Valentine's Day Hater: February 14 is horror for these zodiac signs

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These 3 zodiac signs hate Valentine's Day

While Valentine's Day is the most beautiful day a year, are there some who literally hate February 14th? Are you and your zodiac sign too?

On February 14th is Valentine's Day. While many lovers are looking forward to this date all year round, others cannot do anything with Valentine's Day. Already at the sight of the many couples in love in the city, the love biscuits in the café or a romantic window decoration, breakfast comes up again.

And whether you believe it or not: your resentment compared to Valentine's Day can have something to do with your zodiac sign. There are zodiac signs that don't have that much to do with romance.

Others are not averse to romance, but they don't understand the thoughts behind Valentine's Day. In her opinion, love should not only be celebrated in one day, but all year round. We'll tell you three zodiac signs that really hate Valentine's Day and want to hear nothing about it.

#1: Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

The Capricorn has a very controlled character and is a real head man. Unfortunately, romance has little space in his life. The zodiac sign mostly acts rationally and can rarely be guided by its emotions. Towels and rose petals on the bed folded into swans, he thinks an imposition. Of course, the Capricorn also feels affection and love. He just doesn't show his feelings so open. And with red roses and chocolates in your luggage you will definitely not experience it. He describes the whole Tamtam around Valentine's Day as kitschy.

However, this does not mean that he does not love his partner with all my heart. On the contrary, the Capricorn is extremely caring and wants his sweetheart to be doing well. Only he does not show that on a romantic meal prescribed on him, but rather in everyday life, for it 365 days a year.

#2: twins (May 21 - June 21)

The twin is also one of the zodiac signs that cannot do that much on Valentine's Day. Although twins are happy to be given presents and are always looking forward to small attentions - but they don't feel like preparing or getting something themselves. In addition, this rather flutteringly light zodiac sign is contrary to the forced and attached. He likes it spontaneously and impulsively from the moment. The twin is a mystery why this should be on February 14 of all people.

The twin is actually one of the people who roll their eyes when a turtent couple. And even with the idea of ​​preparing a romantic dinner for his treasure, the twin feels shame. It is obvious that he does not hold anything from Valentine's Day. However, this does not mean that the twin does not like to spend time with his or his loved one. On the contrary, he loves to do things. Instead of a romantic dinner, you can convince him with an action -packed adventure to celebrate the Valentine's Day together.

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#3: Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Protect also loves adventure and are loving freedom, but in principle they also have nothing against a romantic evening for two. However, they simply don't understand the principle of Valentine's Day. Because why should love be celebrated on this day? Protects are of the opinion that this can and should be the case just as well on any other day.

If you still want to convince a shooter to celebrate Valentine's Day with you, you can probably lure him with a visit to an extraordinary restaurant. However, you should better refrain from chocolates, roses and crazy romance. Because the shooter just loves it spontaneously and all year round.

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Note at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not always everything that says astrology. So let's take them better than guideline and advisor, not as an irrefutable truth. Ultimately, it is up to you what you make from star constellations, typical zodiac character traits and predictions.

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