Psychology: 4 subtle but clear signs someone doesn't like you

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Unpopular? 4 signs that someone doesn't like you

Is the chemistry right? We'll tell you 4 typical signs that you can use to tell whether someone likes you or not.

There are people in our lives who we are sure like and appreciate us. But there are also people about whom we are unsure. Where we wonder if the chemistry isn't right or if they just don't like us, for whatever reason.

Especially if the person never tells us openly whether they like us or not, it is difficult to find out how they feel about us and what they think of us. However, there are some signs by which you can actually tell that a person is not well disposed towards us.

Reading tips:

1. Lack of interest

People who like us are interested in us. They show interest in us and our lives, for example by asking questions to get to know us better or trying to keep conversations going.

If this interest is missing or only seems superficial, you can be sure that the person only wants to know as much about you as they need to.

2. Lack of initiative

Each of us likes to spend time with people we like. However, if you notice that you rarely or never receive invitations from the person or that they do not show any initiative, it is very likely that the person does not particularly prefer your company.

3. Negative body language

No smile, a serious look or crossed arms are a very clear sign that a person doesn't have much sympathy for you.

Of course, it could be that the person has had a bad day or is generally not the type of person who smiles all the time. However, if you can never make the person smile, it seems more likely that the person simply doesn't like you.

By the way: To better understand body language and people, we can give you the book “Decrypted! Body language & people read like a book" recommend.

4. No eye contact

As the saying goes: eyes are the window to the soul. However, they are also the mirror of emotions. People who like you seek your gaze and look into your eyes when talking to create a connection.

Avoiding eye contact can also be a sign of shyness. In most cases, however, it speaks more of an emotional barrier and antipathy.

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Something important at the end:To avoid jumping to conclusions, know that people are different and there can be many reasons why someone behaves differently in certain situations.

If you really want to know how someone feels about you and the person or the relationship with the person is important to you, you should speak to the person directly to clarify any misunderstandings.