Sperm: swallowing, spitting and everything you need to know

The blowjob was successful – now what? Swallow or spit? We have all the answers to your questions.

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It's the question of all questions: What to do if the blowjob was successful and it dies in our mouthhas come? Hold your breath, spit it out straight away or close your eyes and do it?

There is no right or wrong when it comes to swallowing. Swallow or spit – every woman has to decide for herself. And if your loved one sees it differently, he's an idiot. Point.

It's more a question of diplomacy, i.e. how to tell him you don't feel like swallowing without hurting him. After all, he shouldn't think that we are disgusted by him. That's exactly what makes things complicated. So here are a few thoughts and valuable tips on the elegant blowjob finale and on the topic of sperm.

Many women have no problem swallowing his sperm. After all, 90 percent of it is water anyway, and somehow it's a nice token of love when she bravely swallows what he left behind. Other women, however, have problems with the flaky secretion. And yes: that’s okay too.

Finale 1: Don't swallow, spit

There's hardly anything less sexy than spitting out your cum in disgust in front of him. It's best to put it directly on the sheet. But what alternatives are there? Who here in anyIf you're looking for an answer to how spitting can look reasonably good, you'll be looking in vain. The ladies in porn have little to do with reality when it comes to swallowing.

The perfect (polite) solution

However, there is a pretty good solution: When he comes, just let the sperm run out of your mouth. Do you think that's grossly rude to him? On the contrary! Maybe he's flattered that his potency makes your mouth overflow so much. And you've achieved what you want: you don't have to swallow the sperm. So it's a win-win situation.

Another option that is also very sexy: When he is about to cum, turn your head to the side and let him cum on your breasts or stomach. It doesn’t matter where – the main thing is not in your face. Good for you and good for him: His cum on your body looks kind of hot too and you're literally over the problem.

Only do what you want to do

Speaking of cinematic: Most of the things you see in porn really don't need to be replicated. Even if your sweetheart wants it so badly. If you really don't like something, say no and don't let any doubts arise that you might change your mind. After all, you're both here to have fun.


Finale 2: Don't spit, swallow

There are actually many women who are really keen on swallowing their partner's sperm after a blowjob. For these women it is clear: there is hardly anything more erotic and intimate. This is how you show your partner that you want him with all your heart and soulnotdisgusts. So swallowing sperm can be aor be a proof of closeness and intimacy - as long as it is voluntary and nice for both.

Anyone who manages to exhibit their head might enjoy it. And if you see how much it turns you on, you might even love it.

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You say how and where

The way in which it comes is not unimportant. If he is too stormy, a gag reflex can occur. So make sure you decide how and, above all, how deep he can cum in your mouth! You decide what works and what doesn't. Also a good feeling.

What does sperm taste like?

Whatever the case, one thing is clear: a mouthful of sperm is not a delicacy in the truest sense. Depending on what you ate beforehand, it can even be really unpleasant. So if the taste bothers you, for example because your loved one has previously eaten tons of onions and garlic, you should definitely be allowed to lodge a complaint. Cigarettes also have a negative effect on the taste and smell of sperm.

Tipp:If he eats pineapple a few hours beforehand, it should make the whole thing tastier or sweeter.

What is sperm made of?

The male ejaculate is made up of three parts: First of all, a milky substance that is formed in the prostate and contains, among other things, proteins and zinc. The largest proportion (approx. 60-70 percent of the sperm volume) comes from the two seminiferous glands and largely contains protein to make the sperm fit for their long journey. The sperm cells and the remaining fluid then come from the epididymis.

The so-called pleasure drop that comes out before the ejaculate comes from the Cowper glands, also known as the bulbourethral glands.

How much sperm per orgasm?

The average amount of ejaculate during an orgasm is between 2 and 6 milliliters and contains between 20 and 150 million sperm. But: The quantity does not necessarily say anything about the reproductive abilities of its producer. A lot doesn't always help much in this case.

How many sperm per day?

Men produce an incredible 150 million sperm every day. However, most of them are not buoyant enough to reach their destination. The rejects are therefore extremely high.

How many calories does sperm have?

If you want to swallow sperm, you don't have to worry about calories: a teaspoon has just ten calories. This is because the ejaculate consists largely of water.

Does heat damage sperm?

Sperm don't like it hot. Lounging around in a hot bathtub for hours or using the heated seats in the car isn't particularly good for the quality of your sperm. Underwear that is too tight or pants that are too tight are also not good for him.

What is the pleasure drop?

The rumor that women can become pregnant through the pleasure drop (pre-ejaculate), i.e. the semen that comes out of the penis before orgasm, persists. It has to be said: The pre-ejaculate comes from a different gland than the ejaculate and probably serves as a lubricant for what comes afterwards.

So you can't get pregnant from it. BUT: If you have just had sex before, there may still be sperm in the penis, which will then come out with the pleasure drop - and in this case, pregnancy can still occur.