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In advance in the video: severance pay after termination for operational reasons
Is the payment always due to a terminated employee?
Do you want a job where you can earn a lot? We'll tell you which profession has the highest salary.
The topic of salaries is still a taboo topic in Germany. Most people would probably be only too happy to know what their colleague earns. The reason why so many people shy away from this is partly due to certain clauses in their employment contracts that do not allow employees to discuss their salary with others.
What many people don't know: because of...Pay Transparency Act, which came into force in 2017, employees have the right to know the salary and wage structures in the company.
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Published to shed some light on the matterStepstonea large salary report every year, for which over 561,761 data sets were evaluated in 2023. We not only tell you the average salary in Germany, but also in which jobs you earn the most.
Little spoiler in advance: first place will be with usDistancebest paid.
This professional group earns by far the most
At the top of the highest paid professional groups is that of doctors. TheThe median gross annual salary for doctors in 2023 is 93,793 euros. In second place are employeesConsulting (53.956 Euro)and in third place thisEngineering (52,577 euros).
Fourth and fifth best-paid jobs in Germany are IT jobs (52,045 euros) and marketing & PR (49,249 euros).
By the way: The industry also depends on the average salary. The banking industry performs best here with a median salary of 57,631 euros, closely followed by aerospace with 56,153 euros and pharmaceuticals with 54,822 euros gross per year.
This is the average salary of Germans in 2023
The average salary is the sum of all salaries divided by the number of records. The gross average salary in 2023 is 53,118 euros. Since the gap between very high and very low salaries is enormous, it is better to look at the median instead of the average salary, as this is much more meaningful. The exact mean of all salaries is determined for the median. According to Stepstone, this is included43,842 euros ugly. This means that just as many employees earn more than 43,842 euros as people who earn less.
The gender pay gap is also noticeable here. The median gross annual salary for women is 40,000 euros, while for men the median is 46,008 euros.
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Especially if you are still at the beginning of your career, you shouldn't stress about your salary. According to the Stepstone evaluation, the salary increases with professional experience. If the salary is 35,003 euros with less than one year of professional experience, it increases to 44,374 euros gross per year with professional experience of six to 10 years.
Employees who have been employed between eleven and 25 years receive an average gross annual salary of 49,328 euros.
Career, job and vocation – have the courage and actively pursue your professional goals. Read up and network with others. This way you will gradually find your purpose and be able to make a contribution. Your professional success is in your hands.