Spring crafts in daycare: Beautiful craft ideas for children ages 3 and up

Spring is coming soon again! Even though it is still icy cold outside, we can slowly get into the spring mood and prepare our children for the coming season. And what better way to achieve this than with an interesting craft project? If you are currently looking for ideas for spring crafts in daycare, you have found them here. We have put together some great craft ideas for children ages 3 and up that are perfect for making the time until the beginning of spring go by faster. Get out the craft supplies, it's time to craft!

Make a flower tree from a handprint

To welcome spring, you can make these beautiful flowering trees together with the children! They combine several craft techniques so that you can decide for yourself which ones are suitable for the appropriate age group. TheTree trunk consists of a handprint, which is cut out and glued to a piece of paper. To design not only the treetop but also the tree trunk, trace the child's hand and forearm and then cut out the print.

Then it's time for a fun painting technique that the little ones will surely love. TheflowersDon't paint with brushes, but withcotton swab. To do this, prepare small paper plates as palettes and pour the colors onto them. For a cherry blossom tree like the example above, you will need pink, hot pink and white paint. As the tree dries out, you can add other elements such as birds and bird nests in the shape ofAdd stickers.

Tipp:Forsmaller childrenyou can distribute the project in 2 to 3 subsequent days.

Spring crafts in daycare: instructions for bird's nest

We also associate spring with the singing of birds. Our feathered friends fly back to build their nests and spend the summer in our gardens. This makes a small bird's nest with birds an ideal project for spring crafts in daycare! The little ones will have a lot of fun building the nests and making colorful birds.

First, you willpaper plateyou need, which you cut in half and divide into two semicircles. Each semicircle becomes aBird's nestbe. Then get somethingcolored paperout and cut (children aged 5 and over can do this themselves)oval pieces for the birdsout of. Then cut for each birda small yellow triangle for the beakout of.

Now the bird's nest is assembled. Drizzle a good amountwhite craft glueonto the paper plate half. Glue the birds so that they extend over the edge of the plate. Then stick a handfulbrown scraps of paperonto the paper plate to create the nest. Make sure the paper plate is completely covered. Finally add the yellow triangles,Googly eyesand a fewartificial feathersadded to complete the cute bird's nest.

Making beautiful spring flowers in the daycare center

The beautiful early bloomers are already decorating our homes and gardens. As real messengers of spring, they are a great idea for spring-themed crafts with the children.

You can make spring flowers from a variety of materials. But the kids will love it if they have household items likeice stylesandThe muffin tinuse for this. To make these beautiful daffodils at daycare or at home, first draw the shape of theFlower on yellow craft paperand cut out as many flowers as necessary.

Then provide the children with the flowers, white muffin cups, popsicle sticks, green paint and craft glue. Now let themPaint popsicle sticks greenand theGlue daffodil flowers together. To do this, the muffin cups should be glued to the middle of the flowers. You put the spring flowers together by gluing the finished flower to the end of the stem. You can stick the beautiful daffodils into a piece of green modeling clay or use them as a gift for your parents.

Also interesting:Make beautiful hyacinths with children ages 3 and up!

Make flower bracelets from toilet rolls with children

At daycare, the children can also make these beautiful flower bracelets and take them home! All you need are empty onesToilet paper rolls, paints, colored paper, glue and decorative stones.

Cut firsteach toilet roll into three equal parts. Cut through each ring andpaintit in the desired color. Give cutouts to childrenFlowers made of colored paperand gemstones and let them decorate the bracelets however they like.

Spring crafts in the daycare center: stork family

The storks are also one of the most popular messengers of spring and delight young and old alike. Let the children learn more about these impressive birds as you make a stork family picture together.

For this you willPieces of paper in different shapes and colorsneed, as well as a fewcotton pads, which are perfect for designing the storks.

First ask each childa blue sheet of paperready because the blue background replicates the sky and is therefore ideal for this image. The children can nowYellow paper sunand thatStork's nest made from scraps of paperdesign. Then it's the turn of the cotton pads. Use the wholecotton padsfor asBodyand cut smaller circles out of it for theheads. For thewingThe cotton pads are halved and halfwaypainted with black paint. Add the finishing touches to the image by adding thered beak and legs made of paperas well as a fewClouds of cotton wooladd.