Anyone who goes through a breakup not only feels emotionally drained, but their body also suffers.
Table of contents
- 1. Drug withdrawal-like symptoms
- 2. Heartbreak and physical pain produce similar sensations
- 3. Broken Heart Syndrome
- 4. Skin problems
- 5. Muscle and limb pain
- 6. Loss of appetite and weight loss
- 7. Anxiety and insomnia
- 8. Stomach discomfort
- 9. Weakened immune system
- 10. The feeling of weakness
A breakup can bring a lot of pain and suffering. But few of us know that heartbreak can even bring physical symptoms. Sayings like “That hits me in the stomach” or “That gets to me” don’t come from just anywhere.
The psyche and the body are closely connected to each other. People who suffer from heartbreak therefore have more than just a broken heart. We'll explain to you which physical symptoms are typical of heartbreak.
1. Drug withdrawal-like symptoms
Lovesickness is similar to oneaddiction disease. You are addicted to the person you love, or rather to what they spark in us: the happiness hormone dopamine. Suddenly the usual reward is missing - our personal 'drug', the ex-partner - and so our organism goes into overdrive to still get its 'drug'. Our love and enthusiasm for the one who has left us increases immeasurably in this phase. We love him even more than before. Since our beloved dopamine is no longer available without our partner, we are depressed and completely dejected.
By the way:The comparison with the drug addict makes it clear where the solution lies: only an absolute break with the ex-partner helps here. Get rid of the drugs – this is the only way we can slowly feel better. Any further contact would only 'fix' us again. And: Everything we start new, things that distract us, also cause dopamine to be released again. So we should try to pick ourselves up and get to know new people, places and things. It helps.
2. Heartbreak and physical pain produce similar sensations
Scientist Ethan Kross from theUniversity of Michiganand his team found that heartbreak is processed in the same brain regions as real, physical pain. To do this, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to visualize the brain regions that were activated when a picture of the missing ex-partner was viewed and when the test subjects felt heat pain. The same brain regions were active both times.
3. Broken Heart Syndrome
The syndrome was first observed in elderly widows in Japan. In their case, the shape of their heart changed during the mourning phase and they suffered from symptoms similar to those of someone who has a heart attack. What exactly atBroken Heart Syndromehappens: chest pain, a feeling of tightness and shortness of breath occur. The grief and the stress it causes (pure adrenaline) cause the coronary arteries to constrict and the blood supply to the heart muscle becomes poorer. These symptoms usually subside after a short time, but in severe cases, similar to a heart attack, scarring can actually occur on the heart.
More about this:
4. Skin problems
Our skin is the mirror of our soul. If we're not feeling well, then on top of that we'll also have some kind of blemish on our skin, which will further spoil our mood. In fact, our skin tends to go crazy when we're stressed, and unfortunately this also happens when we're lovesick. But don't panic. This too goes away over time.
5. Muscle and limb pain
It feels like you're getting the flu. And we would give a lot if it was actually just a temporary flu. Because heartbreak usually bothers us more. And so the only thing that helps is to treat yourself to rest and relaxation. Our body shows us that we are not feeling well. Take time to gather new strength.
6. Loss of appetite and weight loss
There are two factions: the people who stuff themselves with food for no reason during bad phases, the frustration eaters, so to speak. And those who can't eat a bite during these phases. You lose a lot of weight because the feeling of hunger no longer works. They don't even notice that they haven't eaten anything. If you can't go three hours without a snack, as a lovelorn person you have to force yourself to eat even one bite per day.
7. Anxiety and insomnia
Even at night, heartbroken souls find it difficult to rest. Because of the internal stress and all the adrenaline, sleep is almost impossible. You lie awake in bed and can't sleep. No wonder if your thoughts constantly revolve around your ex-partner.
Also read: Overcome heartache– 10 tips against heartbreak
8. Stomach discomfort
They say that the way to your heart is through your stomach. And unfortunately that's how it is, even when we're lovesick. It is not uncommon for grief to hit us in the stomach and we suffer from stomach pain and digestive problems.
9. Weakened immune system
There's also this: lovesickness reduces the performance of our immune system. The great sadness and emotional stress we feel activates the hypothalamus in the diencephalon, which causes the stress hormone cortisol to be released. And this means that our important immune cells no longer function well. And now we are fair game for bad viruses and bacteria.
Reading tips: – 10 simple tips
10. The feeling of weakness
In stressful situations, our body goes into a kind of special program. Because now we need a lot of strength and energy. To do this, it releases more of the stimulant hormone adrenaline, which is later replaced by the less strong cortisol. This means our body suddenly has much more strength. Powers that we usually cannot reduce sufficiently. The result: We feel listless, powerless and weak.