Dream interpretation cat: This is how you can interpret the dream symbol for yourself

Dreams are often a mixture of confusing, fascinating and strange. This is exactly why dream interpretation is so exciting. What does the dream mean for us and our emotional world? So does the dream of a cat. Here are the most important ways to interpret the cat as a dream symbol.

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The cat as a dream symbol is a very classic motif. No wonder, because cats have a very special fascination for people. A certain aura always surrounds her.

Cats have a mind of their own, are freedom-loving, elegant and graceful, individual and stubborn, and they also have these striking eyes that you can hardly avoid looking at.

It also often appears in connection with mystical ideas. Just think of the seven lives that a cat is said to have and the black cat that crosses our path from the left.

In ancient Egypt it was also a symbol of luck and wisdom. So if a cat appears in a dream, it can bring with it a whole tail of meanings.

You can find out exactly what meaning applies to you and your emotional world using classic dream interpretation.

More about this:: The most important symbols in dream interpretation

This is how you go about interpreting dreams

When interpreting dreams, you have to be aware that when we fall asleep, certain moods and feelings or even fears float through our heads in a fairly unfiltered way. We often take these with us in our dreams.

That's why when interpreting you should always think about what's on your mind at the moment and what encounters there were. You can also see what feelings the cat dream awakened in you. Every little clue can help you to better interpret your dream and use it as a clue for your life.

Of course, what matters is how you dream about a cat. So not only whether it is a big cat or a tame house cat, but also what feelings the encounter with the velvet paws in the dream evokes in you, be it joy, mistrust, a guilty conscience because you don't care enough, for example.

Of course we can't depict every type of dream here, but there are at least typical dream patterns that can give you an important clue when interpreting your dreams. Here are a few very classic dreams with cats and their interpretation:

Reading tips:

Typical dream patterns with cats and their meaning

A very classic dream, for example, is that you...is responsible for a cat, but forgets it somewhere in the dream,not feeding her or otherwise neglecting her.

This type of dream can of course be easily interpreted, namely that something is being neglected in real life, be it the relationship, one's own person, i.e. that one takes too little time for oneself and one's concerns, or simply not enough time for has recovery.

Many people also dream of cuddly cats,from cuddling with the velvet paws, of trust and closeness with the animal. This can also be an indication that this is exactly what you miss in real life, i.e. closeness and tenderness. You miss pleasant moments of this kind and would like more of them, but so far you can't manage it.

However, it does happenAggression between the dreamer and a catin a dream, this can indicate repressed fears of real people in life. For example, you are afraid of an attack from those close to you.

In this type of dream we often encounter tigers or lions, i.e. big cats, rather than normal house cats.

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Cuddly cat or scratching brush: The reciprocal nature of the cat

In contrast to dogs, cats are quite peculiar. They decide when they extend their claws and when you can cuddle with them. They are the determiners. They can change quite quickly from a purring kitten to a scratching and fleeing predator. They combine both and that’s what makes them so exciting.

Because of herchangeable natureIn dream interpretation, they also represent partial aspects of our own personality that we may not be so aware of. Sometimes one of these aspects is suppressed or several are in conflict with each other.

The dream symbol of the cat can show, on the one hand, that you want more closeness and physicality in life. But at the same time it can also mean that we need our freedom and want to be independent and individual.

This can, for example, refer to a relationship in which we have the desire for absolute closeness, but also draw a boundary so that we can always withdraw. If this balance is not right, we can encounter it in our dreams.

In general, a cat in a dream can indicate that you want more tenderness, this can also be seen sexually, but also that you feel restricted.

Whatever your interpretation ultimately looks like: As with any dream interpretation, remember to put a pen and pad next to your pillow. So that with a bit of luck you can quickly write down your dreams when you wake up before you forget them again.