Conch piercing: Everything you need to know about ear piercing

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Conch piercing is a piercing that is engraved or punched directly through the auricle. Since this piercing is stung by cartilage tissue, the healing process takes a little longer than with an ordinary ear hole. And the risks should not be underestimated at the Conch either.

Would you like to get a conch piercing? Then you are exactly right here. We have all the information for you that you need to know before the jump -off - from the costs to the risks to the right care.

Inner, Outer & Orbital-Conch: These variants are available

When it comes to conch piercing, a distinction is usually made between three variants: the inner-Conch, the Outer Conch and the Orbital Conch.

The internal conch piercing) sits directly in the middle of the inner auricle. The Outer Conch (external conch piercing), on the other hand, is engraved by the trough in the upper part of the ear over the auricle and could also be described as a deep-seated helix piercing. Therefore, there are often also confusion between the outer conflict and the.

There is also the Orbital Conch. Two holes have to be stung in orbital piercing. If these are then connected to each other by a ring, one speaks of an orbital conch piercing.

Very important in advance:Conch piercing should always be stung in a professional piercing studioAnd under no circumstances with a jeweler with a conventional ear hole pistol!

Incidentally, this applies to all types of piercing. Since the conch is an ear piercing through cartilage tissue, false stinging can lead to inflammation and strong infections.

Conch piercing: This is how the ear piercing is engraved

The conch can be stung, but also punched. The piercer usually decides which variant is possible. When stinging with a classic piercing needle, the ear is thoroughly disinfected and the puncture site is marked.

Since the area is difficult to fix with a piercing pliers due to its special location in the ear, a receiving tube is usually used. The small tube is closed at the end and is held behind the ear while piercs to catch the needle. In addition, the receiving tube generates counter pressure and thus prevents the surrounding tissue from being injured.

In the case of punching, on the other hand, it is not worked with a piercing needle, but with a punching needle. It is a hollow needle through which the cartilage is danced out at the area to be pierced. The advantages of the punch: The healing period is a bit shorter overall.

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Conch piercing: How painful is piercing?

The bad news: Yes, the stinging of the conch piercing hurts. Finally, it is stung by the thickest part of the ear cartilage and there are many small nerves here. How much it hurts depends, of course, on your own feeling of pain.

The good news: the stinging of the ear piercing takes only a few seconds. And the pain also subsides just as quickly. After the stinging, the ear is usually swollen a bit, insists or feels hot. However, these symptoms usually stop after a short time.

Let conch piercing stab: these are the risks

Since the conch piercing is stung by cartilage tissue, it brings with it some risks. In addition, the healing process is not always as fast and uncomplicated as, for example, with a classic ear hole.

During the wound healing of the Conch, for example, the formation of connective tissue that forms the body can lead to combat the injury when piercing. In the event of pain or other problems, you should always see your piercer or a doctor. The growth of the tissue is mostly treated with a local antibiotic.

Since the conch piercing on the back of the auricle is close to the skull, unpleasant pressure points often occur-especially when lying down. The piercing constantly exerts pressure on the head and thus causes pain.

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However, the greatest danger is that the piercing ignites and the inflammation or infection spreads over the lymphatic vessels and the inner ear to the facial nerve. In the very worst case, this leads to facial paralysis or impairment of the facial nerve.

Since the piercing jewelry changes the absorption of the sound waves or partially hidden the ear canal in some cases, there may also be a changed hearing sense.

Conch piercing: Everything about healing and proper care

Conch piercing is usually completely healed after three to six months (a punched conch usually after four weeks). In some cases, the healing of the ear piercing also takes longer. For a quick healing process, you should pay attention to the following things after piercing:

  • Don't touch or play around it. If so, wash your hands well beforehand.
  • Three times a day piercing with disinfection spray (is available in the piercing studio orHere at Amazon*) Spray.
  • Do without blood -thinning medication such as aspirin in the first few days. Also protect piercing from soap, shampoo and hairspray.
  • In the first two weeks, do without swimming pool, solarium and sauna visits as well as certain sports (ball sports, gymnastics, ...).
  • Avoid pressure on the piercing, for example by hats or false sleeping position.
  • Carefully clean and disinfect any crusts that arise with warm chamomile water.
  • Under no circumstances take out piercing.

If the piercing ignites, you will find out here what to do:.

How expensive is a conch piercing?

The costs for a conch piercing usually vary from studio to studio and from region to region. As a rule, the ear piercing should not cost more than 30 to 80 euros.

The price usually includes not only stinging itself, but also the first jewelry and care products. In the piercing studio of your choice, inquire how the costs are composed.

Conch piercing: There is this jewelry

You have to wear the medicine plug that is used when piercs until the wound is completely healed. Incidentally, the most suitable is a micro bar. It is less flexible than a classic Ball Closure Ring and stimulates the ear so much less.

If your piercing is completely healed, you can have the earrings switched to the piercer. Shaking rings with glitter stones are particularly popular with the outer conflict, but of course small plugs are also possible.

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Earcuffs: The fake alternative for conch piercing

There are now so-called earcuffs or fake conch piercings for everyone who does not want to get real conch piercing. The fake jewelry looks like a real ear piercing, but is only clamped onto the auricle.

Incidentally, the fake variant is also perfect to see if you would like a real conch at all.

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Sources & further information on the health risks of piercing:
