. If uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints arise, contact your doctor or pharmacist.