May I accept a second job without asking my employer

Can I accept a second job next to my main job without asking my employer for permission beforehand?

In addition to the main job, many workers want to earn something in addition to the main job and also look for a minor job as a second job. Mini jobs in particular are ideal in this case because there are no taxes here.

But can I take a second job at all without asking my boss for permission beforehand?

In advance in the video: earn money: may I have two mini jobs?

Several mini jobs: is that possible & is that worth it?

Read too:Minijob: From which salary limit do I have to pay taxes?

Do I have to ask my boss for permission if I accept a second job?

In principle, it is allowed to practice a part -time job in addition to his main activity without asking the boss for permission. However, there are also important restrictions here that must be observed. It is possible that a notification obligation is included in your employment or collective agreement. This means that you have to inform your employer about the second job.

The boss cannot ban your secondary activity so easily. A ban would only be permitted if the secondary activity affects the concerns and interests of the employer. A general ban is not permitted. The reason for this is the one firmly anchored in the Basic LawFreedom of professional practice(Art. 12 GG), which allows all employees in Germany to decide on their own profession.

Possible reasons why employers can prohibit a secondary activity are, for example, dependent on the profession that you practice. As a judge, a paid activity that negatively affects your impartiality can be banned. Employers can also prohibit a secondary activity if the work performance is negatively affected by the second job. This would be the case, for example, if workers constantly appear tired and unfocused at work.

Legally regulated working hours must not be exceeded

Even if you accept a part -time job, you have to adhere to the legally regulated working hours. You are not allowed to work for more than 48 hours a week in the main and part-time job. The maximum working time per day is ten hours.

Mini-job-based side activities are particularly lucrative. These are jobs in which you do not earn more than 520 euros per month. If you stay below this earnings limit, you don't have to pay taxes for your second job.

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Despite the obligation to notify the boss, the boss does not inform about the part -time job

If you have not informed your employer about your second job despite the obligation to report. So your boss can warn you for it. Therefore, you should consider the following points if you want to accept a part -time job:

1.Check in your employment or collective agreement whether an obligation to report is given there.
2.Find out your boss about the second job.

3.Think exactly in advance whether the second job is compatible with your current job. You should also make sure that you incorporate the statutory working hours.

Career, job and appeal - dare and actively deal with your professional goals. Read up and network with others. So you will gradually find your destiny and can make a contribution. Your professional success lies in your hand.