Dream interpretation pregnant: meaning of pregnancy in dream

Pregnancy is a common dream symbol. You can find out what it means to dream of being pregnant and what your subconscious wants to tell you here.

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A dream in which you are pregnant is nothing unusual and occurs more often than you may think. Pregnancy often symbolizes the beginning of something new - be it a project, an idea or personal growth. Birth can stand for the desire to implement these changes into reality. Such an intensive and emotional dream can be deeply associated with your hidden wishes, goals and fears and give you indications of what you want to create or change in life.

Tip in advance:So that you understand yourself even better and your dreams keep you remembering better and better, you can use a dream diary. (You can easily book books of this kind, for exampleOrder on Amazon.*)

The importance of pregnancy in the dream

The pregnancy in a dream can symbolize very different aspects, so first one thing in advance: You don't need to be afraid that the dream symbol of pregnancy really means that you are pregnant.

Because not only women, but also men can dream of their own pregnancy or another pregnant person. And: there is more than the possibility of interpretation for the dream motive, which may be assumed initially.

In general, pregnancy in dream interpretation is considered a very positive sign because it usually symbolizes a good change. Nevertheless, when interpreting the perceived, the perceivedan.

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Dream interpretation pregnant: real desire to have children

If you dream that you are pregnant yourself, then the most obvious meaning is of course that you want to actually become a mother. However, this interpretation depends on whether you are really with the topic at the momentdeals with.

If feelings such as fear and excessive demands occur in the dream, it may be more like getting the thought of getting a baby or, more deeply analyzing that you are afraid of change.

If you are very surprised by the dream of being pregnant, it is rather unlikely that the dream will indicate a desire to have children. It is much more likely that theSymbolically stands for plans, ideas or a fresh start.

Dream of pregnancy: symbol of change

It is often the case that the round of pregnancy belly symbolizes a change in life in a dream. Because in normal life, pregnancy and birth are of course formative and drastic events.

The dream of pregnancy can therefore be interpreted as an announcement for a fresh start. The dreaming person may be aware that they are currently in a situation of change and that their own life may be redesigned in the future.

This drastic change can, for example, to live together with theOr move into the partner. Be it that you want to take new steps together or are dissatisfied with the actual state. Like a birth, this can also be painful and mean that there is a desire to end the relationship and separate yourself from the partner.

Since pregnancy in reality turns life upside down, it can also be that the dreaming s) long for a complete change of direction. So if you see yourself pregnant in a dream, it can mean that you want a change of wallpaper, such as moving to anotherOr the change of job.

With a view to your own family, pregnancy can also stand for the fact that your own children or yourself are faced with a fresh start, such as the exit of the children from their parents' house or their own re -entry into the.

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Dream interpretationbe pregnant: Wish for further development

Another way of interpretation: being pregnant can also symbolize the desire for change or further development. If you become a mother, you learn a lot of new things and grow beyond yourself with your task. This picture can be transferred to all major and meaningful tasks in life.

The dreaming s) wants to face new challenges and grow beyond himself. He is looking for a change in his life in order to be able to develop his own personality more in order to be creative and to fully exploit his own potential.

In a relationship, this can also mean that you want to make progress with your partner and to take new ways together. After all, pregnancy in real life for a relationship also means a turning point and an important further development of a couple as parents.

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Dream symbol child in the stomach: ideas and plans

Certainly you also know the phrase that you can go "pregnant" with an idea or plan. In order to bring this idea to the world, however, you first need time, because at least pregnancy takes nine months.

DieSymbolically stand for a baby that grows into the pregnant woman: it is already there and part of the mother, but not yet in the world, i.e. in reality.

Pregnancy is a dream symbol for the development process of ideas. In order for these plans to be implemented, it takes a lot of creativity and courage to implement the matter, because sometimes this process is a "difficult birth".

This can be the case in particular when an important project is supervised that is very important to you. The dream of being pregnant illustrates how important the dreaming person is to make these plans, goals and ideas.

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Dream interpretation pregnant: dreaming of pregnancy occurs frequently and can have different meanings.Credit:Adobe Stock

Dream interpretation Birth: Effort is imminent

If you dream of the birth of your own, this can trigger feelings such as joy, fear and overwhelming. After all, birth is a real feat and a great performance of the mother. It symbolically stands for the effort that the dreaming person feels in a certain task in life.

So it may be that the dreaming has to raise a lot of strength in his current life situation to assert himself or to change or to make a great concern whether he can raise this force. All of this can reveal itself in the dream symbol of pregnancy.

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Mother -meaningful mother: great responsibility

Pregnant women take responsibility and develop a certain maturity through the new experience. From now on, the birth of the child is responsible for another living being. If you dream of being pregnant, this may say about you that you would like to take on more responsibility.

In you, the desire to take on greater tasks and more responsibility may be slumbering. The pregnancy in a dream symbolically stands for a strong sense of duty and the courage to commit a big task.

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Dream symbol miscarriage: meaning of the nightmare

Experiencing a miscarriage is one of the worst things that parents can go through. Losing his unborn child alone can be extremely stirring.

The loss of loss plays a major role in the dream interpretation of miscarriage. People who suffer from dreams usually plague worries and they are afraid of losing something important in their lives. This can be a beloved person, but also the job or material.

The fear of making a wrong decision can also be subconsciously played in here. In dreams of miscarriages, the lost or dead child can stand for the plan who fails or for an idea that turns out to be unexpected. The dream symbol of the suddenly ended pregnancy can also stand for an unexpected setback.

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The feeling of powerlessness is also closely linked to a miscarriage dream. What remains is the feeling of not being able to prevent the tragedy. Life situations in which you feel at the mercy can be the reason for such nightmares.