Missed Abortion: Causes and consequences of the cautious miscarriage

In a missed abortion, the pregnant women often do not even notice that the child is repelled. We clarify the causes.

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While typically with pain andConnected, he can also happen unnoticed. If the embryo or fetus dies in the belly of the mother and is not rejected, one speaks medically of a missed abortation or a cautious miscarriage.

We want to explain what causes of a missed abortation, what symptoms indicate what the treatment looks like and what the chances of a new pregnancy are.

What is a missed abortation?

Literally translated, Missed Abortion means 'missed or not noticed miscarriage'. In German, they are also called cautious miscarriage.This is an unnoticed abortion,which, unlike a 'normal' miscarriage,withoutBleeding, pain or cramps.

The rut cavity and fetus remain in the uterus during a missed abortion. The woman's body does not (for the time being) not (for the time being).

What are the causes of a cautious abort?

The causes of this form of abort can be varied. Very often there is a genetic or chromosomal anomaly in the embryo, which would result in the baby not being viable. Often the behavioral miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy, i.e. up to the 12th week of pregnancy (SSW).

Other causes can be:

  • Anomalies and malformations of the uterus or placenta
  • Hormone balance disorders
  • Mother's infections (toxoplasmosis, listeriosis)
  • chronic diseases (such as, Thyroid misalignment)
  • Cervical insufficiency

Unfortunately, a cautious abortion is not limited to early pregnancy. However, it occurs much more often during this period. The fetus can also die unnoticed in the further course of pregnancy.

Unfortunately, miscarriages are not as rare as one hopes.About every fourth woman has to cope with miscarriage in her life. Depending on the cause of the abort, the risk of further miscarriage can be increased. For example, hereditary or physical causes, but also chronic diseases are factors for an increased risk.

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What are symptoms of a missed abortation?

As the name already implies, a Missed Abortion has no striking symptoms such as pain, cramps or bleeding.

Some affected women say that they suddenly no longer felt pregnant. One explanation for this could be that with the child's death, the formation of the pregnancy hormonegoes back. Others too, such as swollen and sensitive breasts, nausea or exhaustion.

A lack of pregnancy signs can indicate a behavioral miscarriage.But they are by no means a clear indication of it. Every pregnancy is different and every woman feels her and her side effects differently.

A missed abortion can lead to complications, such as the 'dead fetus syndrome' (in German: syndrome of the dead fetus). Because the woman's body does not dismiss the died baby, it can stay in the womb too long. Due to its decomposition in the body, harmful substances that can get into the mother's bloodstream can be released. This can lead to coagulation disorders and become life -threatening.

However, since the preventive examinations are very close today, complications such as Dead Fetus syndrome are becoming increasingly less common.

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How is a missed abortion diagnosed?

Only the gynecologist can ensure the diagnosis of "behavioral miscarriage". At aAbove all, a lack of heartbeat or lack of child movements are indications of it. An too large discrepancy of the size of the fruit cavity to the size of the embryo (an fruit cavity that is too large and an embryo that is not developed in terms of time) indicates a missed abortation.

In addition, the size of the uterus, which would no longer grow in the event of a cautious miscarriage, and a fallenValue secure the diagnosis.

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Nevertheless, you shouldn't rush anything. Arrange another examination with the gynecologist a few days later or get a second opinion from another doctor.

It happens very rarely, but sometimes it happens that the embryo 'hides' in a corner of the uterus. One then speaks of a so -called 'corner stool'. The ultrasound device would then not be able to grasp the child's heart tones. With another examination, this case can be excluded a few days later.

How is a behavioral miscarriage treated?

When treating a Missed Abortion, the time of the diagnosis depends, among other things. Up to the 12th week of pregnancy, pregnancies are often over a(Curettage) or suction (suction curetta) ended. This intervention is done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. On request, it is also possible to end pregnancy with medication.

The body is stimulated to repell the fabric independently, which is why one speaks of the small birth. This rejection process often begins just a few hours after taking the medication.

After two to three days, the gynecologist has to check whether everything was really rejected. If in doubt, the drug must be taken again. If there is still tissue in the uterus afterwards, a suction curetta must also be carried out.

It is also possible to wait until the body travels the embryo independently, i.e. without medication. However, a precise observation by a doctor is necessary. Because the process can also take several weeks for a few days.

Dead fetus syndrome should be excluded through regular examinations.In addition, the risk is higher that there are still tissue in the uterus even after the little birth.

If the pregnancy has progressed over the 12th week of pregnancy, the child is already too big for an extension. With the help of an infusion, artificial contractions are therefore triggered and the "child" is "born". Then there is an excavation to remove possible tissue residues.

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Can I get pregnant again after a missed abortation?

A miscarriage is an accident, a chain of predicament for which nobody is responsible. Anyone who has to have this experience should be aware of this.

After a miscarriage, it is possible, physically, after the bleeding has driven out directly(You can find out more about this). Nevertheless, you should speak to your gynecologist before the next attempt to rule out avoidable complications for the next pregnancy.

Gynecologists online

Important NOTE:The content of this article is only used for information and does not replace the doctor's diagnosis. If uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints arise, you should contact your doctor or midwife.