Table of contents
Lingam massage is about more than stimulating the male genital area. Rather, this type of erotic massage is about a physical and spiritual experience. That's why - unlike the classic handjob - the focus here is not on the man's orgasm.
The Lingam massage is more of a test of senses and energies and also ensures a very deep trust and a special intimacy between the partners. Interested?
What exactly is the Lingam massage?
The word Lingam comes from the ancient Indian language Sanskrit and is translated variously. Sometimes with “sign” or “symbol”, sometimes with “radiant”, “shining” or “phallus” and “penis”. One must say: In Hindu belief, the phallus is considered the symbol of the god Shiva.
Simply using lingam as a name for phallus or penis would therefore be too simple. For this you have to understand the Indian symbolism.
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The symbolism of the Shiva Lingam
The Shiva Lingam (see picture above) is one of the oldest representations of the divine that each of us carries within us. It combines the male and female principles. The male stands for consciousness and the female for energy.
In the Shiva Lingam, these two poles are represented by an oval, vertical stone and a horizontal setting in which this stone stands. The oval, vertical stone symbolizes all-pervading consciousness, the horizontal one symbolizes dynamic energy.
Lingam massage: More than just sex
The two symbols, which are based on one another, are also often taken as a symbol of the union of man and woman. However, anyone who only sees this as a depiction of the sexual act is thinking too short-sightedly. It's more about - of course, also about the sexual union - but above all about the mystical union. It's about using sexual energy. So seeing the lingam massage as a better handjob wouldn't really be what it's about.

How does the Lingam massage work?
Lingam massage applies to the entire body, but especially to the male genital area. The penis, testicles, anus and prostate are stimulated. We'll explain how exactly, following the most important preliminary tips:
1. Distraction off, spirituality on!
It is important to relax completely and take your time. A lingam massage can sometimes last up to three hours. It's not primarily about an orgasm, but rather about the union of body and mind and about perceiving and using completely new energies. It sounds very esoteric, but it can greatly enrich your sex life and your sensory perception.
2. Set the right mood
Wet is always better. So provide lube. There are special oils for erotic massage and scents such as sandalwood, cinnamon or vanilla help you to completely relax. And if you want to create a relaxed atmosphere, you can also provide the right, dimmed lighting and calm relaxing music. Also important: warmth!
Also read:
3. Build tension
At the beginning of the Lingam massage, both partners slowly undress. Make eye contact and concentrate fully on each other. This creates a very special tension between the two of you. Then he lies on his back, his legs slightly open. You kneel down next to him. Get some lubricant or massage oil and off you go.
4. Start slowly
Do not start the lingam massage directly in medias res, i.e. with your best piece. Rather, first make sure he relaxes and winds down from the stress of the day. To do this, stroke his entire body in light, soft movements.
So you can stroke his arms and legs, neck, neck, back, feet - anything that makes him able to let himself go is right. This initial massage is also called the welcome. Tip: In addition to your hands, you can also use feathers and cloths for the massage.
5. Work your way forward
At some point, the massage is dedicated to the actual center in question: the genital area. On the one hand, the penis is stimulated using various techniques, but the prostate, testicles and perineum are also included.
The most important techniques of Lingam massage
Awakening the Lingam
With this technique, the penis is lightly pressed on the outer sides with your fingers. You start at the bottom of the shaft and work your way up to the glans like a ladder. Use the thumb and index finger of your right and left hands alternately. After the outside, you also look at the front and back of the penis. The aim is to stimulate the erectile tissue.
Corkscrew technique
One technique of lingam massage is the corkscrew. The glans is massaged with one hand in circular, screwing movements, as if you were trying to unscrew a bottle. The other hand grasps the testicles and massages them in the same rhythm.
The stripping testicle grip
To do this, you take his testicles from below in your hand, with the other hand you cup the shaft of the penis and let your hands slide up to the glans, as if you were stripping something off.
The cross-country skier
One hand grasps the penis, with the thumb of the other hand you slide upwards with light pressure - from the base of the penis up to the glans.
Greet the frenulum
As is well known, the frenulum, the penile frenum on the underside of the glans, is a particularly erogenous zone in men. To activate it, place your hand around the shaft of the penis, very close to the base. Use the index finger of your other hand to stimulate the frenulum in circular, gentle movements.
The Qi of the Lingam
With this lingam massage technique, you place both hands around his penis and then move up and down the shaft in calm movements. Make light circular movements with your hands. The same applies here: there is strength in calm. It's not about letting him come, but rather about the fact that he isn't coming yet. So slow and soft.
The wringing out
Sounds a little martial, but it's effective. Here's how it works: The penis is grasped with both hands and treated with light, wringing movements, as if it were a towel that was being wrung out. But please be gentle!
Reading tips:
The making of fire
The same applies here as when wringing out: caution is required here. Because yes, anyone who was in the Boy Scouts knows how to make fire. For the Lingam massage this means: You take his penis between both palms and then rub them back and forth. The Boy Scouts do this by taking a stick and using the friction to light a fire. It works with the penis too, just differently – and gently, please.
The great thing about the Lingam massage:Of course there will also be other pleasure centers like thisor the man's G-spot is included. He definitely won't forget this experience in a hurry!