Rich harvest: The best fertilizer for strawberries consists of a kitchen waste

Do you want a rich strawberry harvest and that all summer? Read here with which fertilizer you can do that.

Strawberries are my absolute favorite fruits. Not only are they delicious and very healthy, you can also grow them yourself. The plant is quite easy to care for and therefore also suitable for beginners.

So that strawberries wear many fruits and this all summer, the right nutrient supply is crucial. Means: strawberries want to be fertilized. But for a good fertilizer you don't need to dig deep into your pocket. You can use something that would otherwise land in the waste.

Make liquid strawberry fertilizers from coffee grounds

For many, coffee grounds just end up in the trash. Garden professionals do not make this mistake because they know that the coffee residues are a real nutrient booster that strawberry plants in particular love.

Coffee grounds fertilizer is not only cheap and sustainable. It can also be made super quickly and is ready for use immediately. This is also why I am a big fan of this DIY fertilizer.

Ingredients for the fertilizer:

  • 1 cup of coffee grounds
  • 5 liters of water
  • An old bucket

This is how it works:

1.Collect coffee grounds: Collect the coffee grounds from your filter or the coffee machine. You can use or dry it directly or store it until you have collected enough.

2.Mix: Sprinkle the coffee grounds into the bucket with water and stir everything well.

3.Fertilize: You can now simply pour your plants with the self -made fertilizer.

    You should use the homemade fertilizer every two weeks during the strawberry season (starts from May). You can simply pour the plants with the liquid fertilizer.

    Also read:

    Why is coffee grounds so good as a fertilizer?

    Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, an essential nutrient for plant growth. Nitrogen promotes the growth of leaves and stems, which is particularly important for the health of the plants. With the DIY fertilizer, you almost promote the immune system of your pupils.

    To train new delicious fruits is a feat for the strawberry plant. The coffee grounds fertilizer provides you with valuable minerals such as potassium and phosphorus, which are essential for fruit formation, among other things.

    Another advantage of coffee grounds is that it is slightly acidic. Strawberries prefer slightly acidic floors with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5 (Here buy a measuring device for the floor at Amazon*). The acid kaffee set can help lower the pH of the soil and thus create optimal growth conditions for strawberries.

    Also exciting:

    5 tips so that the strawberries form more fruits

    So that your plant is going well and you are given a rich strawberry harvest, you should consider a few more things:

    #1 Strawberries love sun:Strawberries need a lot of sunlight to produce sweet and juicy fruits. Plant them at a sunny location with at least six hours of direct sunlight a day.

    #2 pour properly: Keep the floor evenly moist, but avoid waterlogging. Strawberries don't like wet feet, so good drainage is important. Pour the plants regularly, especially during the flowering and fruit formation phase.

    The best time of day for pouring is early in the morning. As a result, the plants have enough time to absorb the water before the heat of the day starts. In addition, the foliage remains dry, which reduces the risk of fungal diseases. If you pour in the evening, the water on the leaves cannot dry overnight, which can also promote fungal diseases.

    #3 mulch As a professional tip:A straw mulch layer helps to keep the moisture in the ground, prevent weeds and keep the fruits clean. Mulchen also protects the roots from extreme temperature fluctuations.

    #4 Remove long shoots: Cut off the long bare drives of the strawberry plants (are called stolons) regularly so that the plants can invest their energy in fruit formation. This is particularly important for young plants that are supposed to concentrate their energy on the root and fruit growth.

    #5 plan enough space: Make sure not to put the strawberry plants too close. A sufficient plant distance ensures good air circulation and reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

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    With these simple tips and the homemade fertilizer from coffee grounds, you will be rewarded with a rich strawberry harvest. I hope that your thumb will get greener through these tips and I wish you a lot of fun in the garden!

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