Autumn 2023: Study reveals the most popular color in our wardrobe

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This fashion study reveals which color we prefer to wear

Which color do we prefer when it comes to our outfit?

What color do we actually prefer to wear - colorful or rather covered? This fashion study provides information.

Colors play an important role in our everyday life and especially with our clothes. They influence our mood and can even influence the perception of other people. But what color do we prefer to wear?

A current fashion study bybonprixHas got to the bottom of this question and the results offer exciting insights into our clothing behavior. So what color dominates in our wardrobes. Here is the resolution.

What color do we prefer when putting on?

Have you ever wondered if there are colors that we particularly like to wear and why? To do this, deliverbonprix* Now current results with a large-scale fashion study. For this purpose, over 1000 women between the ages of 18 and 70 were asked about their shopping and clothing behavior.

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The result: 67 % of women love the color black. No wonder, because the elegant and casual color is absolutely uncomplicated and always cuts a great figure. In second place, blue land blue with 43 %, closely followed by gray (30 %) and white (26 %).

Color psychology: That's why we love black

Black is beautiful! Whether dress, pants or shirt-according to the fashion study, our preference for black runs through our entire wardrobe. Because while certain trend colors alternate from season to season, the dark color is simply a safe bench and absolutely timeless.

This makes combining much easier in the morning when putting on. Wearing black can therefore save a lot of time, as you don't have to think long about how different colors and patterns can be combined.

Discover the most beautiful IT-Pieces in black here:

Avoid these styling traps with black

Black makes you slim and can simply be combined. So it makes sense to use black clothing when shopping. But be careful: the neutral color also offers some small styling dangers. Because whoever wears black runs the risk of being stamped boring.

The dark shade makes a visually small problem area disappear, but to hide in black clothes, it would be much too bad. Therefore, even dare to get other colors and color combinations.

More styling tips here: