Cancer zodiac sign: characteristics, strengths and weaknesses

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If you were born between June 22nd and July 22nd, you belong to the zodiac sign Cancer. Your ruling planet is the Moon, the element of your zodiac sign is water.

Read here what character traits define Cancer, what strengths and weaknesses it has. And what about work and love? Astrology can give us answers to all of these questions. We'll show you howticks and which zodiac signs he gets along best with.

Cancer zodiac sign at a glance

Birth date:June 22nd to July 23rd


Colors:White, pink

Opposite character:Capricorn

Gemstones:Mondstein, Rubin


Body parts:Ribcage, chest and abdomen


Cancer zodiac symbol

It is unclear where exactly the zodiac symbol for people born in Cancer comes from. However, it is believed that the symbol shows the crab's two claws placed together in different directions.

The constellation of the zodiac sign Cancer bears little resemblance to the zodiac symbol.Credit:Getty Images/iStockphoto

What is hidden behind the emotional zodiac sign Cancer? These characteristics are very typical of the watermark:

1. You have emotional depth

Cancers are known for their deep emotions and ability to show compassion. They often sense what others are feeling and are able to empathize with their situation. This quality makes them understanding and empathetic people.

2. You are caring

People with the zodiac sign Cancer are considered particularly caring. They like to look after the well-being of their loved ones and do everything to ensure that they are well. This care is shown in small everyday gestures. The water sign would also move mountains for his loved ones at any time.

3. You are family oriented

Cancers love their family more than anything and place great value on close friendships. You and strive for a harmonious and secure home. Family celebrations and traditions are often particularly important to them.

4. You have good intuition

Cancers have strong intuition and often follow their gut feeling. This inner voice helps them make decisions and correctly assess situations. Their intuition makes them good advisors in emotional matters.

5. You show yourself vulnerable

Because of their deep emotions, Cancers are very sensitive. They do not always respond positively to criticism and tend to withdraw quickly if they feel threatened or misunderstood. This sensitivity requires an empathetic environment.

6. You are creative

Many Cancers are creatively inclined and have a flair for art and aesthetics. They use their creativity in different areas of life, be it in the design of their home, in their career choices or in hobbies.

7. You are careful

Cancers are often cautious and thoughtful people. They carefully consider decisions and are not the type to take spontaneous risks. This caution helps them make informed decisions and protect themselves from potential dangers.

8. You are adaptable

Despite their often emotional nature, Cancers are surprisingly flexible. You can adapt well to new situations and find ways to adapt to changing circumstances.

Do you know the ascendant of your zodiac sign? Here you can get yours for free.


What strengths are particularly characteristic of the Cancer zodiac sign? These personality traits stand out:

  • Determined
  • Willensstark
  • Sensitive
  • Helpful
  • Understanding

Cancer weaknesses

And what flaws does the zodiac sign Cancer typically have? These characteristics drive cancer and its fellow human beings crazy:

  • Moody
  • Sensitive
  • Fearful
  • Patronizing
  • Possessive

Which zodiac signs suit Cancer?

Almost all Cancers have a conservative core, as a certain level of support in social or family conventions is important to them. Even if he wouldn't admit it: Cancer needs support in his personal environment. The better his relationship works, the more Cancer thrives. Security and safety are extremely important to him.

Nevertheless, the Cancer-born person has to be careful (in love, but also in his family environment), because he can be very possessive. Coupled with his often moody nature, this can cause tension in a relationship and with his loved ones.

Steinbock und Jungfrau

People with the zodiac sign Cancer are not always easy in a relationship. However, those who harmonize well with the character of Cancer are:Capricorn.

Both zodiac signs are exactly opposite, so they complement each other well in a relationship. Prerequisite: Both give each other enough freedom and do not restrict each other. Also cancer andVirgoharmonize, because both are rather cautious, reserved and thoughtful in their appearance.

Scorpio and Pisces

It's a little wilder with this oneScorpioto the point. There are times when sparks fly here, but the attraction and passion is great. Also the zodiac signFishFits as a partner in love with the zodiac sign Cancer, although the Pisces-born person has to be careful not to be shortchanged. However, if both treat each other with respect and consideration, nothing stands in the way of this love.

Taurus and Libra

Also cancer andTrailsare similar in nature and are attracted to each other. Then there is thisScale, which also fits the zodiac sign Cancer. However, here too both have to do relationship work. Although they both love each other very much, it is not always easy to find a balance that both partners feel equally comfortable with.

Cancer as a friend

The zodiac sign Cancer is considered one of the most loyal and empathetic friends in the zodiac. People born under this zodiac sign are characterized by their deep emotional intelligence. They have a special ability to understand and respond to the feelings of others, making them exceptionally empathetic and caring friends. Cancer always has a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on.

Cancers value the quality of friendships more than their quantity. They prefer few, but intense and long-term relationships. In their friendships they look for deep connection and mutual understanding. A Cancer doesn't settle for superficiality in friendships; he strives for real closeness and emotional depth.

However, Cancers also need time to gain trust. They don't open up right away, but once they form a solid friendship, they are incredibly loyal and consistent. They passionately defend their friends and work for their well-being. Their friendly and compassionate nature makes them indispensable companions at every stage of life.

Cancer zodiac sign at work

Due to its special empathy, all helping professions are ideal for the Cancer zodiac sign, be it in the social sector, as a doctor, nurse, therapist or psychologist or in the educational sector, for example as a teacher or educator.

Cancer woman

What characterizes the Cancer woman? She has some very special properties and characteristics that immediately give her away:

1. The Cancer woman is a person full of emotional depth and intuition. She is characterized by her warm, caring nature and is often the one who ensures emotional stability and harmony in those around her.

2. Her heart beats for family and close friends, towards whom she shows an almost motherly care. The Cancer woman is empathetic and knows how to respond to the needs of others, making her a reliable and sensitive friend.

3. In love, the Cancer woman looks for deep connection and security. She is romantic and appreciates when her feelings are taken seriously. Her sensitivity is one of her greatest strengths, but it can also make her feel easily hurt.

4. Professionally, Cancer women are often creative and intuitive, with a strong sense of aesthetics. They strive for a harmonious work environment and value colleagues who share their values.

Reading tips:

Cancer man

And what about the Cancer man? Cancer-born males also have their special strengths, weaknesses and personality traits that set them apart:

1. The Cancer man is an intuitive and empathetic partner, friend and family member. His deep connection with his loved ones is at the heart of his being. The Cancer man is often a devoted and caring partner who values ​​emotional security and a loving home.

2. In friendships he is loyal and reliable, often taking on a protective role. The Cancer man is able to empathize with others and shows a great understanding of others' feelings.

3. Professionally, he tends to prefer positions that give him a feeling of importance and appreciation. He can often be found in creative or helping professions where he can use his empathic skills.

4. Both the Cancer woman and the Cancer man place great value on inner values ​​and emotional authenticity. In a world often characterized by superficiality, they offer depth and authenticity.

All 12 zodiac signs at a glance:

  • December 22nd to January 20th:
  • January 21st to February 19th:
  • February 20th to March 20th:
  • March 21st to April 20th:
  • April 21st to May 20th:
  • May 21st to June 21st:
  • June 22nd to July 22nd:
  • July 23rd to August 23rd:
  • August 24th to September 23rd:
  • September 24th to October 23rd:
  • October 24th to November 22nd:
  • November 23rd to December 21st:

Something important at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not everything astrology says is always true. So let's take it as a guide and guide, not as an incontrovertible truth. Ultimately it is up to you what you make of star constellations, zodiac sign-typical character traits and predictions.