Neumond on February 28th: ​​Three zodiac signs take an emotional journey through

Not only the full moon can ensure emotional chaos - the new moon is also not without. Read here which zodiac sign must now adapt to changes.

Have you ever noticed that you sleep worse or emotionally agitated at full moon? No coincidence! The moon phases influence our well -being and mood more than we think. While the full moon often causes unrest, the new moon is a phase of new beginning - but also in internal reflection.

On February 28th we will experience a new moon again that can look particularly intense. He invites you to let go of old topics and open new doors. Three zodiac signs now feel the change particularly intensely.

1. Fish: Who am I really?

Fish already have a feel for everything that happens between the lines. But this new moon hits her directly.

Something is bubbling in you - maybe a feeling that you've lost yourself a bit in the past few weeks? Did you give too much for others and forget yourself? Now is the time to be honest with you. Whether in love, in the job or in your everyday life: it's okay if you leave things behind you that no longer feel right.

2. Virgin: tapping old feelings - what now?

Usually you are the person who has everything under control. Lists, plans, structure - you love it! But the new moon is raising emotions that you might have long since ticked off. An old wound from the past, a feeling that you have pushed away for a long time - suddenly it is back. And that's a good thing!

Instead of fighting against it, you can see as an opportunity to finally let go. Treat yourself to the time for you, reflect on and think about how you can make your life easier.


3. Sagittarius: Time for Change

Actually, you are the first to be happy about new adventures. But you somehow feel stuck. The new moon wants to tell you: more is waiting for you!

Perhaps you feel that you are no longer really happy in a relationship or in the job, but you still don't know what you want instead. No stress - you don't have to have the perfect answer immediately. But dare to explore new ways. Sometimes a small change is enough to bring a breath of fresh air to your life.

Click for even more typical zodiac signs through our gallery:

Something important at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not always everything that says astrology. So let's take them better than guideline and advisor, not as an irrefutable truth. Ultimately, it is up to you what you make from star constellations, typical zodiac character traits and predictions.